How to create a zip file in NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 如何在现有SuiteScript中创建和下载ZIP压缩文档
We all knows that: NetSuite filecabinet provided a feature to download a folder to a zip file.
Sample URL in the link:{folderid}&_xt=&_xd=T&e=T
Used property login access to NetSuite account, by access this url address, browser will working on downloading a zip file.
Currently I don't think we can create a zip file through SuiteScript APIs(even the available to save a zip file);
Base on this behavior, we can do below in the server-side script:
- Create a folder.
- Create files in this/above folder.
- Call NetSuite URL to get the zip file.
By doing this we got a chance to create and download zip files in SuiteScript.
Note: Step #3, Can do this action in Client Side with existing credential, or Server-Side provide credential.
How to create a zip file in NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 如何在现有SuiteScript中创建和下载ZIP压缩文档的更多相关文章
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