identity 自增长

primary key 主键

unique 唯一键

not null 非空

references 外键(引用)

drop table Student

alter table RenYuan add CC int
alter table RenYuan drop column CC

drop database CeShi


insert添加数据 read 读取数据 update 修改数据 delete 删除数据

insert into Nation values('n002','回族')
insert into Nation values('n003','')

insert into Nation(code,name) values('n004','维吾尔族')
insert into Friends values('p001','p007')

delete from Nation 删除所有
delete from Friends where ids = 5

update Friends set fcode='p016' 修改所有
update Friends set fcode='p006',mcode='p002' where ids=4



select * from Info --查所有数据
select Code,Name from Info --查指定列的数据
select Code as '代号',Name as '姓名' from Info --给列指定别名


select * from Info where Code='p001'
select * from Info where Sex='true' and Nation='n001' --多条件并的关系
select * from Info where Sex='true' or Nation='n001' --多条件或的关系


select * from Car where Price>40 and Price<50
select * from Car where Price between 40 and 50


select * from Car where Code in ('c001','c005','c010','c015')
select * from Car where Code not in ('c001','c005','c010','c015')


select * from Car where Name like '%宝马%' --查包含宝马的
select * from Car where Name like '宝马%' --查以宝马开头的
select * from Car where Name like '%宝马' --查以宝马结尾的
select * from Car where Name like '宝马' --查等于宝马的

select * from Car where Name like '__E%' --查第三个字符是E的

% 代表是任意多个字符

_ 代表是一个字符


select * from Car order by Price asc --以价格升序排列
select * from Car order by Price desc --以价格降序排列
select * from Car order by Oil desc,Price asc --以两个字段排序,前面的是主条件后面的是次要条件


select top 5 * from Car
select top 5 * from Car where Code not in (select top 5 Code from Car)

当前页:page = 2; 每页显示:row = 10;

select top row * from Car where Code not in (select top (page-1)*row Code from Car)


select distinct Brand from Car


select Brand from Car group by Brand having count(*)>2


select count(*) from Car --查询所有数据条数
select count(Code) from Car --查询所有数据条数

select sum(Price) from Car --求和
select avg(Price) from Car --求平均
select max(Price) from Car --求最大值
select min(Price) from Car --求最小值

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