一 准备
二 GenericOptionsParser功能描述
1 out.println("Generic options supported are");
2 out.println("-conf <configuration file> specify an application configuration file");
3 out.println("-D <property=value> use value for given property");
4 out.println("-fs <local|namenode:port> specify a namenode");
5 out.println("-jt <local|jobtracker:port> specify a job tracker");
6 out.println("-files <comma separated list of files> " +
7 "specify comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster");
8 out.println("-libjars <comma separated list of jars> " +
9 "specify comma separated jar files to include in the classpath.");
10 out.println("-archives <comma separated list of archives> " +
11 "specify comma separated archives to be unarchived" +
12 " on the compute machines.\n");
13 out.println("The general command line syntax is");
14 out.println("bin/hadoop command [genericOptions] [commandOptions]\n");
1 * $ bin/hadoop dfs -fs darwin:8020 -ls /data
2 * list /data directory in dfs with namenode darwin:8020
3 *
4 * $ bin/hadoop dfs -D fs.default.name=darwin:8020 -ls /data
5 * list /data directory in dfs with namenode darwin:8020
6 *
7 * $ bin/hadoop dfs -conf hadoop-site.xml -ls /data
8 * list /data directory in dfs with conf specified in hadoop-site.xml
9 *
10 * $ bin/hadoop job -D mapred.job.tracker=darwin:50020 -submit job.xml
11 * submit a job to job tracker darwin:50020
12 *
13 * $ bin/hadoop job -jt darwin:50020 -submit job.xml
14 * submit a job to job tracker darwin:50020
15 *
16 * $ bin/hadoop job -jt local -submit job.xml
17 * submit a job to local runner
18 *
19 * $ bin/hadoop jar -libjars testlib.jar
20 * -archives test.tgz -files file.txt inputjar args
21 * job submission with libjars, files and archives
四 GenericOptionsParser主要方法、属性分析
GenericOptionsParser这个类是从构造函数开始的,它有多个构造函数,真正的处理是在parseGeneralOptions(options, conf, args)这个函数中。
1 /**
2 * 构造GenericOptionsParser来解析给定的选项以及基本的hadoop选项
3 * 命令行对象可以通过getCommandLine()函数获得
4 * @param conf the configuration to modify
5 * @param options options built by the caller
6 * @param args User-specified arguments
7 * @throws IOException
8 */
9 public GenericOptionsParser(Configuration conf,
10 Options options, String[] args) throws IOException {
11 parseGeneralOptions(options, conf, args);
12 this.conf = conf;
13 }
parseGeneralOptions(options, conf, args)这个函数解析用户指定的参数,获取基本选项以及根据需要修改配置。它首先指定每个通用选项的属性,然后解析选项,参数,把它转化为命令行对象(CommandLine),紧接着把设定好的命令行参数写入系统配置,源代码如下:
1 /**
2 * 解析用户指定的参数,获取基本选项以及根据需要修改配置
3 * Parse the user-specified options, get the generic options, and modify
4 * configuration accordingly
5 * @param conf Configuration to be modified
6 * @param args User-specified arguments
7 * @return Command-specific arguments
8 */
9 private String[] parseGeneralOptions(Options opts, Configuration conf,
10 String[] args) throws IOException {
11 // 指定每个通用选项的属性
12 opts = buildGeneralOptions(opts);
13 CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
14 try {
15 // 解析选项,参数,获取命令行
16 commandLine = parser.parse(opts, args, true);
17 // 根据用户指定的参数(commandLine)修改系统的配置
18 processGeneralOptions(conf, commandLine);
19 return commandLine.getArgs();
20 } catch(ParseException e) {
21 LOG.warn("options parsing failed: "+e.getMessage());
23 HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
24 formatter.printHelp("general options are: ", opts);
25 }
26 return args;
27 }
1 /**
2 * 根据用户指定的参数修改配置
3 * Modify configuration according user-specified generic options
4 * @param conf Configuration to be modified
5 * @param line User-specified generic options
6 */
7 private void processGeneralOptions(Configuration conf,
8 CommandLine line) throws IOException {
9 if (line.hasOption("fs")) {
10 // 设置NAMENODE的ip
11 FileSystem.setDefaultUri(conf, line.getOptionValue("fs"));
12 }
14 if (line.hasOption("jt")) {
15 conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", line.getOptionValue("jt"));
16 }
17 if (line.hasOption("conf")) {
18 String[] values = line.getOptionValues("conf");
19 for(String value : values) {
20 // 新增配置文件,除非是final属性,不然新配置文件会覆盖旧的配置文件
21 conf.addResource(new Path(value));
22 }
23 }
24 if (line.hasOption("libjars")) {
25 conf.set("tmpjars",
26 validateFiles(line.getOptionValue("libjars"), conf));
27 //setting libjars in client classpath
28 URL[] libjars = getLibJars(conf);
29 if(libjars!=null && libjars.length>0) {
30 conf.setClassLoader(new URLClassLoader(libjars, conf.getClassLoader()));
31 Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
32 new URLClassLoader(libjars,
33 Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()));
34 }
35 }
36 if (line.hasOption("files")) {
37 conf.set("tmpfiles",
38 validateFiles(line.getOptionValue("files"), conf));
39 }
40 if (line.hasOption("archives")) {
41 conf.set("tmparchives",
42 validateFiles(line.getOptionValue("archives"), conf));
43 }
44 if (line.hasOption('D')) {
45 String[] property = line.getOptionValues('D');
46 for(String prop : property) {
47 String[] keyval = prop.split("=", 2);
48 if (keyval.length == 2) {
49 conf.set(keyval[0], keyval[1]);
50 }
51 }
52 }
53 conf.setBoolean("mapred.used.genericoptionsparser", true);
55 // tokensFile
56 if(line.hasOption("tokenCacheFile")) {
57 String fileName = line.getOptionValue("tokenCacheFile");
58 // check if the local file exists
59 try
60 {
61 FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
62 Path p = new Path(fileName);
63 if (!localFs.exists(p)) {
64 throw new FileNotFoundException("File "+fileName+" does not exist.");
65 }
67 LOG.debug("setting conf tokensFile: " + fileName);
68 conf.set("mapreduce.job.credentials.json",
69 localFs.makeQualified(p).toString());
70 } catch (IOException e) {
71 throw new RuntimeException(e);
72 }
73 }
74 }
五 GenericOptionsParser相关类、接口简述
六 结语
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