

安装你自己的perl modules。当没有root权限的时候,需要安装perl modules到自己的home目录下。


Installing Perl5 Modules Locally

Normally, the Perl5 module installation procedure includes commands something like these:

% perl5 Makefile.PL
% make
% make test
% make install
% make clean

The first command, perl5 Makefile.PL, directs perl5 to create a makefile for the new module you are installing. When installing a perl5 module locally you must designate the home directory of your perl5 installation on the command line. That information is used by perl5 to create the makefile. Substitute the following command for perl5 Makefile.PL:

% perl5 Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local

The value USERNAME above should be replaced with your Virtual Private Server primary user account name. So the complete installation process is:

% perl5 Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local
% make
% make test
% make install
% make clean

For older modules it may be necessary to designate several other variables on the command line during the module installation:

% perl5 Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local \
INSTALLPRIVLIB=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/lib/perl5 \
INSTALLSCRIPT=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/bin \
INSTALLSITELIB=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl \
INSTALLBIN=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/bin \
INSTALLMAN1DIR=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/lib/perl5/man \

To save yourself some typing you can create a file and put these variable assignments above in to a file (FILENAME) something like this:

PREFIX=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local \
INSTALLPRIVLIB=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/lib/perl5 \
INSTALLSCRIPT=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/bin \
INSTALLSITELIB=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl \
INSTALLBIN=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/bin \
INSTALLMAN1DIR=/usr/home/USERNAME/usr/local/lib/perl5/man \

Then, each time you install a perl5 module you can use the following syntax:

% perl5 Makefile.PL `cat FILENAME`
% make
% make test
% make install
% make clean

You also can have a few different local module installation procedures, for example one for production perl and another for development:

% perl5 Makefile.PL `cat FILENAME.production`


% perl5 Makefile.PL `cat FILENAME.development`

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