- 创建 ACL
DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL(acl => 'email_server_permissions.xml',
description => 'Enables network permissions for the e-mail server',
principal => 'LJZ',
is_grant => TRUE,
privilege => 'connect');
-- 与邮件服务关联
DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL(acl => 'email_server_permissions.xml',
host => '',
lower_port => 25,
upper_port => NULL);
-- 这样 email_user 用户帐户创建的存储过程便可以向此邮件服务器发送邮件
DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.drop_acl(acl => 'email_server_permissions.xml');
SELECT host, lower_port, upper_port, acl FROM dba_network_acls;
TO_CHAR(start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS start_date,
TO_CHAR(end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS end_date
FROM dba_network_acl_privileges;
- create or replace procedure p_send_mail(p_from in varchar2,
- p_to in varchar2,
- p_subject in varchar2,
- p_text in clob default null,
- p_html in clob default null,
- p_attachment_path varchar2,
- p_smtp_hostname in varchar2,
- p_smtp_portnum in varchar2 default 25,
- p_need_valid varchar2 default 'Y',
- p_user_name varchar2,
- p_user_pwd varchar2) is
- /*
- 作用:用oracle发送邮件
- 主要功能:1、支持多收件人。
- 2、支持中文
- 3、支持抄送人
- 4、支持大于32K的附件
- 5、支持多行正文
- 6、支持多附件
- 7、支持HTML邮件
- 作者:HH
- 参数说明:
- p_from 发件人
- p_to 收件人,多收件人用逗号或分号分隔
- p_subject 主题
- p_text 文本内容
- p_html HTML内容
- p_attachment_path 附件地址(绝对路径),多附件用逗号或分号分隔
- p_smtp_hostname 邮件服务器地址 例
- p_smtp_portnum 端口号,默认25
- p_need_valid 是否需要用户名密码验证,默认需要('Y')
- p_user_name 用户名
- p_user_pwd 密码
- */
- l_crlf varchar2(2) := utl_tcp.crlf;
- l_write_encode varchar2(20) := 'zhs16gbk';
- l_attachment_encode varchar2(10) := 'base64';
- l_attachment_mime_type varchar2(50) := 'application/octet-stream';
- l_attachment_disposition varchar2(10) := 'attachment';
- l_boundary_mail varchar2(255) default '#---hh***hh-mail---#';
- l_boundary_content varchar2(255) default '#---hh***hh-content---#';
- l_first_boundary constant varchar2(256) := '--' || l_boundary_mail ||
- l_crlf;
- l_last_boundary constant varchar2(256) := '--' || l_boundary_mail || '--' ||
- l_crlf;
- l_connection utl_smtp.connection;
- l_body_html clob := empty_clob; --HTML邮件内容
- l_offset number;
- l_ammount number;
- l_temp varchar2(32767) default null;
- l_file_handle utl_file.file_type;
- l_line varchar2(1000);
- l_mesg varchar2(32767);
- l_filepos pls_integer := 1;
- l_fil bfile;
- l_file_len number;
- l_modulo number;
- l_pieces number;
- l_amt number := 8580;
- l_chunks number;
- l_buf raw(32767);
- l_data raw(32767);
- l_max_line_width number := 54;
- l_directory_base_name varchar2(100) := 'DIR_FOR_SEND_MAIL';
- l_receivers varchar2(32767);
- l_count number;
- type address_list is table of varchar2(100) index by binary_integer;
- my_address_list address_list;
- type acct_list is table of varchar2(100) index by binary_integer;
- my_acct_list acct_list;
- --分割邮件地址或者附件地址
- procedure sub_splite_str(p_str varchar2, p_splite_flag int default 1) is
- l_addr varchar2(254) := '';
- l_len int;
- l_str varchar2(4000);
- j int := 0; --表示邮件地址或者附件的个数
- begin
- /*处理接收邮件地址列表,包括去空格、将;转换为,等*/
- l_str := trim(rtrim(replace(replace(p_str, ';', ','), ' ', ''), ','));
- l_len := length(l_str);
- for i in 1 .. l_len loop
- if substr(l_str, i, 1) <> ',' then
- l_addr := l_addr || substr(l_str, i, 1);
- else
- j := j + 1;
- if p_splite_flag = 1 then
- --表示处理邮件地址
- --前后需要加上'<>',否则很多邮箱将不能发送邮件
- l_addr := '<' || l_addr || '>';
- --调用邮件发送过程
- my_address_list(j) := l_addr;
- elsif p_splite_flag = 2 then
- --表示处理附件名称
- my_acct_list(j) := l_addr;
- end if;
- l_addr := '';
- end if;
- if i = l_len then
- j := j + 1;
- if p_splite_flag = 1 then
- --调用邮件发送过程
- l_addr := '<' || l_addr || '>';
- my_address_list(j) := l_addr;
- elsif p_splite_flag = 2 then
- my_acct_list(j) := l_addr;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- --删除directory
- procedure sub_drop_directory(p_directory_name varchar2) is
- begin
- select count(1)
- into l_count
- from dba_directories
- where directory_name = upper(p_directory_name);
- if l_count > 0 then
- execute immediate 'drop directory ' || p_directory_name;
- end if;
- exception
- when others then
- --null;
- raise;
- end;
- --创建directory
- procedure sub_create_directory(p_directory_name varchar2, p_dir varchar2) is
- begin
- execute immediate 'create directory ' || p_directory_name || ' as ''' ||
- p_dir || '''';
- execute immediate 'grant read,write on directory ' || p_directory_name ||
- ' to public';
- exception
- when others then
- raise;
- end;
- --返回附件源文件所在目录或者名称
- function sub_get_file(p_file varchar2, p_get int) return varchar2 is
- --p_get=1 表示返回目录
- --p_get=2 表示返回文件名
- l_file varchar2(1000);
- begin
- if instr(p_file, '\') > 0 then
- if p_get = 1 then
- l_file := substr(p_file, 1, instr(p_file, '\', -1) - 1) || '\';
- elsif p_get = 2 then
- l_file := substr(p_file,
- - (length(p_file) - instr(p_file, '\', -1)));
- end if;
- elsif instr(p_file, '/') > 0 then
- if p_get = 1 then
- l_file := substr(p_file, 1, instr(p_file, '/', -1) - 1);
- elsif p_get = 2 then
- l_file := substr(p_file,
- - (length(p_file) - instr(p_file, '/', -1)));
- end if;
- end if;
- return l_file;
- end;
- --发送附件
- procedure sub_attachment(conn in out nocopy utl_smtp.connection,
- filename in varchar2,
- dt_name in varchar2) is
- l_filename varchar2(1000);
- l_amount number;
- begin
- sub_drop_directory(dt_name);
- --创建directory
- sub_create_directory(dt_name, sub_get_file(filename, 1));
- --得到附件文件名称
- l_filename := sub_get_file(filename, 2);
- l_temp := l_temp || l_crlf || '--' || l_boundary_mail || l_crlf;
- l_temp := l_temp || 'Content-Type: ' || l_attachment_mime_type || ';
- name="' || l_filename || '"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' || l_attachment_encode || '
- Content-Disposition: ' || l_attachment_disposition || ';
- filename="' || l_filename || '"' || l_crlf || l_crlf;
- utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_connection,
- utl_raw.cast_to_raw(convert(l_temp,
- l_write_encode)));
- --begin
- --begin
- --把附件分成多份,这样可以发送超过32k的附件
- l_filepos := 1; --重置offset,在发送多个附件时,必须重置
- l_fil := bfilename(dt_name, l_filename);
- l_file_len := dbms_lob.getlength(l_fil);
- l_modulo := mod(l_file_len, l_amt);
- l_pieces := trunc(l_file_len / l_amt);
- if (l_modulo <> 0) then
- l_pieces := l_pieces + 1;
- end if;
- dbms_lob.fileopen(l_fil, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
- l_data := null;
- l_amount := l_amt;
- for i in 1 .. l_pieces loop
-, l_amount, l_filepos, l_buf);
- l_filepos := i * l_amount + 1;
- l_file_len := l_file_len - l_amount;
- utl_smtp.write_raw_data(conn, utl_encode.base64_encode(l_buf));
- if i = l_pieces then
- l_amount := l_file_len;
- end if;
- end loop;
- dbms_lob.fileclose(l_fil);
- /*exception
- when others then
- dbms_lob.fileclose(l_fil);
- sub_end_boundary(conn);
- raise;
- end; --结束处理二进制附件*/
- sub_drop_directory(dt_name);
- end; --结束过程attachment
- procedure sub_send_mail is
- l_from varchar2(1000) := '<' || p_from || '>';
- begin
- l_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(p_smtp_hostname,
- p_smtp_portnum);
- utl_smtp.helo(l_connection, p_smtp_hostname);
- /* smtp服务器登录校验 */
- if p_need_valid = 'Y' then
- utl_smtp.command(l_connection, 'AUTH LOGIN', '');
- utl_smtp.command(l_connection,
- utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_user_name))));
- utl_smtp.command(l_connection,
- utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_user_pwd))));
- end if;
- utl_smtp.mail(l_connection, l_from);
- sub_splite_str(p_to); --处理邮件地址
- for k in 1 .. my_address_list.count loop
- l_receivers := l_receivers || my_address_list(k) || ';';
- utl_smtp.rcpt(l_connection, my_address_list(k));
- end loop;
- l_temp := l_temp || 'From: ' || l_from || l_crlf;
- l_temp := l_temp || 'To: ' || l_receivers || l_crlf;
- --l_temp := l_temp || 'Cc: ' || l_receivers || l_crlf;--抄送
- --l_temp := l_temp || 'Bcc: ' || l_receivers || l_crlf;--密送
- l_temp := l_temp || 'Subject: ' || p_subject || l_crlf;
- --l_temp := l_temp || 'X-Mailer: Foxmail 7, 1, 3, 48[cn]' || l_crlf;--发送客户端
- l_temp := l_temp || 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' ||
- l_boundary_mail || '"' || l_crlf;
- l_temp := l_temp || 'MIME-Version: 1.0' || l_crlf || l_crlf;
- l_temp := l_temp || '--' || l_boundary_mail || l_crlf;
- if nvl(p_attachment_path, ' ') <> ' ' then
- l_temp := l_temp || 'content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="' ||
- l_boundary_content || '"' || l_crlf || l_crlf || l_crlf;
- l_temp := l_temp || '--' || l_boundary_content || l_crlf;
- end if;
- --开始
- dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_body_html, false, 10);
- dbms_lob.write(l_body_html, length(l_temp), 1, l_temp);
- --文本内容
- l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
- l_temp := 'content-type: text/plain; charset="GB2312"; Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' ||
- l_crlf || l_crlf;
- dbms_lob.write(l_body_html, length(l_temp), l_offset, l_temp);
- if trim(p_text) is not null then
- dbms_lob.append(l_body_html, p_text);
- end if;
- --html内容
- if nvl(p_attachment_path, ' ') <> ' ' then
- l_temp := l_crlf || l_crlf || '--' || l_boundary_content ||'--' || l_crlf;
- else
- l_temp := l_crlf || l_crlf || '--' || l_boundary_mail ||'--' || l_crlf;
- end if;
- l_temp := l_temp ||
- 'content-type: text/html;charset="GB2312";Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable' ||
- l_crlf || l_crlf;
- l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
- dbms_lob.write(l_body_html, length(l_temp), l_offset, l_temp);
- dbms_lob.append(l_body_html, nvl(p_html, ' '));
- --content结束
- if nvl(p_attachment_path, ' ') <> ' ' then
- l_temp := l_crlf || l_crlf || '--' || l_boundary_content || '--' ||
- l_crlf || l_crlf;
- else
- l_temp := l_crlf || '--' || l_boundary_mail || '--' || l_crlf ||
- l_crlf;
- end if;
- l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
- dbms_lob.write(l_body_html, length(l_temp), l_offset, l_temp);
- --写入邮件
- l_offset := 1;
- l_ammount := 1900;
- utl_smtp.open_data(l_connection);
- while l_offset < dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) loop
- utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_connection,
- utl_raw.cast_to_raw(convert(dbms_lob.substr(l_body_html,
- l_ammount,
- l_offset),
- l_write_encode)));
- l_offset := l_offset + l_ammount;
- l_ammount := least(1900, dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) - l_ammount);
- end loop;
- commit;
- ----------------------------------------------------
- l_temp := null;
- --附件
- --如果文件名称不为空,则发送附件
- if (p_attachment_path is not null) then
- --根据逗号或者分号拆分附件地址
- sub_splite_str(p_attachment_path, 2);
- --循环发送附件(在同一个邮件中)
- for k in 1 .. my_acct_list.count loop
- sub_attachment(conn => l_connection,
- filename => my_acct_list(k),
- dt_name => l_directory_base_name || to_char(k));
- l_temp := l_crlf;
- end loop;
- end if;
- l_temp := l_crlf || l_crlf || '--' || l_boundary_mail || '--' || l_crlf ||
- l_crlf;
- utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_connection,
- utl_raw.cast_to_raw(convert(l_temp,
- l_write_encode)));
- commit;
- utl_smtp.close_data(l_connection);
- utl_smtp.quit(l_connection);
- --utl_smtp.close_connection(l_connection);
- dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_body_html);
- end;
- begin
- sub_send_mail();
- /*exception
- when others then
- null;*/
- end;
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