[非官方]ArcGIS10.2 for Desktop扩展工具包——XTools Pro
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301

Major part of XTools Pro tools can be used in ArcGIS Geoprocessing environment, i.e. they can be run from ArcToolbox or used in the models and scripts.
Feature Conversions toolset includes:
Overlay Operations toolset includes:
Table Operations toolset includes:
Data Management toolset includes:
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Data Management tools:
Create FeatureClass/Table
allows creating new feature classes and stand-alone tables in ArcMap without using ArcCatalog. Resulting feature classes can be stored as shapefiles or personal geodatabase feature classes (new personal geodatabase can be created by this tool if required). While creating new layers, any structure of attribute table can be designed, and any properties can be specified for attribute and shape fields.
Create File Geodatabase 
the tool is provided for creating new file geodatabases directly in ArcGIS ArcMap without using ArcCatalog.
Create Personal Geodatabase 
this tool is provided for creating new empty personal geodatabases directly in ArcGIS ArcMap without using ArcCatalog. The tool functionality is similar to ArcGIS ArcCatalog "Create new personal geodatabase" functionality.
Delete Dataset 
this tool is aimed to deleting of ArcGIS datasets directly in ArcGIS ArcMap without using ArcCatalog. The tool functionality is similar to ArcGIS ArcCatalog "Delete" functionality. Any of the datasets supported by ArcGIS can be deleted using "Delete Dataset" tool.
Change Datasources
allows fixing broken or changed links to data sources in the map documents.
Create Random Sampling Points
creates new randomly spread sampling points, various constraining conditions can be applied.
MultiRename Datasets
renames multiple datasets at once using various advanced and flexible renaming masks and options.
Feature Conversions:
Transfer/Convert Features 
provides an easy way to copy selected spatial features from one layer and paste them into another layer. This command cannot be used to build features that are more complex than the source features. This means that you cannot use this command to build Polylines from Points, Polygons from Polylines or Points, etc. Such operations are beyond the scope of this command.
Convert Multipart Shapes to Single Parts 
converts selected multipart shapes to single part shapes and stores them in a new shapefile. If no shapes are currently selected, all shapes in layer will be processed. Source shapes can be single part, multi-part or mixed in the layer. The output shapefile attribute table will contain the same fields as the input layer attribute table.
This tool requires that there is at least one feature layer in the Data Frame.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Convert Polygons to Polylines 
converts selected polygons to single part polylines and stores them in a new shapefile. If no polygons are currently selected, all polygons in the layer are processed. Source polygons can be single part, multi-part or mixed in the layer. The output polyline attribute table will contain the same fields as one of the input polygons.
Convert Features to Points 
provides ArcGIS users with capabilities to convert polygon and polyline features to points with customizable options.
Make Polygons from Polylines 
converts selected polyline features of a layer into single part polygon(s), and stores them a new shapefile. If no polylines are currently selected, all the polylines in the layer will be processed. The polylines do not need to be snapped together. Gaps between polylines will be bridged with a straight line. Source polylines can be single part, multi-part or mixed in the layer. Neither the order of the polylines in the Feature Table, nor the order in which the polylines are selected is important.
If polylines from more than one layer will be used to build the polygon, the user will need to assemble the necessary polylines in a separate layer before running this command. A common example of this situation is the necessity to build a polygon from lines borrowed from PLS, Roads, Streams ... layers. If there are gaps between the source polylines that should not be bridged with a straight line, the user should digitize in polylines to fill the gaps prior to running the command. This command differs from the ArcInfo Build command (polygon option) in that only one polygon can be built in a single operation.
Make Polygons from Points 
converts point features of a point layer to single part polygon(s) and stores them in a new shapefile or personal geodatabase feature class.
This command differs from the Arc/INFO Build command (polygon option) in that only one polygon can be built in a single operation. Also, no intersecting or cleaning is done, so the user must do the equivalent preparatory work (if necessary) prior to using the command in order to get the appropriate results.
Note: Multipoint layers are not supported in this tool!
Make Polylines from Points 
converts a point layer to polyline(s), and stores them in a new shapefile or personal geodatabase feature class.
This command differs from the Arc/INFO Build command (arc option) in that only one line can be built in a single operation. Also, no intersecting or cleaning is done, so the user must do the equivalent preparatory work (if necessary) in advance of using the command in order to get the desired results.
Convert Graphics to Shapes 
creates one shapefile for each user-selected shape type (graphics) in the ArcMap Data View. Rectangle, circle and polygon graphics are converted to polygon shapes. Line and polyline graphics are converted to polyline shapes. Point graphics are converted to point shapes.
Shapes to Centroids 
creates a new point shape file from the center points (centroids) of the shapes in the input shapefile. A centroid of a shape is the spatial location of its "center of mass". Attribute fields in the input layer are transferred to the output shapefile.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Split Polylines
provides ArcGIS users with capabilities to split polyline features into separate segments in various customizable ways.
Split Polygons
provides capabilities for advanced splitting of polygon features.
Smooth Polylines 
smoothes input polyline features using Bezier or B-splines.
Split Layer by Attributes
splits layers into separate datasets by one or more attributes.
Find Multipart Features
allows searching for multipart features and optionally selecting found multipart features, zooming to them or adding number of parts to the attribute table.
Layer Operations:
Create Intersection Points
creates intersection points (polyline and polygon layers supported).
Erase Features 
creates a new layer by overlaying two feature layers. The polygons of the erase layer define the erasing region. Input layer features that are within the erasing region are removed. The output layer contains only those input layer features that are outside the erasing region.
Input layer features can be polygons, polylines, multipoints or points; erase layer features must be polygons. The output layer features are of the same class as the input layer features. They are clipped to the outer boundary of the erase layer polygons. The attribute table for the output layer contains the same items as the input layer feature attribute table.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
creates a new layer by overlaying two feature layers.
The output layer contains all of the input layer features, and only those portions of the overlay layer features that overlap the input layer. The input layer features can be points, polylines, or polygons. The overlay layer features must be polygons. The output layer features resulting from the overlay are of the same class as the input layer features. The feature tables are also updated. The feature table for the output layer contains all the selected fields from the input and overlay layer feature tables. Selecting only the fields that you need in the output significantly speeds up processing.
Update Polygon Layer 
creates a new layer by overlaying two feature layers. The features of the overlay layer define the updating extent. UPDATE uses the updating extent in a "cut-and-paste" operation; the overlay layer features replace the area they overlap in the input layer. The result is stored in the output layer. Both the input and overlay layers must be polygons.
UPDATE is one of the three overlay operations available in XTools Pro. ERASE is similar to UPDATE, except that the input layer features which overlap the updating extent are erased instead of updated. ERASE can also be used with polyline and point features.
Table Operations:
Calculate Geometry 
calculates perimeter and area values (including hectares and acres units) for polygon layers and length for polyline layers.
After some calculation corresponding fields will be added to the attribute table of the selected layer and populated with values. If such fields already exist in the attribute table, their values can be recalculated and rewritten in the table.
The "Calculate" tool allows:
- choosing a polygon or polyline layer to be measured
- changing projection in which the output parameters values will be calculated
- specifying attributes that are to be calculated: length for polyline features; perimeter, area, acres, hectares for polygon features
naming the attributes to be calculated
Note: The functionality of this tool is only available if there is at least one polygon or polyline layer added in the TOC window.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Add X, Y, Z Coordinates 
adds X, Y, and Z coordinates to attribute tables of point, polyline and polygon layers.
At that there are options to add Z coordinate for 3D shapes only, specify required coordinate system for output coordinates, and convert angular coordinate units to DMS format.
For point layers this tool adds X or\and Y or\and Z coordinates for all features to the attribute table of this layer.
For polygon layers this tool adds X_Centroid or\and Y_ Centroid or\and Z_ Centroid coordinates for all features to the attribute table of this layer.
For polyline layers this tool adds X or\and Y or\and Z coordinates of the user-defined polyline point for all features to the attribute table of the layer. For polylines coordinates of the FROM, TO, or Center point can be added.Z (or Z_ Centroid) coordinate can be added for 3D shapes only if the corresponding option is selected.
Aggregate Features/Records
with this tool the user can aggregate features and records on the basis of specified Group By field(s). Various options for the output aggregation geometry type and aggregation function are provided. Results can be stored as a new shapefile, personal geodatabase feature class, stand-alone table or just viewed in ArcMap without saving.
Table Restructure
any kind of modifications can be performed for attribute tables with "Table Restructure" tool. That is, the user can add, move, or remove attribute fields and change their properties. For string fields capitalization can be modified. Results can be stored as a new shapefile, personal geodatabase feature class or stand-alone table (if no shape field is presented). The coordinate system can be modified as well. Besides, there are options for concatenating tables and building spatial indexes for shapefiles.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Export Table to MS Excel 
allows exporting an attribute table into MS Excel application.
This tool starts Excel, creates a "link" between ArcMap and Excel, and copies specified fields and selected rows from an ArcMap Table to an Excel spreadsheet.
In the current version it is possible to save string fields' format during the transferring to Excel. It means that if you have formatted numbers as string values, they will not be automatically converted to Excel number cells. Their formatting will be saved. Exporting to to .xlsx files is also supported.
MultiDelete Fields 
allows deleting multiple attribute fields at a time. This tool gives the user a list of fields to select from and then deletes the selected fields.
WARNING: this command acts directly on the active table, not on a copy. A delete confirmation routine is included, but once confirmed all deletion requests are final.
Table Statistics 
analyses a feature table and calculates statistics for each numeric field. The resulting information is written to a new table created by the tool.
For every field, the table contains the following information: field name, alias, type, width, decimals, whether or not it is editable and visible.
For numeric fields, the table contains the following statistics: sum, count, mean, min, max, range, variance, and standard deviation.
Export Table to Text 
this tool allows exporting attribute tables or standalone tables to CSV text files. At that, it is possible to export only selected fields and rows of the table. Exported fields in the resulting text file are delimited with comma.
Export Table to HTML
exports attribute tables to HTML format.
Find Duplicates
allows finding and indexing duplicated features/records in feature classes/tables.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Sort Features/Records 
allows sorting of features/records in feature classes/tables; sorted output is written to a new feature class/table.
Edit with MS Excel
allows editing tables in ArcGIS with Microsoft Excel.
Import Edits from MS Excel
imports edits made in Excel back to ArcMap, requires open edit session for the edited layer/table.
Surface Tools:
Create Grid from Contours
Convert Grid to Contour
these two surface tools allow to generate contour polylines from specified grids and vice versa without using ArcGIS 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst. Grid output format can be ESRI GRID, TIFF, or ERDAS IMAGINE.
Create Grid from Points
interpolates Grids from input points using spline algorithms.
Extract Raster Values
extracts raster (e.g. DEM GRIDs) values to points attributes.
Build Thiessen Polygons
creates Thiessen polygons from input points.
Extract Raster Zonal Statistics
extracts statistics from rasters at the selected polygon zones.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Go To tools:
Go to Google Maps
allows viewing current ArcGIS map location in Google Maps online.
Go to Google Earth
allows viewing current ArcGIS map location in Google Earth.
Go to Microsoft Bing Maps
allows viewing current ArcGIS map location in Microsoft Bing Maps online.
Go to ArcGIS Exlporer
allows viewing current ArcGIS map location in ArcGIS Explorer application.
Go to OpenStreetMap
allows viewing current ArcGIS map location in the OpenStreetMap online service.
Miscellaneous general usage tools:
Open Attribute Table button 
this button provides prompt and convenient access to the attribute table of a selected layer. Being placed on the XTools Pro toolbar, the button allows opening the attribute table with just one click, which is very habitual for all the ArcView GIS 3.x users.
Attribute Table Views
provide extended and enriched attribute table windows in ArcMap.
Smart Add Data
alternative dialog for adding data in ArcMap. In addition to the standard Add Data dialog it allows to filter datasets by datasets name, type, format, geometry type etc., allows to prescribe a number of tasks for the selected dataset and adds a virtual Recent Datasets folder.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Show Nodes 
this simple but effective tool will show you all the nodes and vertices in your layers with just one click. Nodes are represented as graphics and can be removed by refreshing data view or any operation that causes re-drawing in the data view.
Convex Hull 
with this tool the user can build convex or detailed hulls either for point, polyline, and polygon layers or for selected features in the layers. As an option hulls can be built for feature groups defined by specified attribute field. Besides buffers can be defined for resulting hulls.
Extract Map
this revolutionary tool provides ArcGIS users with capabilities to extract any area of the map. Extracted map preserves all the rendering and classification properties and can be stored either in personal geodatabase format or as shapefiles. Extraction boundaries can be defined in many different ways: by current extent, by selected polygon feature in a layer, or by user specified graphics. Tool options include creating shapefile spatial indexes and enabling/disabling clipping features in the process of extraction.
Create Fishnet
allows to create fishnet feature classes. Created fishnets can be stored as polygons or polylines.
Identify Pro
in addition to standard ArcMap Identify functionality XTools Pro Identify Pro tool allows to edit attributes and view field types and geometry properties of the identified features.
Feature Report
allows creating reports on the selected feature(s). Feature reports display feature geometry and include attribute and geometry information derived from the selected feature(s). Created reports can be modified, printed or exported to MS Word application for editing or distribution purposes. This is an additional alternate way for creating reports in ArcGIS.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Start Editing Selected Layer 
this button provides prompt and convenient way to start edit session for the selected layer. Having this button on the XTools Pro toolbar you are just one click away from starting editing your data.
Show Directions 
this tool is provided for displaying directions of polyline and polygon features. Directions are displayed with arrow graphic objects and are fixed in the map until switched off.
Export Data to KML
converts data from ArcGIS to KML/KMZ format for use with Google Earth, for example.
Find Associated Documents and Datasets
allows to search for map documents associated with the selected dataset or datasets used in the selected map document.
Auto Save MXD
auto saves backup copies of .mxd map documents.
Callout Identify
allows flexible identifying features and creating advanced feature callouts.
Import Data from KML
allows importing data from KML/KMZ files to ArcGIS.
Catalog Tab and Dockable Window in ArcMap
allow seamless work with spatial data in ArcMap without switching to ArcCatalog.
XTools Pro Navigator
allows to access applicable tools and manage list of your favorite tools and features.
Edit Metadata
allows editing metadata in ArcMap.
Batch Metadata Editing
edits metadata for a few selected datasets in a batch mode.
View Metadata
allows viewing metadata in ArcMap
Synchronize Metadata
allows synchronizing metadata with the actual data.
MXD Info
allows viewing information about MXD documents, save information in TXT or HTML format, and defragmenting MXD documents, if required.
Multiple Layouts Manager
allows creating and using multiple map layouts in ArcMap in one MXD document.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
Copy Properties
allows to effectively copy the selected layer properties from one layer to another layer, or to a few other layers. At that, for the Copy part there are three options provided for selection:
- Copy properties...
- this option provides a dialog allowing to select what properties you wish to copy - Copy symbology
- this option allows to fast copy symbology - Copy labels
- this option allows to fast copy labels
Paste Properties
pastes copied layer properties to the selected layer.
Definition Query Manager
allows for more efficient work with definition queries in ArcMap, supports multiple definition queries added to one layer, turns selections to definition queries.
Customize XTools Pro Components
allows to set or change default options and parameters for XTools Pro tools and commands.
XTools Pro Help
help system for XTools Pro tools and features. The Help file is installed with XTools Pro and does not require an Internet connection.
About XTools Pro
provides details about XTools Pro version and registration information.
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