1. What is the average queue length recommended by AWS to achieve a lower latency for the 200 PIOPS EBS volume?

  • A. 5
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 4

Answer: B

2. An organization is planning to host a web application in the AWS VPC. The organization does not want to host a database in the public cloud due to statutory requirements.
How can the organization setup in this scenario?

  • A. The organization should plan the app server on the public subnet and database in the organization's data center and connect them with the VPN gateway.
  • B. The organization should plan the app server on the public subnet and use RDS with the private subnet for a secure data operation.
  • C. The organization should use the public subnet for the app server and use RDS with a storage gateway to access as well as sync the data securely from the local data center.
  • D. The organization should plan the app server on the public subnet and database in a private subnet so it will

Answer: A

3. A user is planning to host a Highly Available system on the AWS VPC. Which of the below mentioned statements is helpful in this scenario?

  • A. Create VPC subnets in two separate availability zones and launch instances in different subnets.
  • B. Create VPC with only one public subnet and launch instances in different AZs using that subnet.
  • C. Create two VPCs in two separate zones and setup failover with ELB such that if one VPC fails it will divert traffic to another VPC.
  • D. Create VPC with only one private subnet and launch instances in different AZs using that subnet.

Answer: A

4.What is the network performance offered by the c4.8xlarge instance in Amazon EC2?

  • A. Very High but variable
  • B. 20 Gigabit
  • C. 5 Gigabit
  • D. 10 Gigabit

Answer: D

5.To get started using AWS Direct Connect, in which of the following steps do you configure Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP)?

  • A. Complete the Cross Connect
  • B. Configure Redundant Connections with AWS Direct Connect
  • C. Create a Virtual Interface
  • D. Download Router Configuration

Answer: C

6. Which of the following statements is correct about the number of security groups and rules applicable for an
EC2-Classic instance and an EC2-VPC network interface?

  • A. In EC2-Classic, you can associate an instance with up to 5 security groups and add up to 50 rules to a security group. In EC2-VPC, you can associate a network interface with up to 500 security groups and add up to 100 rules to a security group.
  • B. In EC2-Classic, you can associate an instance with up to 500 security groups and add up to 50 rules to a security group. In EC2-VPC, you can associate a network interface with up to 5 security groups and add up to 100 rules to a security group.
  • C. In EC2-Classic, you can associate an instance with up to 5 security groups and add up to 100 rules to a security group. In EC2-VPC, you can associate a network interface with up to 500 security groups and add up to 50 rules to a security group.
  • D. In EC2-Classic, you can associate an instance with up to 500 security groups and add up to 100 rules to a security group. In EC2-VPC, you can associate a network interface with up to 5 security groups and add up to 50 rules to a security group.

Answer: D

7.Identify a true statement about the statement ID (Sid) in IAM.

  • A. You cannot expose the Sid in the IAM API.
  • B. You cannot use a Sid value as a sub-ID for a policy document's ID for services provided by SQS and SNS.
  • C. You can expose the Sid in the IAM API.
  • D. You cannot assign a Sid value to each statement in a statement array.

Answer: A

8.Can a user configure a custom health check with Auto Scaling?

  • A. Yes, but the configured data will not be saved to Auto Scaling.
  • B. No, only an ELB health check can be configured with Auto Scaling.
  • C. Yes
  • D. No

Answer: C

9. You have just added a new instance to your Auto Scaling group, which receives ELB health checks. An ELB heath check says the new instance's state is out of Service.
What does Auto Scaling do in this particular scenario?

  • A. It replaces the instance with a healthy one
  • B. It stops the instance
  • C. It marks an instance as unhealthy
  • D. It terminates the instance

Answer: C

10. A sys admin is maintaining an application on AWS. The application is installed on EC2 and user has configured ELB and Auto Scaling. Considering future load increase, the user is planning to launch new servers proactively so that they get registered with ELB.
How can the user add these instances with Auto Scaling?

  • A. Decrease the minimum limit of the Auto Scaling group
  • B. Increase the maximum limit of the Auto Scaling group
  • C. Launch an instance manually and register it with ELB on the fly
  • D. Increase the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group
Answer: D
 11.Which of the following commands accepts binary data as parameters?

  • A. --user-data
  • B. –cipher text-key
  • C. --aws-customer-key
  • D. --describe-instances-user
Answer: A
12.Does Autoscaling automatically assign tags to resources?

  • A. No, not unless they are configured via API.
  • B. Yes, it does.
  • C. Yes, by default.
  • D. No, it does not.
Answer: B

13.A user has launched a dedicated EBS backed instance with EC2. You are curious where the EBS volume for this instance will be created.
Which statement is correct about the EBS volume's creation?

  • A. The EBS volume will not be created on the same tenant hardware assigned to the dedicated instance
  • B. AWS does not allow a dedicated EBS backed instance launch
  • C. The EBS volume will be created on the same tenant hardware assigned to the dedicated instance
  • D. The user can specify where the EBS will be created
Answer: A

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