

SDWebImage 加载图片的流程

  1. 入口 setImageWithURL:placeholderImage:options: 会先把 placeholderImage 显示,然后 SDWebImageManager 根据 URL 开始处理图片。
  2. 进入 SDWebImageManager-downloadWithURL:delegate:options:userInfo:,交给 SDImageCache 从缓存查找图片是否已经下载 queryDiskCacheForKey:delegate:userInfo:.
  3. 先从内存图片缓存查找是否有图片,如果内存中已经有图片缓存,SDImageCacheDelegate 回调 imageCache:didFindImage:forKey:userInfo: 到 SDWebImageManager。
  4. SDWebImageManagerDelegate 回调 webImageManager:didFinishWithImage: 到 UIImageView+WebCache 等前端展示图片。
  5. 如果内存缓存中没有,生成 NSInvocationOperation 添加到队列开始从硬盘查找图片是否已经缓存。
  6. 根据 URLKey 在硬盘缓存目录下尝试读取图片文件。这一步是在 NSOperation 进行的操作,所以回主线程进行结果回调 notifyDelegate:。
  7. 如果上一操作从硬盘读取到了图片,将图片添加到内存缓存中(如果空闲内存过小,会先清空内存缓存)。SDImageCacheDelegate 回调 imageCache:didFindImage:forKey:userInfo:。进而回调展示图片。
  8. 如果从硬盘缓存目录读取不到图片,说明所有缓存都不存在该图片,需要下载图片,回调 imageCache:didNotFindImageForKey:userInfo:。
  9. 共享或重新生成一个下载器 SDWebImageDownloader 开始下载图片。
  10. 图片下载由 NSURLConnection 来做,实现相关 delegate 来判断图片下载中、下载完成和下载失败。
  11. connection:didReceiveData: 中利用 ImageIO 做了按图片下载进度加载效果。
  12. connectionDidFinishLoading: 数据下载完成后交给 SDWebImageDecoder 做图片解码处理。
  13. 图片解码处理在一个 NSOperationQueue 完成,不会拖慢主线程 UI。如果有需要对下载的图片进行二次处理,最好也在这里完成,效率会好很多。
  14. 在主线程 notifyDelegateOnMainThreadWithInfo: 宣告解码完成,imageDecoder:didFinishDecodingImage:userInfo: 回调给 SDWebImageDownloader。
  15. imageDownloader:didFinishWithImage: 回调给 SDWebImageManager 告知图片下载完成。
  16. 通知所有的 downloadDelegates 下载完成,回调给需要的地方展示图片。
  17. 将图片保存到 SDImageCache 中,内存缓存和硬盘缓存同时保存。写文件到硬盘也在以单独 NSInvocationOperation 完成,避免拖慢主线程。
  18. SDImageCache 在初始化的时候会注册一些消息通知,在内存警告或退到后台的时候清理内存图片缓存,应用结束的时候清理过期图片。
  19. SDWI 也提供了 UIButton+WebCache 和 MKAnnotationView+WebCache,方便使用。
  20. SDWebImagePrefetcher 可以预先下载图片,方便后续使用



1、UIImageView (WebCache)类别,入口封装,实现读取图片完成后的回调
向下层读取Cache(调用SDImageCache),或者向网络读取对象(调用SDWebImageDownloader) 。













typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, SDWebImageOptions) {


* By default, when a URL fail to be downloaded, the URL is blacklisted so the library won't keep trying.

* This flag disable this blacklisting.


SDWebImageRetryFailed = 1 << 0,


* By default, image downloads are started during UI interactions, this flags disable this feature,

* leading to delayed download on UIScrollView deceleration for instance.


SDWebImageLowPriority = 1 << 1,


* This flag disables on-disk caching


SDWebImageCacheMemoryOnly = 1 << 2,


* This flag enables progressive download, the image is displayed progressively during download as a browser would do.

* By default, the image is only displayed once completely downloaded.


SDWebImageProgressiveDownload = 1 << 3,


* Even if the image is cached, respect the HTTP response cache control, and refresh the image from remote location if needed.

* The disk caching will be handled by NSURLCache instead of SDWebImage leading to slight performance degradation.

* This option helps deal with images changing behind the same request URL, e.g. Facebook graph api profile pics.

* If a cached image is refreshed, the completion block is called once with the cached image and again with the final image.


* Use this flag only if you can't make your URLs static with embedded cache busting parameter.


SDWebImageRefreshCached = 1 << 4,


* In iOS 4+, continue the download of the image if the app goes to background. This is achieved by asking the system for

* extra time in background to let the request finish. If the background task expires the operation will be cancelled.


SDWebImageContinueInBackground = 1 << 5,


* Handles cookies stored in NSHTTPCookieStore by setting

* NSMutableURLRequest.HTTPShouldHandleCookies = YES;


SDWebImageHandleCookies = 1 << 6,


* Enable to allow untrusted SSL certificates.

* Useful for testing purposes. Use with caution in production.


SDWebImageAllowInvalidSSLCertificates = 1 << 7,


* By default, image are loaded in the order they were queued. This flag move them to

* the front of the queue and is loaded immediately instead of waiting for the current queue to be loaded (which

* could take a while).


SDWebImageHighPriority = 1 << 8,


* By default, placeholder images are loaded while the image is loading. This flag will delay the loading

* of the placeholder image until after the image has finished loading.


SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder = 1 << 9,


* We usually don't call transformDownloadedImage delegate method on animated images,

* as most transformation code would mangle it.

* Use this flag to transform them anyway.


SDWebImageTransformAnimatedImage = 1 << 10,


* By default, image is added to the imageView after download. But in some cases, we want to

* have the hand before setting the image (apply a filter or add it with cross-fade animation for instance)

* Use this flag if you want to manually set the image in the completion when success


SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage = 1 << 11



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