Using JDBC CallableStatements to Execute Stored Procedures

Connector / J完全实现了 java.sql.CallableStatement接口。

Connector / J通过JDBC CallableStatement接口公开存储过程功能。

以下示例显示了一个存储过程,该存储过程返回inOutParam递增1 的值,并将使用的字符串inputParam作为 ResultSet

Connector / J:调用存储过程

 CREATE PROCEDURE demoSp(IN inputParam VARCHAR(255), \
INOUT inOutParam INT)
SET z = inOutParam + 1;
SET inOutParam = z; SELECT inputParam; SELECT CONCAT('zyxw', inputParam);

要使用demoSpConnector / J 的过程,请按照下列步骤操作:

1、使用准备可调用语句 Connection.prepareCall()


Connector / J:使用 Connection.prepareCall()

 import java.sql.CallableStatement;


// Prepare a call to the stored procedure 'demoSp'
// with two parameters
// Notice the use of JDBC-escape syntax ({call ...})
// CallableStatement cStmt = conn.prepareCall("{call demoSp(?, ?)}"); cStmt.setString(1, "abcdefg");


要检索输出参数(参数指定的值,OUT或 INOUT在创建存储过程),JDBC要求他们执行语句之前,使用各种指定 registerOutputParameter()的方法CallableStatement接口:

Connector / J:注册输出参数:

 import java.sql.Types;
// Connector/J supports both named and indexed
// output parameters. You can register output
// parameters using either method, as well
// as retrieve output parameters using either
// method, regardless of what method was
// used to register them.
// The following examples show how to use
// the various methods of registering
// output parameters (you should of course
// use only one registration per parameter).
// //
// Registers the second parameter as output, and
// uses the type 'INTEGER' for values returned from
// getObject()
// cStmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.INTEGER); //
// Registers the named parameter 'inOutParam', and
// uses the type 'INTEGER' for values returned from
// getObject()
// cStmt.registerOutParameter("inOutParam", Types.INTEGER);


输入和输入/输出参数设置为 PreparedStatement对象。但是, CallableStatement还支持按名称设置参数:

Connector / J:设置CallableStatement输入参数:


// Set a parameter by index
// cStmt.setString(1, "abcdefg"); //
// Alternatively, set a parameter using
// the parameter name
// cStmt.setString("inputParam", "abcdefg"); //
// Set the 'in/out' parameter using an index
// cStmt.setInt(2, 1); //
// Alternatively, set the 'in/out' parameter
// by name
// cStmt.setInt("inOutParam", 1); ...


虽然CallableStatement支持调用任何Statement执行方法(executeUpdate(), executeQuery()或 execute()),但最灵活的调用方法是execute(),因为如果存储过程返回结果集,则不需要提前知道:

Connector / J:检索结果和输出参数值


     boolean hadResults = cStmt.execute();

// Process all returned result sets
// while (hadResults) {
ResultSet rs = cStmt.getResultSet(); // process result set
... hadResults = cStmt.getMoreResults();
} //
// Retrieve output parameters
// Connector/J supports both index-based and
// name-based retrieval
// int outputValue = cStmt.getInt(2); // index-based outputValue = cStmt.getInt("inOutParam"); // name-based ...


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