北大poj- 1034
The dog task
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 10000K | |||
Total Submissions: 3272 | Accepted: 1313 | Special Judge |
Ralph walks on his own way but always meets his master at the
specified N points. The dog starts his journey simultaneously with Bob
at the point (X1, Y1) and finishes it also simultaneously with Bob at
the point (XN, YN).
Ralph can travel at a speed that is up to two times greater than his
master's speed. While Bob travels in a straight line from one point to
another the cheerful dog seeks trees, bushes, hummocks and all other
kinds of interesting places of the local landscape which are specified
by M pairs of integers (Xj',Yj'). However, after leaving his master at
the point (Xi, Yi) (where 1 <= i < N) the dog visits at most one
interesting place before meeting his master again at the point (Xi+1,
Your task is to find the dog's route, which meets the above
requirements and allows him to visit the maximal possible number of
interesting places. The answer should be presented as a polygonal line
that represents Ralph's route. The vertices of this route should be all
points (Xi, Yi) and the maximal number of interesting places (Xj',Yj').
The latter should be visited (i.e. listed in the route description) at
most once.
An example of Bob's route (solid line), a set of interesting places
(dots) and one of the best Ralph's routes (dotted line) are presented in
the following picture:
first line of the input contains two integers N and M, separated by a
space ( 2 <= N <= 100 ,0 <= M <=100 ). The second line
contains N pairs of integers X1, Y1, ..., XN, YN, separated by spaces,
that represent Bob's route. The third line contains M pairs of integers
X1',Y1',...,XM',YM', separated by spaces, that represent interesting
All points in the input file are different and their coordinates are integers not greater than 1000 by the absolute value.
first line of the output should contain the single integer K ? the
number of vertices of the best dog's route. The second line should
contain K pairs of coordinates X1'',Y1'' , ...,Xk'',Yk'', separated by
spaces, that represent this route. If there are several such routes,
then you may write any of them.
Sample Input
4 5
1 4 5 7 5 2 -2 4
-4 -2 3 9 1 2 -1 3 8 -3
Sample Output
1 4 3 9 5 7 5 2 1 2 -2 4
Source Code
Memory: 416K Time: 16MS
Language: GCC Result: Accepted #include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h> #define DOG_SPEED 2 #define MAX_POINT_NUM 101 #define TRUE (int)1
#define FALSE (int)0 typedef int BOOL; typedef struct
int x;
int y;
}Point; typedef struct
int num;
Point pos[MAX_POINT_NUM];
}Points; Points g_Bob;
Points g_interests;
BOOL g_isOccupied[MAX_POINT_NUM];
int g_selectNum;
int g_selectIdx[MAX_POINT_NUM];
int g_BobToInterest[MAX_POINT_NUM]; void Input()
int i; scanf("%d %d", &g_Bob.num, &g_interests.num); for(i = ; i < g_Bob.num; i++)
scanf("%d %d", &g_Bob.pos[i].x, &g_Bob.pos[i].y);
} for(i = ; i < g_interests.num; i++)
scanf("%d %d", &g_interests.pos[i].x, &g_interests.pos[i].y);
} g_selectNum = ;
memset(g_len, -, sizeof(g_len));
memset(g_selectIdx, -, sizeof(g_selectIdx));
memset(g_BobToInterest, -, sizeof(g_BobToInterest));
} void Output()
int bobIdx, interestIdx; printf("%d\n", g_Bob.num+g_selectNum); for(bobIdx = ; bobIdx < g_Bob.num; bobIdx++)
printf("%d %d ", g_Bob.pos[bobIdx].x, g_Bob.pos[bobIdx].y);
interestIdx = g_BobToInterest[bobIdx];
if(interestIdx != -) printf("%d %d ", g_interests.pos[interestIdx].x, g_interests.pos[interestIdx].y);
} static double CalcLen(Point* m, Point* n)
double x = m->x - n->x;
double y = m->y - n->y; return sqrt(x*x+y*y);
} int IsLenSatisfied(int bobIdx, int interestIdx)
double bobLen, dogLen1, dogLen2; if(g_len[bobIdx][interestIdx] == -)
bobLen = CalcLen(&g_Bob.pos[bobIdx], &g_Bob.pos[bobIdx+]);
dogLen1 = CalcLen(&g_Bob.pos[bobIdx], &g_interests.pos[interestIdx]);
dogLen2 = CalcLen(&g_Bob.pos[bobIdx+], &g_interests.pos[interestIdx]);
g_len[bobIdx][interestIdx] = ((bobLen*DOG_SPEED) >= (dogLen1+dogLen2)) ? : ;
return g_len[bobIdx][interestIdx];
} BOOL DogFinding(int bobIdx)
int interestIdx; for(interestIdx = ; interestIdx < g_interests.num; interestIdx++)
if(!g_isOccupied[interestIdx] && IsLenSatisfied(bobIdx, interestIdx))
g_isOccupied[interestIdx] = TRUE;
if(g_selectIdx[interestIdx] == - || DogFinding(g_selectIdx[interestIdx]))
g_selectIdx[interestIdx] = bobIdx;
g_BobToInterest[bobIdx] = interestIdx;
return TRUE;
} return FALSE;
} void Proc()
int bobIdx;
for(bobIdx = ; bobIdx < g_Bob.num-; bobIdx++)
memset(g_isOccupied, , sizeof(g_isOccupied));
if(DogFinding(bobIdx)) g_selectNum++;
} int main()
return ;
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