As a best practice, avoid use of level-shifting ICs with open-drain output.

This type of level-shifter requires a resistive pull-up to achieve output high voltage (VOH).

The slew rate of signal from level-shifting IC going to the memory device depends on the value of the pull-up resistor;

the higher the resistor value, the lower the slew rate and vice-versa.

Figure 2 shows the output waveform from this type of level-shifter.

Figure 2: Effect of Pull-up Resistor on Signal Rise Time for Level-Shifter IC with Open Drain Output


If the open-drain output level-shifting IC is already built into the system,

the problem of false clock/signal trigger can be mitigated by use of a smaller resistor value

at the expense of a slightly higher VOL signal from the level-shifting IC.

Identification of the optimal value requires experimentation with various pull-up resistor values.

Cypress recommends the use of level-shifting ICs that provide CMOS rail-to-rail output.

This produces a strongly driven VOH/ VOL signal from the level-shifting IC to and from the memory device.

We also recommend maintaining the signal rise and fall time equal to or better than 1 V/ns.

Figure 4 shows the output waveform for this type of level-shifter.

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