Here I post a way to solve maximum sub array problem:

The problem described like this: here is an array like [1,4,5,32,4,8,7,1,23,88], we should find a sub array such that the difference between tail and head of the sub array is maximum.

def getMaxSubarray(ls):
a,b = ls[],ls[]
ixl,ixr = ,
summ =
for i in range(,len(ls)):
if ls[i] > b:
b = ls[i]
ixr = i
#print 'b: ',b,'and bix: ',ixr
if ls[i] < a:
summ2 = b - a
if summ2>summ:
summ = summ2
fixl = ixl
fixr = ixr
a = ls[i]
b = ls[i]
ixl = i
ixr = i
#print 'a: ',a,' and ax: ',ixl,' and b: ',b,' and bx: ',ixr
if (b - a) > summ:
summ = b-a
fixl = ixl
fixr = ixr
return(fixl,fixr,summ) ls = [,,,8.5,10.5,10.2,6.7,10.1,9.4,10.6,11.2,,,,,6.8,,10.1,7.9,9.3,,9.7]

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