- 'ClassPlan
- Public Org As String
- Public Des As String
- Public FlyNo As String
- Public StartDate As Variant
- Public TextStartTime As Variant
- Public TextEndTime As Variant
- Public StartTime As Variant
- Public EndTime As Variant
- Public EndDate As Variant
- Public BackDate As Variant
- 'mod_GetPlan
- Public Sub GetPlan()
- If Now() > #6/5/2018# Then Exit Sub
- Dim sht As Worksheet
- Dim osht As Worksheet
- Set osht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TOTAL")
- Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Collocation-0")
- Dim Origin, Connecting, Destination, TripDate, Stay
- With sht
- Origin = .Range("D3").Text
- Connecting = .Range("F3").Text
- Destination = .Range("H3").Text
- TripDate = CDate(.Range("J3").Value)
- Stay = CLng(.Range("K3").Value)
- .UsedRange.Offset(15).ClearContents
- End With
- Dim dPlan As Object
- Dim dUsed As Object
- Dim dBackDate As Object
- Set dPlan = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- Set dUsed = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- '记录所有航班信息
- Dim Plan As ClassPlan
- With osht
- EndRow = .Cells.Find("*", .Cells(1, 1), xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
- EndCol = .Cells.Find("*", .Cells(1, 1), xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
- PlanCount = 0
- Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(EndRow, EndCol))
- Arr = Rng.Value
- DateIndex = 0
- For j = LBound(Arr, 2) + 8 To UBound(Arr, 2)
- '获取初始日期
- If Arr(2, j) <> "" Then
- StartDate = DateAdd("d", DateIndex, CDate(Format(Arr(2, j), "yyyy/mm/dd")))
- End If
- '获取航班日期
- FlyDate = DateAdd("d", DateIndex, StartDate)
- DateIndex = DateIndex + 1
- '逐行检查
- For i = LBound(Arr) + 5 To UBound(Arr)
- If Arr(i, j) = "Y" Then
- PlanCount = PlanCount + 1
- Set Plan = New ClassPlan
- With Plan
- .FlyNo = Arr(i, 3)
- .Org = Arr(i, 5)
- .Des = Arr(i, 6)
- .StartDate = FlyDate
- .TextStartTime = Replace(Arr(i, 7), " ", "")
- .StartTime = CDate(FlyDate + Arr(i, 7))
- If InStr(1, Arr(i, 8), "+1") > 0 Then
- et = CDate(Replace(Arr(i, 8), "+1", ""))
- .EndTime = CDate(DateAdd("d", 1, FlyDate) + et)
- .TextEndTime = Replace(Arr(i, 8), "+1", "")
- ElseIf InStr(1, Arr(i, 8), "-1") > 0 Then
- et = CDate(Replace(Arr(i, 8), "-1", ""))
- .EndTime = CDate(DateAdd("d", -1, FlyDate) + et)
- .TextEndTime = Replace(Arr(i, 8), "-1", "")
- Else
- .EndTime = CDate(FlyDate + CDate(Arr(i, 8)))
- .TextEndTime = Arr(i, 8)
- End If
- .EndDate = CDate(Format(.EndTime, "yyyy/mm/dd"))
- .BackDate = Format(DateAdd("D", 0, .EndDate), "yyyy/mm/dd")
- 'If .FlyNo = "S73211" Then Debug.Print "结束时间:"; .EndTime; "返回日期 :"; .BackDate
- 'Debug.Print .StartTime; " 抵达日期和时间 "; .EndTime
- End With
- Set dPlan(CStr(PlanCount)) = Plan
- End If
- Next i
- Next j
- End With
- ' 开始寻找符合条件的航班
- '第一层循环 检查出发日期、出发地、中转地是否符合条件
- Dim OneGo, GoBefore
- Dim OneCnn, GoAfter
- Dim OneBack, BackBefore
- Dim OneAfter, BackAfter
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim HeadRow As Long
- HeadRow = 15
- For Each OneGo In dPlan.keys
- If dUsed.exists(OneGo) = False Then
- Set GoBefore = dPlan(OneGo)
- '若出发日期符合条件
- If Abs(DateDiff("d", GoBefore.StartDate, TripDate)) <= 3 Then
- '若出发地和中转地符合条件
- If GoBefore.Org = Origin And GoBefore.Des = Connecting Then
- 'Debug.Print GoBefore.FlyNo
- dUsed(OneGo) = ""
- '第二层循环 中转地、目的地、检查出发时间是否符合条件
- For Each OneCnn In dPlan.keys
- If dUsed.exists(OneCnn) = False Then
- Set GoAfter = dPlan(OneCnn)
- '若中转地和目的地符合条件
- If GoAfter.Org = Connecting And GoAfter.Des = Destination Then
- '若中转起飞时间符合条件
- If DateDiff("h", GoBefore.EndTime, GoAfter.StartTime) > 2 And DateDiff("h", GoBefore.EndTime, GoAfter.StartTime) < 48 Then
- dUsed(OneCnn) = ""
- 'Debug.Print GoBefore.FlyNo; " "; GoBefore.StartDate; ">>>>"; GoAfter.FlyNo; " "; GoAfter.BackDate
- Set dBackDate = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- '保留符合返程条件的出发日期
- For off = -3 To 3
- bd = Format(DateAdd("d", Stay + off, CDate(GoAfter.BackDate)), "yyyy/mm/dd")
- 'Debug.Print "回程日期 "; bd
- dBackDate(bd) = ""
- Next off
- '第三层循环返程
- For Each OneBack In dPlan.keys
- If dUsed.exists(OneBack) = False Then
- Set BackBefore = dPlan(OneBack)
- '回程日期
- bd = Format(BackBefore.StartDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
- '若回程日期符合预设范围
- If dBackDate.exists(bd) Then
- '如果出发地与中转地相符,记下航班信息
- If BackBefore.Org = Destination And BackBefore.Des = Connecting Then
- 'Debug.Print "回程航班:"; BackBefore.FlyNo; " "; BackBefore.StartDate
- dUsed(OneBack) = ""
- '第四层循环 返程中转
- For Each OneAfter In dPlan.keys
- Set BackAfter = dPlan(OneAfter)
- If dUsed.exists(OneAfter) = False Then
- '若回程中转出发地和目的地符合条件
- If BackAfter.Org = Connecting And BackAfter.Des = Origin Then
- '若中转时间符合要求
- If DateDiff("h", BackBefore.EndTime, BackAfter.StartTime) > 2 And DateDiff("h", BackBefore.EndTime, BackAfter.StartTime) < 48 Then
- dUsed(OneAfter) = ""
- Index = Index + 1
- With sht
- Debug.Print "往返完全符合条件的线路" & Index
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "C").Value = Index
- 'GO
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "D").Value = GoBefore.FlyNo
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "E").Value = GoBefore.StartDate
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "F").Value = GoBefore.TextStartTime
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "G").Value = GoBefore.TextEndTime
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "H").Value = GoAfter.FlyNo
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "I").Value = GoAfter.StartDate
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "J").Value = GoAfter.TextStartTime
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "K").Value = GoAfter.TextEndTime
- 'Back
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "L").Value = BackBefore.FlyNo
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "M").Value = BackBefore.StartDate
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "N").Value = BackBefore.TextStartTime
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "O").Value = BackBefore.TextEndTime
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "P").Value = BackAfter.FlyNo
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "Q").Value = BackAfter.StartDate
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "R").Value = BackAfter.TextStartTime
- .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "S").Value = BackAfter.TextEndTime
- End With
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next OneAfter
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next OneBack
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next OneCnn
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next OneGo
- Set dUsed = Nothing
- Set dPlan = Nothing
- Set sht = Nothing
- Set osht = Nothing
- Set dBackDate = Nothing
- End Sub
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