1. 'ClassPlan
  3. Public Org As String
  4. Public Des As String
  5. Public FlyNo As String
  6. Public StartDate As Variant
  7. Public TextStartTime As Variant
  8. Public TextEndTime As Variant
  9. Public StartTime As Variant
  10. Public EndTime As Variant
  11. Public EndDate As Variant
  12. Public BackDate As Variant
  14. 'mod_GetPlan
  15. Public Sub GetPlan()
  16. If Now() > #6/5/2018# Then Exit Sub
  17. Dim sht As Worksheet
  18. Dim osht As Worksheet
  19. Set osht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TOTAL")
  20. Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Collocation-0")
  21. Dim Origin, Connecting, Destination, TripDate, Stay
  22. With sht
  23. Origin = .Range("D3").Text
  24. Connecting = .Range("F3").Text
  25. Destination = .Range("H3").Text
  26. TripDate = CDate(.Range("J3").Value)
  27. Stay = CLng(.Range("K3").Value)
  29. .UsedRange.Offset(15).ClearContents
  30. End With
  32. Dim dPlan As Object
  33. Dim dUsed As Object
  34. Dim dBackDate As Object
  36. Set dPlan = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  37. Set dUsed = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  39. '记录所有航班信息
  40. Dim Plan As ClassPlan
  41. With osht
  42. EndRow = .Cells.Find("*", .Cells(1, 1), xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
  43. EndCol = .Cells.Find("*", .Cells(1, 1), xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
  44. PlanCount = 0
  45. Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(EndRow, EndCol))
  46. Arr = Rng.Value
  47. DateIndex = 0
  48. For j = LBound(Arr, 2) + 8 To UBound(Arr, 2)
  49. '获取初始日期
  50. If Arr(2, j) <> "" Then
  51. StartDate = DateAdd("d", DateIndex, CDate(Format(Arr(2, j), "yyyy/mm/dd")))
  52. End If
  53. '获取航班日期
  54. FlyDate = DateAdd("d", DateIndex, StartDate)
  55. DateIndex = DateIndex + 1
  57. '逐行检查
  58. For i = LBound(Arr) + 5 To UBound(Arr)
  59. If Arr(i, j) = "Y" Then
  60. PlanCount = PlanCount + 1
  61. Set Plan = New ClassPlan
  62. With Plan
  63. .FlyNo = Arr(i, 3)
  64. .Org = Arr(i, 5)
  65. .Des = Arr(i, 6)
  66. .StartDate = FlyDate
  67. .TextStartTime = Replace(Arr(i, 7), " ", "")
  68. .StartTime = CDate(FlyDate + Arr(i, 7))
  69. If InStr(1, Arr(i, 8), "+1") > 0 Then
  70. et = CDate(Replace(Arr(i, 8), "+1", ""))
  71. .EndTime = CDate(DateAdd("d", 1, FlyDate) + et)
  72. .TextEndTime = Replace(Arr(i, 8), "+1", "")
  73. ElseIf InStr(1, Arr(i, 8), "-1") > 0 Then
  74. et = CDate(Replace(Arr(i, 8), "-1", ""))
  75. .EndTime = CDate(DateAdd("d", -1, FlyDate) + et)
  76. .TextEndTime = Replace(Arr(i, 8), "-1", "")
  77. Else
  78. .EndTime = CDate(FlyDate + CDate(Arr(i, 8)))
  79. .TextEndTime = Arr(i, 8)
  80. End If
  82. .EndDate = CDate(Format(.EndTime, "yyyy/mm/dd"))
  83. .BackDate = Format(DateAdd("D", 0, .EndDate), "yyyy/mm/dd")
  85. 'If .FlyNo = "S73211" Then Debug.Print "结束时间:"; .EndTime; "返回日期 :"; .BackDate
  86. 'Debug.Print .StartTime; " 抵达日期和时间 "; .EndTime
  87. End With
  88. Set dPlan(CStr(PlanCount)) = Plan
  89. End If
  90. Next i
  91. Next j
  92. End With
  94. ' 开始寻找符合条件的航班
  95. '第一层循环 检查出发日期、出发地、中转地是否符合条件
  96. Dim OneGo, GoBefore
  97. Dim OneCnn, GoAfter
  98. Dim OneBack, BackBefore
  99. Dim OneAfter, BackAfter
  100. Dim Index As Long
  101. Dim HeadRow As Long
  102. HeadRow = 15
  103. For Each OneGo In dPlan.keys
  104. If dUsed.exists(OneGo) = False Then
  105. Set GoBefore = dPlan(OneGo)
  106. '若出发日期符合条件
  107. If Abs(DateDiff("d", GoBefore.StartDate, TripDate)) <= 3 Then
  108. '若出发地和中转地符合条件
  109. If GoBefore.Org = Origin And GoBefore.Des = Connecting Then
  110. 'Debug.Print GoBefore.FlyNo
  111. dUsed(OneGo) = ""
  112. '第二层循环 中转地、目的地、检查出发时间是否符合条件
  113. For Each OneCnn In dPlan.keys
  114. If dUsed.exists(OneCnn) = False Then
  115. Set GoAfter = dPlan(OneCnn)
  116. '若中转地和目的地符合条件
  117. If GoAfter.Org = Connecting And GoAfter.Des = Destination Then
  118. '若中转起飞时间符合条件
  119. If DateDiff("h", GoBefore.EndTime, GoAfter.StartTime) > 2 And DateDiff("h", GoBefore.EndTime, GoAfter.StartTime) < 48 Then
  120. dUsed(OneCnn) = ""
  121. 'Debug.Print GoBefore.FlyNo; " "; GoBefore.StartDate; ">>>>"; GoAfter.FlyNo; " "; GoAfter.BackDate
  123. Set dBackDate = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  124. '保留符合返程条件的出发日期
  125. For off = -3 To 3
  126. bd = Format(DateAdd("d", Stay + off, CDate(GoAfter.BackDate)), "yyyy/mm/dd")
  127. 'Debug.Print "回程日期 "; bd
  128. dBackDate(bd) = ""
  129. Next off
  131. '第三层循环返程
  132. For Each OneBack In dPlan.keys
  133. If dUsed.exists(OneBack) = False Then
  134. Set BackBefore = dPlan(OneBack)
  135. '回程日期
  136. bd = Format(BackBefore.StartDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
  137. '若回程日期符合预设范围
  138. If dBackDate.exists(bd) Then
  139. '如果出发地与中转地相符,记下航班信息
  140. If BackBefore.Org = Destination And BackBefore.Des = Connecting Then
  141. 'Debug.Print "回程航班:"; BackBefore.FlyNo; " "; BackBefore.StartDate
  142. dUsed(OneBack) = ""
  143. '第四层循环 返程中转
  144. For Each OneAfter In dPlan.keys
  145. Set BackAfter = dPlan(OneAfter)
  146. If dUsed.exists(OneAfter) = False Then
  147. '若回程中转出发地和目的地符合条件
  148. If BackAfter.Org = Connecting And BackAfter.Des = Origin Then
  149. '若中转时间符合要求
  150. If DateDiff("h", BackBefore.EndTime, BackAfter.StartTime) > 2 And DateDiff("h", BackBefore.EndTime, BackAfter.StartTime) < 48 Then
  152. dUsed(OneAfter) = ""
  153. Index = Index + 1
  154. With sht
  155. Debug.Print "往返完全符合条件的线路" & Index
  156. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "C").Value = Index
  157. 'GO
  158. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "D").Value = GoBefore.FlyNo
  159. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "E").Value = GoBefore.StartDate
  160. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "F").Value = GoBefore.TextStartTime
  161. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "G").Value = GoBefore.TextEndTime
  163. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "H").Value = GoAfter.FlyNo
  164. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "I").Value = GoAfter.StartDate
  165. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "J").Value = GoAfter.TextStartTime
  166. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "K").Value = GoAfter.TextEndTime
  167. 'Back
  168. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "L").Value = BackBefore.FlyNo
  169. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "M").Value = BackBefore.StartDate
  170. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "N").Value = BackBefore.TextStartTime
  171. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "O").Value = BackBefore.TextEndTime
  173. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "P").Value = BackAfter.FlyNo
  174. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "Q").Value = BackAfter.StartDate
  175. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "R").Value = BackAfter.TextStartTime
  176. .Cells(Index + HeadRow, "S").Value = BackAfter.TextEndTime
  178. End With
  179. End If
  180. End If
  181. End If
  182. Next OneAfter
  183. End If
  184. End If
  185. End If
  187. Next OneBack
  189. End If
  190. End If
  191. End If
  192. Next OneCnn
  193. End If
  194. End If
  195. End If
  196. Next OneGo
  198. Set dUsed = Nothing
  199. Set dPlan = Nothing
  200. Set sht = Nothing
  201. Set osht = Nothing
  202. Set dBackDate = Nothing
  204. End Sub



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