
obtainmessage()是从消息池中拿来一个msg 不需要另开辟空间new

  1. //use Handler.obtainMessage(),instead of msg = new Message();
  2. //because if there is already an Message object,that not be used by
  3. //any one ,the system will hand use that object,so you don't have to
  4. //create and object and allocate memory.
  5. //it  is also another example of object recycling and reusing in android.
  6. Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage();
  7. msg.what = UPDATE_LISTVIEW;
  8. msg.obj = current + "/" + total + "songs";
  9. //this method is called from worker Thread,so we cannot update UI from here.
  10. msg.sendToTarget();
//use Handler.obtainMessage(),instead of msg = new Message();
//because if there is already an Message object,that not be used by
//any one ,the system will hand use that object,so you don't have to
//create and object and allocate memory.
//it is also another example of object recycling and reusing in android.
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage();
msg.obj = current + "/" + total + "songs";
//this method is called from worker Thread,so we cannot update UI from here.


  1. Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
  2. msg.arg1 = i;
  3. msg.sendToTarget();
  4. Message msg=new Message();
  5. msg.arg1=i;
  6. handler.sendMessage(msg);
Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
msg.arg1 = i;
msg.sendToTarget(); Message msg=new Message();

第一种写法是message 从handler 类获取,从而可以直接向该handler 对象发送消息,第二种写法是直接调用 handler 的发送消息方法发送消息。

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