import my_module as mm courses = ['History','Math','Physics','CompSci'] index = mm.find_index(courses, 'Math')
print (index)
""" """
from my_module import find_index courses = ['History','Math','Physics','CompSci'] index = find_index(courses, 'Math')
print (index)
""" """
from my_module import find_index as fi, test courses = ['History','Math','Physics','CompSci'] index = fi(courses, 'Math')
print (index)
""" """
from my_module import * courses = ['History','Math','Physics','CompSci'] index = find_index(courses, 'Math')
print (index)
""" '''
from my_module import find_index, test
import sys courses = ['History','Math','Physics','CompSci'] index = find_index(courses, 'Math') print(sys.path) # print out list of directories imported
''' '''
Imported my_module...
['/Users/Yao/python_learn', #this directory was added automatically
''' '''
import sys
sys.path.append('Users/...') # add director for importing modules


  1. Python 模块之间的引用

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  2. python基础——使用模块

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  7. Python进阶之模块与包

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  8. Python中的模块介绍和使用

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  4. permutations and combinations

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