the difference between an embOS interrupt and a zero latency interrupt is the interrupt priority level and the usage of OS_EnterInterrupt()/OS_LeaveInterrupt() or OS_EnterNestableInterrupt()/OS_LeaveNestableInterrupt().

Example of an embOS interrupt function:

void OS_COM_IsrHandler(void) {
int Dummy;
Dummy = US_RHR;
// Call embOS API functions here
} void Uart_Init(void) {
OS_ARM_ISRSetPrio(140); // Set prio > 128

Example of a zero latency interrupt function:

void OS_COM_IsrHandler(void) {
int Dummy;
Dummy = US_RHR;
// Never call embOS API functions here
} void Uart_Init(void) {
OS_ARM_ISRSetPrio(120); // Set prio < 128

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