As well as being a standalone debug probe, the LPC-Link2 can also be used as a simple LPC4370 evaluation board.

The following notes may assist in such usage.

Debug connection

Make sure that you have connected the JTAG/SWD cable from your debug probe to the target LPC-Link2's connector J2 (and not J7!).

Thus if you are using a two LPC-Link2s, one as the debug probe and one as the target - you need to connect J7 on the debug probe to J2 on the target.

Flash Memory

The LPC-Link2 has a 1 MB SPIFI flash (Winbond W25Q80BVSSIG) mounted on it (at address 0x14000000).

You can program this in LPCXpresso using the "LPC18_43_SPIFI_1MB_4KB.cfx" flash driver. Make sure that you have a jumper fitted to JP1 though.

The XML file in the attached can be used to set up the memory configuration of your project for this memory/flash driver.


If powering the target LPC-Link2 via USB, then we would normally suggest doing this from a powered USB hub that is not connected to your PC.

This will prevent any chance of the target LPC-Link2 being seen by the tools running on the PC as a usable debug probe.

If debugging the target LPC-Link2 using another LPC-Link2, then you can supply power from the debug LPC-Link2

if you fit jumper JP2 (though this is not generally recommended if you have additional hardware attached to the target LPC-Link2).

Simple example application

A simple blinky application for the LPC4370/LPC-Link2 can be found in the attached

Download and save the zipfile to your local disk, then use the LPCXpresso "Quickstart Panel -> Import project(s)" option to import it into your workspace.

In order to build this, you will also need to import the CMSIS_LPC43xx_DriverLib library project from the LPCXpresso examples into your workspace.

For details of importing, building and debugging projects - please see the LPCXpresso User Guide, provided within the product itself.

The LPC-Link2 is also a supported target board for our LPCOpen software platform. You can download example code from our LPCOpen pages.

For more information...

For more information on debugging and developing LPC43xx applications in LPCXpresso,

please see the FAQ "LPC18 / LPC43 support in LPCXpresso".

For more information on the LPC-Link2, please visit :

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