一个非常有意思的蜜罐T-Pot 16.10
In March 2016 we released T-Pot 16.03 and the positive feedback encouraged us to continue development and share all the improvements with the community and are proud to present to you …
T-Pot 16.10
T-Pot 16.10 now uses Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS and is based on
and includes dockerized versions of the following honeypots
Furthermore we use the following tools
- ELK stack to beautifully visualize all the events captured by T-Pot.
- Elasticsearch Head a web front end for browsing and interacting with an Elastic Search cluster.
- Netdata for real-time performance monitoring.
- Portainer a web based UI for docker.
- Suricata a Network Security Monitoring engine.
- Wetty a web based SSH client.
- Meet the system requirements. The T-Pot installation needs at least 4 GB RAM and 64 GB free disk space as well as a working internet connection.
- Download the T-Pot ISO from GitHub or create it yourself.
- Install the system in a VM or on physical hardware with internet access.
- Enjoy your favorite beverage - watch and analyze.
Table of Contents
- Changelog
- Technical Concept
- System Requirements
- Installation
- Options
- Roadmap
- Disclaimer
- Contact
- Licenses
- Credits
- Stay tuned
- Fun Fact
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is now being used as T-Pot’s OS base
- Size does matter
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