


3、官方建议为/usr/sys/inst.images 建立独立的文件系统

Follow these steps to install the update package:

    1. Always run the inutoc command to ensure the installation subsystem will recognize the new fix packages you download. This command creates a new .toc file for the fix package. Run the inutoc command in the same directory where you downloaded the package filesets. For example, if you downloaded the filesets to /usr/sys/inst.images, run the following command:

      inutoc /usr/sys/inst.images

      (Optional): Renaming the *.bff files is not necessary, but does help you see which filesets are affected by the downloaded files. To rename the downloaded files to their fileset name, run the bffcreate command. After renaming the files, run the inutoc command again. For example, if you downloaded the filesets to /usr/sys/inst.images, run the following command to rename them:

      bffcreate -c -d /usr/sys/inst.images
      inutoc /usr/sys/inst.images
    2. For all updates

      To install all updates from this package that apply to the installed filesets on your system, use the following command:

      smit update_all

      It is highly recommended that you apply all updates from this package.

    3. Reboot the system. A reboot is required for this update to take effect


You may wish to retain this package for future use. When you install additional operating system software you will want to use this package to bring the additional software up to this level.

You can create a list of the APARs closed in this package, which you can then view (and search) in an ASCII editor, such as vi or emacs. First, create the .toc file for the package by using the inutoc command described above. Then, run the following command to extract the APAR listings from the .tocfile:

grep ^I .toc > apar.list

Run the following command to eliminate duplicate entries from the apar.listfile:

sort -u apar.list -o sorted.apars

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