object Scala {

  def main( args : Array[ String ] ) : Unit =
val p = new Point( , );
println( p );
p.move( , );
println( p ); val p2 = new Point
println( p2 ) val p3 = new Point( y = )
println( p3 ) val point4 = new Point2
point4.x =
point4.x_=( );
point4.y = // prints the warning
println( point4 ) /**
* <pre>
* Primary constructor parameters with val and var are public.
* However, because vals are immutable,
* you can’t write the following.
* class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
* val point = new Point(1, 2)
* point.x = 3 // <-- does not compile
* </pre>
* <pre>
* 首要构造器上参数都是public.如果没有明确写出是var x:Int,默认是val
* val是不可变的,所以如上代码不能通过编译
* </pre>
} class Point( var y : Int = , var x : Int = ) {
def move( dy : Int, dx : Int ) : Unit =
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
} override def toString() : String =
} class Point2 {
private var _x = ;
private var _y = ;
private var bound = ; //define method x for access _x
def x = _x; /**
* <pre>
* def x_= and def y_= are for validating and setting
* the value of _x and _y.
* Notice the special syntax for the setters:
* the method has _= appended to the identifier of the
* getter and the parameters come after
* </pre>
* <pre>
* def x_=和def y_=为了检验设置的值.注意setters方法上特殊的语法.
* </pre>
def x_=( newValue : Int ) : Unit =
if ( newValue < bound )
_x = newValue
//define method y for access _y
def y = _y;
def y_=( newValue : Int ) : Unit =
if ( newValue < bound )
_x = newValue
private def printWarning = println( "WARNING: Out of bounds" ); override def toString() : String =


object Scala {

  def main( args : Array[ String ] ) : Unit =
{ val point4 = new Point
point4.xx =
point4.y = // prints the warning
println( point4 )
} class Point {
private var _x = ;
private var _y = ;
private var bound = ; //define method x for access _x
def xx = _x; /**
* <pre>
* def x_= and def y_= are for validating and setting
* the value of _x and _y.
* Notice the special syntax for the setters:
* the method has _= appended to the identifier of the
* getter and the parameters come after
* </pre>
* <pre>
* def x_=和def y_=为了检验设置的值.注意setters方法上特殊的语法.
* </pre>
def xx_=( newValue : Int ) : Unit =
if ( newValue < bound )
_x = newValue
//define method y for access _y
def y = _y;
def y_=( newValue : Int ) : Unit =
if ( newValue < bound )
_x = newValue
private def printWarning = println( "WARNING: Out of bounds" ); override def toString() : String =


object Scala {

  def main( args : Array[ String ] ) : Unit =
{ val point4 = new Point
point4.xx =
point4.y = // prints the warning
println( point4 ) val point5 = new Point( )
point5.y = // prints the warning
println( point5 ) }
} class Point {
private var _x = ;
private var ny = ;
private var bound = ; def this( xxx : Int ) {
xx = xxx;
} //define method x for access _x
def xx = _x; /**
* <pre>
* def x_= and def y_= are for validating and setting
* the value of _x and _y.
* Notice the special syntax for the setters:
* the method has _= appended to the identifier of the
* getter and the parameters come after
* </pre>
* <pre>
* def x_=和def y_=为了检验设置的值.注意setters方法上特殊的语法.
* </pre>
def xx_=( newValue : Int ) : Unit =
if ( newValue < bound )
_x = newValue
//define method y for access _y
def y = ny;
def y_=( newValue : Int ) : Unit =
if ( newValue < bound )
_x = newValue
private def printWarning = println( "WARNING: Out of bounds" ); override def toString() : String =


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