Unity3d 中 将远程 MySQL 数据库转换为本地 Sqlite
#!/bin/sh # Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite compatible file. It also extracts the MySQL `KEY xxxxx` from the
# CREATE block and create them in separate commands _after_ all the INSERTs. # Awk is choosen because it's fast and portable. You can use gawk, original awk or even the lightning fast mawk.
# The mysqldump file is traversed only once. # Usage: $ ./mysql2sqlite mysqldump-opts db-name | sqlite3 database.sqlite
# Example: $ ./mysql2sqlite --no-data -u root -pMySecretPassWord myDbase | sqlite3 database.sqlite # Thanks to and @artemyk and @gkuenning for their nice tweaks. mysqldump --compatible=ansi --skip-extended-insert --compact "$@" | \ awk ' BEGIN {
print "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;"
print "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY;"
} # CREATE TRIGGER statements have funny commenting. Remember we are in trigger.
/^\/\*.*CREATE.*TRIGGER/ {
inTrigger =
} # The end of CREATE TRIGGER has a stray comment terminator
/END \*\/;;/ { gsub( /\*\//, "" ); print; inTrigger = 0; next } # The rest of triggers just get passed through
inTrigger != { print; next } # Skip other comments
/^\/\*/ { next } # Print all `INSERT` lines. The single quotes are protected by another single quote.
gsub( /\\\/, "\047\047" )
gsub(/\\n/, "\n")
gsub(/\\r/, "\r")
gsub(/\\"/, "\"")
gsub(/\\\\/, "\\")
gsub(/\\\/, "\032")
} # Print the `CREATE` line as is and capture the table name.
if ( match( $, /\"[^\"]+/ ) ) tableName = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 )
} # Replace `FULLTEXT KEY` or any other `XXXXX KEY` except PRIMARY by `KEY`
/^ [^"]+KEY/ && !/^ PRIMARY KEY/ { gsub( /.+KEY/, " KEY" ) } # Get rid of field lengths in KEY lines
/ KEY/ { gsub(/\([-]+\)/, "") } # Print all fields definition lines except the `KEY` lines.
/^ / && !/^( KEY|\);)/ {
gsub( /AUTO_INCREMENT|auto_increment/, "" )
gsub( /(CHARACTER SET|character set) [^ ]+ /, "" )
gsub( /DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp/, "" )
gsub( /(COLLATE|collate) [^ ]+ /, "" )
gsub(/(ENUM|enum)[^)]+\)/, "text ")
gsub(/(SET|set)\([^)]+\)/, "text ")
gsub(/UNSIGNED|unsigned/, "")
if (prev) print prev ","
prev = $
} # `KEY` lines are extracted from the `CREATE` block and stored in array for later print
# in a separate `CREATE KEY` command. The index name is prefixed by the table name to
# avoid a sqlite error for duplicate index name.
/^( KEY|\);)/ {
if (prev) print prev
if ($ == ");"){
} else {
if ( match( $, /\"[^"]+/ ) ) indexName = substr( $, RSTART+, RLENGTH- )
if ( match( $, /\([^()]+/ ) ) indexKey = substr( $, RSTART+, RLENGTH- )
key[tableName]=key[tableName] "CREATE INDEX \"" tableName "_" indexName "\" ON \"" tableName "\" (" indexKey ");\n"
} # Print all `KEY` creation lines.
for (table in key) printf key[table]
rm -rf sqlite_db_name
sh mysql2sqlite.sh -umysql_user_name -pmysql_user_pwd -hmysql_host mysql_db_name | sqlite3 sqlite_db_name
sqlite_db_name (要转换成的sqlite数据库名称)
mysql_user_name (mysql用户名称)
mysql_user_pwd (mysql用户密码)
mysql_host (mysql服务器ip地址)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics; public class ChangeDB {
static string sqliteDBpath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/dbFile/";
static string sqliteDBname = "sqlite_db_name.db";
[MenuItem("Tools/Mysql to Sqlite")]
public static void mysqlToSqlite ()
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("delete old sqlite db file...");
//start to convert mysql to sql
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("start convert...");
ProcessStartInfo proc = new ProcessStartInfo();
proc.WorkingDirectory = sqliteDBpath;
proc.FileName = "sh";
proc.Arguments = "convertDB.sh";
proc.UseShellExecute = false;
proc.Verb = "";
4、点击Tools下的 Mysql to Sqlite 就可以转换了
5、注意在iOS下可以将sqlite数据库放在 Application.streamingAssetsPath 目录下直接访问
string sqlitedbPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/dbFile/dbname.db"; string filepath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/dbname.db"; IEnumerator LoadSqliteDBForAndroid (string url,string newPath){ using(WWW www = new WWW(url)){ yieldreturn www; if (www.error != null) Debug.LogError("WWW download:" + www.error); File.WriteAllBytes(newPath, www.bytes); LoadAllResource(); Debug.Log("android db download finished"); } }
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