People have long known that nuts are part of a healthy diet.
People, who you know well, can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share

their own experience.
I bought this computer with the software pre-loaded.
Our guest today is Mr. David Smith, who had the experience of studying abroad for seven years

and then returning home.

They are using simulation technologies to help government and private business control and

react to changing traffic conditions.

Controlling traffic is a complex and high cost problem in many developed countries.
The system is 100 percent solar powered and they believe they can actually break the records

that are existing right now.

In the United States, a company is working on a project that could change the way we think

about public transportation.

Smartphones are everywhere, so it is hard to believe the iconic iPhone from Apple was launched

just 10 years ago today.

He included in his dictionary all important sentences to show how each word was actually used

in speech and writing.

The author, Robert Cawdrey, made no attempt to include everyday words in his dictionary.
Well, it seems to me that everybody is talking about e-mails nowadays.

It also led to overfishing, unsafe and destructive fishing and other problems.

Critics say these programs put many fishermen out of business.

Many communities worldwide depend on the ocean for their livelihoods.
More than 25 percent of the world’s fisheries are overfished, according to the United Nations
Dentists say that the new method is most effective on early-stage cavities.
A British company says it has developed technology that will end the need for mechanical

cleaning of dental cavities.

Several modern critics consider her the greatest female poet in the English language.

For the remaining 30 years of her life, she was seldom seen outside her home.

There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory.

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