January 2018 Release of the "One Million Playlists" dataset

Early March 2018 RecSys Challenge starts.

  • Submission system will be available for offline evaluation.
  • Each team can submit at most 1 run per day.
  • A daily leaderboard will be available once the challenge starts. The submissions are evaluated based on 50% of a private test set.
End of June 2018 Final submission due
Early July 2018 Announcement of the final leaderboard.

  • The daily leaderboard is recalculated using the private test set.
  • The test set will be made publicly available.
Mid July 2018 Paper submission due

  • Note: paper submission is necessary for the winners.
Mid August 2018 Paper Acceptance Notifications

  • The submitted papers will be evaluated based on the novelty, the clarity, and the empirical results.
  • Each paper will be reviewed by at least three PC members.
  • Accepted papers should be presented in the RecSys Challenge Workshop.
Mid September 2018 Camera-ready due for the accepted papers.
October 2-7, 2018 Workshop will take place as part of the ACM RecSys conference in Vancouver, Canada.

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