这里有一段python代码,可用于操控ardrone 2.0。实验室曾经借鉴用过,并添加了部分功能。如今复习一下,顺便理理python的相关知识点。

#!/usr/bin/env python

# A basic drone controller class for the tutorial "Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS | Getting Started"
# https://github.com/mikehamer/ardrone_tutorials_getting_started # This class implements basic control functionality which we will be using in future tutorials.
# It can command takeoff/landing/emergency as well as drone movement
# It also tracks the drone state based on navdata feedback # Import the ROS libraries, and load the manifest file which through <depend package=... /> will give us access to the project dependencies
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('ardrone_tutorials')
import rospy # Import the messages we're interested in sending and receiving
# 模块的导入最好遵循from module import .. 或者import module 而不是from module import *.用前者可最大程度避免命名空间冲突的问题
# 例如import a, a中有一个类c_a,其中有方法a_foo(), 那么调用规则为a.c_a.a_foo()
# 如果from a import * or from a import c_a 那么可直接调用c_a.a_foo()
# 这里因为模块数量简单,数量较少,所以可以直接from import.而且这里不是import* 而是有针对性的如Empty Navdata
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist # for sending commands to the drone
from std_msgs.msg import Empty # for land/takeoff/emergency
from ardrone_autonomy.msg import Navdata # for receiving navdata feedback # An enumeration of Drone Statuses
from drone_status import DroneStatus # Some Constants
COMMAND_PERIOD = 100 #ms #BasicDroneController类,第一个类,集合了各种publisher,用于统一向ardrone发送消息。
class BasicDroneController(object):
def __init__(self):
# Holds the current drone status
self.status = -1 # Subscribe to the /ardrone/navdata topic, of message type navdata, and call self.ReceiveNavdata when a message is received
# 和roscpp不同,rospy不需要通过rosspinOnce来显式调用call_back。每一个rospy.Subscriber都会独立启动一个线程来负责消息的订阅。
self.subNavdata = rospy.Subscriber('/ardrone/navdata',Navdata,self.ReceiveNavdata) # Allow the controller to publish to the /ardrone/takeoff, land and reset topics
self.pubLand = rospy.Publisher('/ardrone/land',Empty)
self.pubTakeoff = rospy.Publisher('/ardrone/takeoff',Empty)
self.pubReset = rospy.Publisher('/ardrone/reset',Empty) # Allow the controller to publish to the /cmd_vel topic and thus control the drone
self.pubCommand = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel',Twist) # Setup regular publishing of control packets
self.command = Twist()
self.commandTimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(COMMAND_PERIOD/1000.0),self.SendCommand) # Land the drone if we are shutting down
rospy.on_shutdown(self.SendLand) def ReceiveNavdata(self,navdata):
# Although there is a lot of data in this packet, we're only interested in the state at the moment
self.status = navdata.state def SendTakeoff(self):
# Send a takeoff message to the ardrone driver
# Note we only send a takeoff message if the drone is landed - an unexpected takeoff is not good!
if(self.status == DroneStatus.Landed):
self.pubTakeoff.publish(Empty()) def SendLand(self):
# Send a landing message to the ardrone driver
# Note we send this in all states, landing can do no harm
self.pubLand.publish(Empty()) def SendEmergency(self):
# Send an emergency (or reset) message to the ardrone driver
self.pubReset.publish(Empty()) def SetCommand(self,roll=0,pitch=0,yaw_velocity=0,z_velocity=0):
# Called by the main program to set the current command
self.command.linear.x = pitch
self.command.linear.y = roll
self.command.linear.z = z_velocity
self.command.angular.z = yaw_velocity def SendCommand(self,event):
# The previously set command is then sent out periodically if the drone is flying
if self.status == DroneStatus.Flying or self.status == DroneStatus.GotoHover or self.status == DroneStatus.Hovering:
#!/usr/bin/env python

# An enumeration of drone statuses for the tutorial "Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS | Getting Started"
# https://github.com/mikehamer/ardrone_tutorials_getting_started #飞行器机器人状态类
class DroneStatus(object):
Emergency = 0
Inited = 1
Landed = 2
Flying = 3
Hovering = 4
Test = 5
TakingOff = 6
GotoHover = 7
Landing = 8
Looping = 9
#!/usr/bin/env python

# A basic video display window for the tutorial "Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS | Getting Started"
# https://github.com/mikehamer/ardrone_tutorials_getting_started # This display window listens to the drone's video feeds and updates the display at regular intervals
# It also tracks the drone's status and any connection problems, displaying them in the window's status bar
# By default it includes no control functionality. The class can be extended to implement key or mouse listeners if required # Import the ROS libraries, and load the manifest file which through <depend package=... /> will give us access to the project dependencies
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('ardrone_tutorials')
import rospy # Import the two types of messages we're interested in
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image # for receiving the video feed
from ardrone_autonomy.msg import Navdata # for receiving navdata feedback # We need to use resource locking to handle synchronization between GUI thread and ROS topic callbacks
from threading import Lock # An enumeration of Drone Statuses
from drone_status import DroneStatus # The GUI libraries
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui # Some Constants
DETECT_RADIUS = 4 # the radius of the circle drawn when a tag is detected # 这里利用qt做界面展示。我们的新类DroneVideoDisplay继承于QtGui.QMainWindow
class DroneVideoDisplay(QtGui.QMainWindow):
# 字典数据结构保存飞行器状态和对应字符串的关系
StatusMessages = {
DroneStatus.Emergency : 'Emergency',
DroneStatus.Inited : 'Initialized',
DroneStatus.Landed : 'Landed',
DroneStatus.Flying : 'Flying',
DroneStatus.Hovering : 'Hovering',
DroneStatus.Test : 'Test (?)',
DroneStatus.TakingOff : 'Taking Off',
DroneStatus.GotoHover : 'Going to Hover Mode',
DroneStatus.Landing : 'Landing',
DroneStatus.Looping : 'Looping (?)'
DisconnectedMessage = 'Disconnected'
UnknownMessage = 'Unknown Status' def __init__(self):
# 构造基类,调用基类构造函数。还有一种用法QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self)。
# Construct the parent class
super(DroneVideoDisplay, self).__init__() # Setup our very basic GUI - a label which fills the whole window and holds our image
self.setWindowTitle('AR.Drone Video Feed')
self.imageBox = QtGui.QLabel(self)
self.setCentralWidget(self.imageBox) # Subscribe to the /ardrone/navdata topic, of message type navdata, and call self.ReceiveNavdata when a message is received
self.subNavdata = rospy.Subscriber('/ardrone/navdata',Navdata,self.ReceiveNavdata) # Subscribe to the drone's video feed, calling self.ReceiveImage when a new frame is received
self.subVideo = rospy.Subscriber('/ardrone/image_raw',Image,self.ReceiveImage) # 多线程问题,该类将会从ros读取数据的同时,负责显示,这两类操作必须互斥,同理还有窗口底部的状态字符串标签。
# 所以必须为两者上锁
# Holds the image frame received from the drone and later processed by the GUI
self.image = None
self.imageLock = Lock() self.tags = []
self.tagLock = Lock() # Holds the status message to be displayed on the next GUI update
self.statusMessage = '' # Tracks whether we have received data since the last connection check
# This works because data comes in at 50Hz but we're checking for a connection at 4Hz
self.communicationSinceTimer = False
self.connected = False # 下面的显示线程和重绘线程均按照QTimer设置的时钟频率被调用
# A timer to check whether we're still connected
self.connectionTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
self.connectionTimer.start(CONNECTION_CHECK_PERIOD) # A timer to redraw the GUI
self.redrawTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
self.redrawTimer.start(GUI_UPDATE_PERIOD) # 很巧的实现,每隔一个周期,就将状态置为未连接,只有连接上了,才将其置为已连接
# Called every CONNECTION_CHECK_PERIOD ms, if we haven't received anything since the last callback, will assume we are having network troubles and display a message in the status bar
def ConnectionCallback(self):
self.connected = self.communicationSinceTimer
self.communicationSinceTimer = False # 双重锁。最外一层锁image,里面一层锁tags。这里均是在显示状态下上锁,避免和ros读取数据线程冲突
def RedrawCallback(self):
if self.image is not None:
# We have some issues with locking between the display thread and the ros messaging thread due to the size of the image, so we need to lock the resources
# Convert the ROS image into a QImage which we can display
image = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(QtGui.QImage(self.image.data, self.image.width, self.image.height, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888))
if len(self.tags) > 0:
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
for (x,y,d) in self.tags:
r = QtCore.QRectF((x*image.width())/1000-DETECT_RADIUS,(y*image.height())/1000-DETECT_RADIUS,DETECT_RADIUS*2,DETECT_RADIUS*2)
self.imageLock.release() # We could do more processing (eg OpenCV) here if we wanted to, but for now lets just display the window.
self.imageBox.setPixmap(image) # Update the status bar to show the current drone status & battery level
self.statusBar().showMessage(self.statusMessage if self.connected else self.DisconnectedMessage) # 读取数据,对image 和 tag 上锁,避免与显示线程冲突
def ReceiveImage(self,data):
# Indicate that new data has been received (thus we are connected)
self.communicationSinceTimer = True # We have some issues with locking between the GUI update thread and the ROS messaging thread due to the size of the image, so we need to lock the resources
self.image = data # Save the ros image for processing by the display thread
self.imageLock.release() def ReceiveNavdata(self,navdata):
# Indicate that new data has been received (thus we are connected)
self.communicationSinceTimer = True # Update the message to be displayed
msg = self.StatusMessages[navdata.state] if navdata.state in self.StatusMessages else self.UnknownMessage
self.statusMessage = '{} (Battery: {}%)'.format(msg,int(navdata.batteryPercent)) self.tagLock.acquire()
if navdata.tags_count > 0:
self.tags = [(navdata.tags_xc[i],navdata.tags_yc[i],navdata.tags_distance[i]) for i in range(0,navdata.tags_count)]
self.tags = []
self.tagLock.release() if __name__=='__main__':
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
display = DroneVideoDisplay()
status = app.exec_()
rospy.signal_shutdown('Great Flying!')
#!/usr/bin/env python

# The Keyboard Controller Node for the tutorial "Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS | Getting Started"
# https://github.com/mikehamer/ardrone_tutorials # This controller extends the base DroneVideoDisplay class, adding a keypress handler to enable keyboard control of the drone # Import the ROS libraries, and load the manifest file which through <depend package=... /> will give us access to the project dependencies
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('ardrone_tutorials')
import rospy # Load the DroneController class, which handles interactions with the drone, and the DroneVideoDisplay class, which handles video display
from drone_controller import BasicDroneController
from drone_video_display import DroneVideoDisplay # Finally the GUI libraries
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui # 键盘映射,为了更好的可读性
# Here we define the keyboard map for our controller (note that python has no enums, so we use a class)
class KeyMapping(object):
PitchForward = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_E
PitchBackward = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_D
RollLeft = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_S
RollRight = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_F
YawLeft = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_W
YawRight = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_R
IncreaseAltitude = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Q
DecreaseAltitude = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_A
Takeoff = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Y
Land = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_H
Emergency = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Space # 继承于DroneVideDisplay类
# 个人觉着,但从实现上而言,不用继承于DroneVideoDisplay.只需继承QMainWindow就好
# 但是这里是需要在显示的同时进行操作,也就是说,同一个mainwindow将接受键盘事件和显示图像。
# 父类的函数在不同层级的子类被override,interesting.
# Our controller definition, note that we extend the DroneVideoDisplay class
class KeyboardController(DroneVideoDisplay):
def __init__(self):
# 初始化基类
super(KeyboardController,self).__init__() self.pitch = 0
self.roll = 0
self.yaw_velocity = 0
self.z_velocity = 0 # 这里的keyPressEvent是一个override函数,因为该类的父类的父类是QMainWindow.此类中有方法keyPressEvent.所以这里必须要实现自己的版本
# We add a keyboard handler to the DroneVideoDisplay to react to keypresses
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
key = event.key() # 此处的controller实则为全局变量,是BasicDroneController的对象,可访问,
# 但我觉着可以尝试将BasicDroneController作为KeyboardController的成员变量会更好
# 或者直接多继承BasicDroneController
# If we have constructed the drone controller and the key is not generated from an auto-repeating key
if controller is not None and not event.isAutoRepeat():
# Handle the important cases first!
if key == KeyMapping.Emergency:
elif key == KeyMapping.Takeoff:
elif key == KeyMapping.Land:
# Now we handle moving, notice that this section is the opposite (+=) of the keyrelease section
if key == KeyMapping.YawLeft:
self.yaw_velocity += 1
elif key == KeyMapping.YawRight:
self.yaw_velocity += -1 elif key == KeyMapping.PitchForward:
self.pitch += 1
elif key == KeyMapping.PitchBackward:
self.pitch += -1 elif key == KeyMapping.RollLeft:
self.roll += 1
elif key == KeyMapping.RollRight:
self.roll += -1 elif key == KeyMapping.IncreaseAltitude:
self.z_velocity += 1
elif key == KeyMapping.DecreaseAltitude:
self.z_velocity += -1 # finally we set the command to be sent. The controller handles sending this at regular intervals
controller.SetCommand(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw_velocity, self.z_velocity) def keyReleaseEvent(self,event):
key = event.key() # If we have constructed the drone controller and the key is not generated from an auto-repeating key
if controller is not None and not event.isAutoRepeat():
# Note that we don't handle the release of emergency/takeoff/landing keys here, there is no need.
# Now we handle moving, notice that this section is the opposite (-=) of the keypress section
if key == KeyMapping.YawLeft:
self.yaw_velocity -= 1
elif key == KeyMapping.YawRight:
self.yaw_velocity -= -1 elif key == KeyMapping.PitchForward:
self.pitch -= 1
elif key == KeyMapping.PitchBackward:
self.pitch -= -1 elif key == KeyMapping.RollLeft:
self.roll -= 1
elif key == KeyMapping.RollRight:
self.roll -= -1 elif key == KeyMapping.IncreaseAltitude:
self.z_velocity -= 1
elif key == KeyMapping.DecreaseAltitude:
self.z_velocity -= -1 # finally we set the command to be sent. The controller handles sending this at regular intervals
controller.SetCommand(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw_velocity, self.z_velocity) # Setup the application
if __name__=='__main__':
import sys
# Firstly we setup a ros node, so that we can communicate with the other packages
rospy.init_node('ardrone_keyboard_controller') # Now we construct our Qt Application and associated controllers and windows
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
# 此处,display将会显示图像,同时接受键盘事件
controller = BasicDroneController()
display = KeyboardController() display.show() # executes the QT application
status = app.exec_() # and only progresses to here once the application has been shutdown
rospy.signal_shutdown('Great Flying!')


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