Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
Good characters can help us walk all the way in life.
In some emergent cases, some people who hadn't read enough books may be much more brave than those who are full of knowledge.
Sometimes, it seems that the more knowledge we have, the more hesitate we become, and I think that can explain why there are considerable amounts of successful entrepreneurs who were coming from the lower class of the society and hadn't received too much educations.
But if we take their characters into considertion, we will find that they deserve their surprising achievements and the honors attached to them.
And we may find that their early experiences may be a little bit harder if compared with other big figures who graduated from famous universities and who had rich knowledge in their fields.
So, it would be better if we can combine our knowledge and our good characters, that can be very helpful and can make our businesses much more easier.
Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly.
From Simeon Strunsky
When I was in the middle school, I often made up some famous remarks in my compositions.
That was really a good way to make the scheme clear, powerful and standout.
Besides, such fake famous remarks also can make my compoistions smoother when I wanted to draw my conclusion.
And I want to make one thing clear here, every remark has its backgrounds and its unique context.
Sometimes, if it is quoted seperately, it can be understood in one way, but if we put it into its context, we may have another way of understanding.

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