
1 syntax and semantic

2 example set

1 syntax and semantic

1.1 extending C

Peril-L notation stands on the shoulder of C.

1.2 parallel threads

  1. forall(<intVar in (<index range specification>)){
  2. <body>
  3. }

1.3 synchronized and coordination

(1) exclusive block

  1. exclusive { <body> }

(2) barrier


  1. barrier

1.4 memory model

2 address spaces: global, local



(1) localize()


(2) mysize(global, i)


(3) localToGlobal(localData, i, j)


1.5 synchronized memory


  1. int t' = 0;
FE state transfer
state\operation read write
empty stall(blocking) => full
full => empty stall(blocking)

1.6 reduce and scan




  1. +/count // count is an array, return the sum of count's element
  2. min\items // item is an array, return the minimal of items' element

2 example set

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