Event Handler

Each task and container raises events as it runs, such as an OnError event, among several
others that are discussed shortly. SSIS enables you to trap and handle these events by setting up
workfl ows that will run when particular events fi re.



SSIS contains built-in logging features that capture execution details about your packages. Logging
enables you to record information about events you are interested in as the package runs. The
logging information can be stored in a text or XML file, to a SQL Server table, to the Windows
event log, or to a file suitable for Profiler.

Catalog Logging

None:         Includes minimal logging of executions, tasks, and parameters
Basic:         Includes standard logging, as well as execution statistics and messages for
          specific events, including pre- and post-executions and pre- and post-validations
Performance:      Includes standard logging and error and warning events and event contexts for
          performance tuning purposes
Verbose:       Includes all prior logging categories, as well as additional performance tuning
          and custom task entries

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