环状条形图(Circular barplot)是条形图的变体,图如其名,环状条形图在视觉上很吸引人,但也必须小心使用,因为环状条形图使用的是极坐标系而不是笛卡尔坐标系,每一个类别不共享相同的Y轴。环状条形图非常适合于周期性数据,本文主要介绍基于R语言实现环状条形图的绘制。本文主要参考链接:Circular barplot





1 基础环状条形图绘制 Basic circular barplot

1.1 最基础环状条形图的绘制 Most basic circular barplot


# Libraries
# 导入包
library(tidyverse) # Create dataset
# 创建数据
data <- data.frame(
individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),
value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
A data.frame: 6 × 3
id individual value
<int> <fct> <int>
1 Mister 1 44
2 Mister 2 79
3 Mister 3 81
4 Mister 4 62
5 Mister 5 91
6 Mister 6 50
# Make the plot
# 画图
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value)) +
# This add the bars with a blue color
# 添加蓝色条形,stat表示数据统计方式,也就是说identity提取横坐标x对应的y值
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill=alpha("blue", 0.3)) +
# The negative value controls the size of the inner circle, the positive one is useful to add size over each bar
# 设置y的范围,负值设定内圆的大小,正值设定各个条柱的最高高度
# theme_minimal简约主题
theme_minimal() +
# Custom the theme: no axis title and no cartesian grid
# 自定义主题
# 移除标题坐标文字
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
# 移除网格
panel.grid = element_blank(),
# This remove unnecessary margin around plot
# 移除不必要空白
plot.margin = unit(rep(-2,4), "cm"))+
# This makes the coordinate polar instead of cartesian.
# 使用极坐标系
coord_polar(start = 0)

1.2 给环状条形图添加标签 Add labels to circular barplot



# Libraries
library(tidyverse) # Create dataset
# 创建数据
data <- data.frame(
individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),
value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
# ----- This section prepare a dataframe for labels ---- #
# 准备数据标签
# Get the name and the y position of each label
label_data <- data
# calculate the ANGLE of the labels
# 计算标签角度
number_of_bar <- nrow(label_data)
number_of_bar # I substract 0.5 because the letter must have the angle of the center of the bars. Not extreme right(1) or extreme left (0)
# 减去0.5是为了让标签位于条柱中心
# angle是标签角度
angle <- 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar # calculate the alignment of labels: right or left
# If I am on the left part of the plot, my labels have currently an angle < -90
# 判断标签左对齐还是右对齐,也就是标签是朝向左边还是右边
label_data$hjust<-ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0) # flip angle BY to make them readable
# 翻转标签
label_data$angle<-ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle)
# ----- ------------------------------------------- ---- #


A data.frame: 6 × 5
id individual value hjust angle
<int> <fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Mister 1 86 0 87
2 Mister 2 81 0 81
3 Mister 3 27 0 75
4 Mister 4 48 0 69
5 Mister 5 57 0 63
6 Mister 6 49 0 57


# Start the plot
# 开始绘图
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value)) +
# This add the bars with a bskyblue color
# 添加蓝色条形,stat表示数据统计方式,也就是说identity提取横坐标x对应的y值
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill=alpha("skyblue", 0.7)) + # The negative value controls the size of the inner circle, the positive one is useful to add size over each bar
# 设置y的范围,负值设定内圆的大小,正值设定各个条柱的最高高度
ylim(-100,120)+ # theme_minimal简约主题
theme_minimal() +
# Custom the theme: no axis title and no cartesian grid
# 自定义主题
# 移除标题坐标文字
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
# 移除网格
panel.grid = element_blank(),
# This remove unnecessary margin around plot
# 移除不必要空白
plot.margin = unit(rep(-2,4), "cm"))+ # This makes the coordinate polar instead of
# 设置极坐标系
coord_polar(start = 0) + # Add the labels, using the label_data dataframe that we have created before
# 添加标签
geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE ) p

2 分组环状条形图 Circular barplot with groups

2.1 在圆中添加间隙 Add a gap in the circle



# library
library(tidyverse) # Create dataset
# 添加数据
data <- data.frame(
individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),
value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
) # Set a number of 'empty bar'
# 设置空白柱的个数
empty_bar <- 10 # 在原始数据中添加空白数据
# Add lines to the initial dataset
to_add <- matrix(NA, empty_bar, ncol(data))
colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
data <- rbind(data, to_add)
data$id <- seq(1, nrow(data)) # Get the name and the y position of each label
# 和上一步一样,获得标签角度信息
label_data <- data
number_of_bar <- nrow(label_data)
angle <- 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar
label_data$hjust <- ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle <- ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle)
A data.frame: 6 × 5
individual value id hjust angle
<fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
Mister 1 18 1 0 87.42857
Mister 2 55 2 0 82.28571
Mister 3 69 3 0 77.14286
Mister 4 36 4 0 72.00000
Mister 5 46 5 0 66.85714
Mister 6 82 6 0 61.71429


# Make the plot
# 绘图
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value)) + # Note that id is a factor. If x is numeric, there is some space between the first bar
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill=alpha("green", 0.3)) +
ylim(-100,120) +
theme_minimal() +
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm")
) +
coord_polar(start = 0) +
geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE ) p;
Warning message:
"Removed 10 rows containing missing values (position_stack)."
Warning message:
"Removed 10 rows containing missing values (geom_text)."

2.2 组间距设置 Space between groups



# library
library(tidyverse) # Create dataset
# 创建数据集
data <- data.frame(
individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),
group=c( rep('A', 10), rep('B', 30), rep('C', 14), rep('D', 6)) ,
value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
) # Set a number of 'empty bar' to add at the end of each group
# 在原始数据中添加空白数据
# empty_bar 表示组之间的空白距离
empty_bar <- 4
# 每一组之间4个空白
to_add <- data.frame( matrix(NA, empty_bar*nlevels(data$group), ncol(data)) )
colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
# 为每个空白值提供组信息,rep函数的意思就是复制值,levels(data$group)为复制的对象,each为复制的次数
to_add$group <- rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar)
A data.frame: 6 × 3
individual group value
<lgl> <chr> <lgl>


colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
to_add$group <- rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar)
data <- rbind(data, to_add)
# 管道操作类似 data<-arrange(data,data$group)
data <- data %>% arrange(group)
# 设置id
data$id <- seq(1, nrow(data))
A data.frame: 6 × 4
individual group value id
<fct> <fct> <int> <int>
Mister 1 A 79 1
Mister 2 A 20 2
Mister 3 A 67 3
Mister 4 A 47 4
Mister 5 A 78 5
Mister 6 A 50 6


# Get the name and the y position of each label
# 设定角度值
label_data <- data
number_of_bar <- nrow(label_data)
angle <- 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar
label_data$hjust <- ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle <- ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle) # Make the plot
# fill 按组填充颜色
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value, fill=group)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", alpha=0.5) +
ylim(-100,120) +
theme_minimal() +
legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm")
) +
coord_polar() +
geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE )
Warning message:
"Removed 16 rows containing missing values (position_stack)."
Warning message:
"Removed 16 rows containing missing values (geom_text)."

2.3 对柱状进行排序 Order bars


# data = data %>% arrange(group)
# 修改为
data = data %>% arrange(group, value)
# library
library(tidyverse) # Create dataset
# 创建数据集
data <- data.frame(
individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),
group=c( rep('A', 10), rep('B', 30), rep('C', 14), rep('D', 6)) ,
value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
) # Set a number of 'empty bar' to add at the end of each group
# 在原始数据中添加空白数据
# empty_bar 表示组之间的空白距离
empty_bar <- 4
# 每一组之间4个空白
to_add <- data.frame( matrix(NA, empty_bar*nlevels(data$group), ncol(data)) )
colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
# 为每个空白值提供组信息,rep函数的意思就是复制值,levels(data$group)为复制的对象,each为复制的次数
to_add$group <- rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar)
head(to_add) colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
to_add$group <- rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar)
data <- rbind(data, to_add)
# 管道操作类似 data<-arrange(data,data$group)
data <- data %>% arrange(group, value)
# 设置id
data$id <- seq(1, nrow(data))
head(data) # Get the name and the y position of each label
# 设定角度值
label_data <- data
number_of_bar <- nrow(label_data)
angle <- 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar
label_data$hjust <- ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle <- ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle) # Make the plot
# fill 按组填充颜色
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value, fill=group)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", alpha=0.5) +
ylim(-100,120) +
theme_minimal() +
legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm")
) +
coord_polar() +
geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE )
A data.frame: 6 × 3
individual group value
<lgl> <chr> <lgl>
A data.frame: 6 × 4
individual group value id
<fct> <fct> <int> <int>
Mister 1 A 20 1
Mister 10 A 20 2
Mister 7 A 24 3
Mister 4 A 30 4
Mister 3 A 49 5
Mister 8 A 64 6
Warning message:
"Removed 16 rows containing missing values (position_stack)."
Warning message:
"Removed 16 rows containing missing values (geom_text)."

2.4 环状条形图自定义 Circular barchart customization



# library
library(tidyverse) # Create dataset
data <- data.frame(
individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),
group=c( rep('A', 10), rep('B', 30), rep('C', 14), rep('D', 6)) ,
value=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
) # Set a number of 'empty bar' to add at the end of each group
empty_bar <- 3
to_add <- data.frame( matrix(NA, empty_bar*nlevels(data$group), ncol(data)) )
colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
to_add$group <- rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar)
data <- rbind(data, to_add)
data <- data %>% arrange(group)
data$id <- seq(1, nrow(data)) # Get the name and the y position of each label
label_data <- data
number_of_bar <- nrow(label_data)
angle <- 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar
label_data$hjust <- ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle <- ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle)
A data.frame: 6 × 6
individual group value id hjust angle
<fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
Mister 1 A 38 1 0 87.5
Mister 2 A 24 2 0 82.5
Mister 3 A 72 3 0 77.5
Mister 4 A 47 4 0 72.5
Mister 5 A 96 5 0 67.5
Mister 6 A 86 6 0 62.5


# prepare a data frame for base lines
base_data <- data %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarize(start=min(id), end=max(id) - empty_bar) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(title=mean(c(start, end)))
A rowwise_df: 4 × 4
group start end title
<fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
A 1 10 5.5
B 14 43 28.5
C 47 60 53.5
D 64 69 66.5


# prepare a data frame for grid (scales)
grid_data <- base_data
grid_data$end <- grid_data$end[ c( nrow(grid_data), 1:nrow(grid_data)-1)] + 1
grid_data$start <- grid_data$start - 1
grid_data <- grid_data[-1,]
A rowwise_df: 3 × 4
group start end title
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
B 13 11 28.5
C 46 44 53.5
D 63 61 66.5


# Make the plot
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value, fill=group)) +
# 添加条形图
geom_bar(aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value, fill=group), stat="identity", alpha=0.5) + # 添加各组之间的线条,可以注释
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 80, xend = start, yend = 80), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 60, xend = start, yend = 60), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 40, xend = start, yend = 40), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 20, xend = start, yend = 20), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) + # Add text showing the value of each 100/75/50/25 lines,设置值坐标,可以注释
annotate("text", x = rep(max(data$id),4), y = c(20, 40, 60, 80), label = c("20", "40", "60", "80") , color="grey", size=3 , angle=0, fontface="bold", hjust=1) + # 和前面一样
ylim(-100,120) +
theme_minimal() +
legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm")
) +
coord_polar() +
geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=value+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=2.5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE ) + # Add base line information
# 添加下划线
geom_segment(data=base_data, aes(x = start, y = -5, xend = end, yend = -5), colour = "black", alpha=0.8, size=0.6 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
# 添加各组的名字
geom_text(data=base_data, aes(x = title, y = -18, label=group), hjust=c(1,1,0,0), colour = "black", alpha=0.8, size=4, fontface="bold", inherit.aes = FALSE)
Warning message:
"Removed 12 rows containing missing values (position_stack)."
Warning message:
"Removed 12 rows containing missing values (geom_text)."

3 堆积环状条形图 Circular stacked barplot

R语言 tidyr包的三个重要函数:gather,spread,separate的用法和举例



# library
library(viridis) # Create dataset
# 创建数据集
data <- data.frame(
individual=paste( "Mister ", seq(1,60), sep=""),
group=c( rep('A', 10), rep('B', 30), rep('C', 14), rep('D', 6)) ,
value1=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T),
value2=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T),
value3=sample( seq(10,100), 60, replace=T)
A data.frame: 6 × 5
individual group value1 value2 value3
<fct> <fct> <int> <int> <int>
Mister 1 A 44 70 62
Mister 2 A 86 75 31
Mister 3 A 18 56 61
Mister 4 A 20 64 99
Mister 5 A 62 66 44
Mister 6 A 43 50 31


# Transform data in a tidy format (long format)
# key表示观察的变量就是value1,value2,value3;value代表值,-c(1,2)表示不对第一列和第二列进行转换
data <- data %>% gather(key = "observation", value="value", -c(1,2))
A data.frame: 6 × 4
individual group observation value
<fct> <fct> <chr> <int>
Mister 1 A value1 44
Mister 2 A value1 86
Mister 3 A value1 18
Mister 4 A value1 20
Mister 5 A value1 62
Mister 6 A value1 43
  1. 180
  2. 4


# Set a number of 'empty bar' to add at the end of each group
empty_bar <- 2
nObsType <- nlevels(as.factor(data$observation))
to_add <- data.frame( matrix(NA, empty_bar*nlevels(data$group)*nObsType, ncol(data)) )
colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
to_add$group <- rep(levels(data$group), each=empty_bar*nObsType )
data <- rbind(data, to_add)
data <- data %>% arrange(group, individual)
data$id <- rep( seq(1, nrow(data)/nObsType) , each=nObsType) # Get the name and the y position of each label
label_data <- data %>% group_by(id, individual) %>% summarize(tot=sum(value))
number_of_bar <- nrow(label_data)
angle <- 90 - 360 * (label_data$id-0.5) /number_of_bar
label_data$hjust <- ifelse( angle < -90, 1, 0)
label_data$angle <- ifelse(angle < -90, angle+180, angle) # prepare a data frame for base lines
base_data <- data %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarize(start=min(id), end=max(id) - empty_bar) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(title=mean(c(start, end))) # prepare a data frame for grid (scales)
grid_data <- base_data
grid_data$end <- grid_data$end[ c( nrow(grid_data), 1:nrow(grid_data)-1)] + 1
grid_data$start <- grid_data$start - 1
grid_data <- grid_data[-1,]
Warning message:
"Factor `individual` contains implicit NA, consider using `forcats::fct_explicit_na`"


# Make the plot
p <- ggplot(data) + # Add the stacked bar
geom_bar(aes(x=as.factor(id), y=value, fill=observation), stat="identity", alpha=0.5) +
scale_fill_viridis(discrete=TRUE) + # Add a val=100/75/50/25 lines. I do it at the beginning to make sur barplots are OVER it.
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 0, xend = start, yend = 0), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 50, xend = start, yend = 50), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 100, xend = start, yend = 100), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 150, xend = start, yend = 150), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_segment(data=grid_data, aes(x = end, y = 200, xend = start, yend = 200), colour = "grey", alpha=1, size=0.3 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) + # Add text showing the value of each 100/75/50/25 lines
ggplot2::annotate("text", x = rep(max(data$id),5), y = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200), label = c("0", "50", "100", "150", "200") , color="grey", size=6 , angle=0, fontface="bold", hjust=1) + ylim(-150,max(label_data$tot, na.rm=T)) +
theme_minimal() +
legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(rep(-1,4), "cm")
) +
coord_polar() + # Add labels on top of each bar
geom_text(data=label_data, aes(x=id, y=tot+10, label=individual, hjust=hjust), color="black", fontface="bold",alpha=0.6, size=5, angle= label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE ) + # Add base line information
geom_segment(data=base_data, aes(x = start, y = -5, xend = end, yend = -5), colour = "black", alpha=0.8, size=0.6 , inherit.aes = FALSE ) +
geom_text(data=base_data, aes(x = title, y = -18, label=group), hjust=c(1,1,0,0), colour = "black", alpha=0.8, size=4, fontface="bold", inherit.aes = FALSE) p
# 保存数据 Save at png
ggsave(p, file="output.png", width=10, height=10)
Warning message:
"Removed 24 rows containing missing values (position_stack)."
Warning message:
"Removed 9 rows containing missing values (geom_text)."
Warning message:
"Removed 24 rows containing missing values (position_stack)."
Warning message:
"Removed 9 rows containing missing values (geom_text)."

4 参考

[R语言] 基于R语言实现环状条形图的绘制的更多相关文章

  1. [R语言] 基于R语言实现树形图的绘制

    树状图(或树形图)是一种网络结构.它由一个根节点组成,根节点产生由边或分支连接的多个节点.层次结构的最后一个节点称为叶.本文主要基于R语言实现树形图的绘制.关于python实现树形图的绘制见:基于ma ...

  2. 《R语言入门》语言及环境简单介绍

    简单介绍 watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQv/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/diss ...

  3. 概率图模型 基于R语言 这本书中的第一个R语言程序

    概率图模型 基于R语言 这本书中的第一个R语言程序 prior <- c(working =0.99,broken =0.01) likelihood <- rbind(working = ...

  4. 基于R语言的时间序列指数模型

    时间序列: (或称动态数列)是指将同一统计指标的数值按其发生的时间先后顺序排列而成的数列.时间序列分析的主要目的是根据已有的历史数据对未来进行预测.(百度百科) 主要考虑的因素: 1.长期趋势(Lon ...

  5. 基于R语言的ARIMA模型

    A IMA模型是一种著名的时间序列预测方法,主要是指将非平稳时间序列转化为平稳时间序列,然后将因变量仅对它的滞后值以及随机误差项的现值和滞后值进行回归所建立的模型.ARIMA模型根据原序列是否平稳以及 ...

  6. Twitter基于R语言的时序数据突变检测(BreakoutDetection)

    Twitter开源的时序数据突变检测(BreakoutDetection),基于无参的E-Divisive with Medians (EDM)算法,比传统的E-Divisive算法快3.5倍以上,并 ...

  7. R语言基于S4的面向对象编程

    前言 本文接上一篇文章 R语言基于S3的面向对象编程,本文继续介绍R语言基于S4的面向对象编程. S4对象系统具有明显的结构化特征,更适合面向对象的程序设计.Bioconductor社区,以S4对象系 ...

  8. 30个深度学习库:按Python、C++、Java、JavaScript、R等10种语言分类

    30个深度学习库:按Python.C++.Java.JavaScript.R等10种语言分类 包括 Python.C++.Java.JavaScript.R.Haskell等在内的一系列编程语言的深度 ...

  9. 【R笔记】R语言函数总结

    R语言与数据挖掘:公式:数据:方法 R语言特征 对大小写敏感 通常,数字,字母,. 和 _都是允许的(在一些国家还包括重音字母).不过,一个命名必须以 . 或者字母开头,并且如果以 . 开头,第二个字 ...


  1. VLQ & Base64 VLQ 编码方式的原理及代码实现

    目录 VLQ Base64 VLQ VLQ VLQ (Variable-length quantity)是一种通用的,使用任意位数的二进制来表示一个任意大的数字的一种编码方式. 编码实现: ** 对数 ...

  2. java中实现File文件的重命名(renameTo)、将文件移动到其他目录下、文件的复制(copy)、目录和文件的组合(更加灵活方便)

    欢迎加入刚建立的社区:http://t.csdn.cn/Q52km 加入社区的好处: 1.专栏更加明确.便于学习 2.覆盖的知识点更多.便于发散学习 3.大家共同学习进步 3.不定时的发现金红包(不多 ...

  3. 获取不同机型微信小程序状态栏+导航栏高度

    获取不同机型微信小程序状态栏+导航栏高度 一. 前言 很多时候我们开发微信小程序,都需要先知道状态栏和导航栏的高度,才能去做其他功能 二. 获取微信小程序状态栏高度 用wx.getSystemInfo ...

  4. iptables综合实验: 两个私有网络的互相通迅

    环境准备: 主机A IP: 网关改为192.168.0.8 firewallA IP:eth1 eth0 删除默认路由 ...

  5. 使用jmx exporter采集kafka指标

    预置条件 安装kafka.prometheus 使用JMX exporter暴露指标 下载jmx exporter以及配置文件.Jmx exporter中包含了kafka各个组件的指标,如server ...

  6. 详解AQS中的condition源码原理

    摘要:condition用于显式的等待通知,等待过程可以挂起并释放锁,唤醒后重新拿到锁. 本文分享自华为云社区<AQS中的condition源码原理详细分析>,作者:breakDawn. ...

  7. Java安全之Mojarra JSF反序列化

    Java安全之Mojarra JSF反序列化 About JSF JavaServer Faces,新一代的Java Web应用技术标准,吸收了很多Java Servlet以及其他的Web应用框架的特 ...

  8. 2022春每日一题:Day 35

    题目:[NOI Online #1 提高组] 冒泡排序 看到范围这么大,求逆序对,有修改,估计也只能树状数组了,考查冒泡排序性质,排第i次冒泡排序,总逆序对个数会减少i的逆序对个数,然后交换两个数,他 ...

  9. 【Devexpres】spreadsheetControl设置可见范围

    // 获得当前电子表格的工作簿 Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl.ActiveWorksheet; // 获得当前用户数据范围 CellRange us ...

  10. linux 挂载 vdi 文件(virtual box虚拟机镜像文件)

    1. 下载 vdfuse 下载地址 2.解压deb文件 解压deb安装包文件,这里不使用安装命令是因为你的virtualbox 可能和vdfuse的版本不一致,导致安装失败,而我们只需要用到 vdfu ...