In the evening one may praise the day.


I think that could be understand in different ways, at least two.

One is that we praise the day in the evening, because the day brings us the light, in the evening we know the value of light.

The other is that we praise the day in the evening, because after one day's work, we feel satisfied with our accomplishments.

And I think the former understanding may match more with the cases.

Only after we had lost somethings like light, love, friendship, we would know the value of them, maybe when we had them, we took them for granted.

Remember, nothing could be taken as granted.

Try to imagine what your life will be if you lose something or if you are deprived of something that orginally belonged to you.

Maybe you will have a deep understanding about life and you may cherish what you have now.

Uh, I orginally thought that keeping a healthy and strong body may be very easy for me, but after my right leg ached for some unknown reasons, I knew that health and a strong body are very, very valuable things.

So, what I want to say is that we must cherish and be thankful for those things we have now.

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.


Experiments may be quite different from trials.

Compared to likening the life as doing experiments, I would rather liken it as doing some trials.

Because in my personl view, there may be some rules or some existed ways to follow when doing experiments, once the results don't match our expectations, then we can know where the problems are, just by reviewing our procedures.

However, when doing some trials, we might know little about what the outcomes may be.

Only when the results are disappointing, we know we may do something wrong.

And sometimes, even if the results are good, we might not know why the results are good, maybe the God do something favorful to us.

Ok, ok, now that I can't control the results, I had better do as many things as I can, maybe there is something great in some trial, but who knows?

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