Flask07 Jinja2模板测试器、控制语句IF/FOR、变量/块 赋值、作用域、块级作用域
1 测试器及其使用
在模板中的 {{}} 可以书写测试器,格式如下
{{ 变量 is 测试器名称 }}
1.1 在python中导入 Jinja2 的模板
from jinja2 import tests
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jinja test functions. Used with the "is" operator. :copyright: (c) 2017 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import re
from collections import Mapping
from jinja2.runtime import Undefined
from jinja2._compat import text_type, string_types, integer_types
import decimal number_re = re.compile(r'^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$')
regex_type = type(number_re) test_callable = callable def test_odd(value):
"""Return true if the variable is odd."""
return value % 2 == 1 def test_even(value):
"""Return true if the variable is even."""
return value % 2 == 0 def test_divisibleby(value, num):
"""Check if a variable is divisible by a number."""
return value % num == 0 def test_defined(value):
"""Return true if the variable is defined: .. sourcecode:: jinja {% if variable is defined %}
value of variable: {{ variable }}
{% else %}
variable is not defined
{% endif %} See the :func:`default` filter for a simple way to set undefined
return not isinstance(value, Undefined) def test_undefined(value):
"""Like :func:`defined` but the other way round."""
return isinstance(value, Undefined) def test_none(value):
"""Return true if the variable is none."""
return value is None def test_lower(value):
"""Return true if the variable is lowercased."""
return text_type(value).islower() def test_upper(value):
"""Return true if the variable is uppercased."""
return text_type(value).isupper() def test_string(value):
"""Return true if the object is a string."""
return isinstance(value, string_types) def test_mapping(value):
"""Return true if the object is a mapping (dict etc.). .. versionadded:: 2.6
return isinstance(value, Mapping) def test_number(value):
"""Return true if the variable is a number."""
return isinstance(value, integer_types + (float, complex, decimal.Decimal)) def test_sequence(value):
"""Return true if the variable is a sequence. Sequences are variables
that are iterable.
return False
return True def test_equalto(value, other):
"""Check if an object has the same value as another object: .. sourcecode:: jinja {% if foo.expression is equalto 42 %}
the foo attribute evaluates to the constant 42
{% endif %} This appears to be a useless test as it does exactly the same as the
``==`` operator, but it can be useful when used together with the
`selectattr` function: .. sourcecode:: jinja {{ users|selectattr("email", "equalto", "foo@bar.invalid") }} .. versionadded:: 2.8
return value == other def test_sameas(value, other):
"""Check if an object points to the same memory address than another
object: .. sourcecode:: jinja {% if foo.attribute is sameas false %}
the foo attribute really is the `False` singleton
{% endif %}
return value is other def test_iterable(value):
"""Check if it's possible to iterate over an object."""
except TypeError:
return False
return True def test_escaped(value):
"""Check if the value is escaped."""
return hasattr(value, '__html__') def test_greaterthan(value, other):
"""Check if value is greater than other."""
return value > other def test_lessthan(value, other):
"""Check if value is less than other."""
return value < other TESTS = {
'odd': test_odd,
'even': test_even,
'divisibleby': test_divisibleby,
'defined': test_defined,
'undefined': test_undefined,
'none': test_none,
'lower': test_lower,
'upper': test_upper,
'string': test_string,
'mapping': test_mapping,
'number': test_number,
'sequence': test_sequence,
'iterable': test_iterable,
'callable': test_callable,
'sameas': test_sameas,
'equalto': test_equalto,
'escaped': test_escaped,
'greaterthan': test_greaterthan,
'lessthan': test_lessthan
1.2 直接在模板的 {{}} 中书写书写对应的测试器即可
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<hr /> <h3>测试odd/even</h3>
<p>{{ 3 is odd }}</p>
<p>{{ 4 is even }}</p>
{% if (var01 is even) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_divisibleby</h3>
{{ 4 is divisibleby 2 }}
<br />
{% if (var02 is divisibleby 2) %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_defined/test_undefined</h3>
{{ var03 is defined }}
<br />
{% if var03 is defined %}
{% endif %}
<br />
{{ var04 is undefined }}
<br />
{% if var04 is undefined %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_none</h3>
{{ var05 is none }}
<br />
{% if var05 is none %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_lower/test_upper</h3>
{{ var06 is lower }}
<br />
{% if var06 is lower %}
{% endif %}
<br />
{{ var07 is upper }}
<br />
{% if var07 is upper %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_string</h3>
{{ var08 is string }}
<br />
{% if var08 is string %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_mapping</h3>
{{ var09 is mapping }}
<br />
<hr /> <h3>测试test_number</h3>
{{ var10 is number }}
<br />
<hr /> <h3>测试test_sequence</h3>
{{ var11 is sequence }}
<br />
<hr /> <h3>测试test_equalto</h3>
{{ var12 is equalto 'zeus' }}
<br />
{% if var12 is equalto 'zeus' %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_sameas</h3>
{{ var13 is sameas false }}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_iterable</h3>
{{ var14 is iterable }}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_escaped</h3>
{{ var15 is escaped }}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_greaterthan</h3>
{{ 3 is greaterthan 2 }}
<hr /> <h3>测试test_lessthan</h3>
{{ 3 is lessthan 4 }}
</p> {# <h3>notes</h3>#}
{# {{ loop.length }} 循环总次数#}
{# {{ loop.index }} 当前次数,下标从1开始#}
{# {{ loop.index0 }} 当前次数,下标从0开始#}
{# {{ loop.reindex }} 当前次数反向#}
{# {{ loop.cycle('a','b','c') }} 循环自动返回元素 #}
{# {{ loop.first }} 首次迭代时返回true#}
{# {{ loop.last }} 首次迭代是返回false#}
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import render_template
# from jinja2 import tests bp_test = Blueprint('test', __name__) @bp_test.route('/test/')
def test():
content = {
'var01': 3,
'var02': 4,
'var03': 5,
'var05': None,
'var06': 'warrior',
'var07': 'WARRIOR',
'var08': 234,
'var09': {
'var10': 14,
'var11': 1324,
'var12': 'zeus',
'var13': False,
'var14': 'warrior',
'var15': 'good'
resp = render_template('demo01.html', **content)
return resp
from flask import Flask
from flask import render_template
from jinja2 import tests from demo01 import bp_test app = Flask(__name__) app.register_blueprint(bp_test) # @app.route('/')
# def hello_world():
# resp = render_template('index.html', info='warrior')
# return resp print(app.url_map) if __name__ == '__main__':
2 控制语句
在控制语句上的表达式不用写在 {{ }} 中;但是在控制语句中的表达式必须写在 {{ }} 中
2.1 IF控制语句
{% if var01 < 5 %}
{% elif var01 < 10 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
2.2 FOR控制语句
% for foo in ['warrior', 'fury', 'zeus'] %}
{{ foo }} <br />
{% endfor %}
注意:在python代码中 for 和 else 搭配是循环完毕后执行else后面的语句;但是在Jinja2模板中却只有0次迭代(即:不进行迭代)时执行else后面的语句
{% for foo in var02 if foo == 'mother' %}
{{ foo }} <br />
{% else %}
{% endfor %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<hr /> <h4>测试IF语句</h4>
{% if var01 < 5 %}
{% elif var01 < 10 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<hr /> <h4>测试FOR语句</h4>
{% for foo in ['warrior', 'fury', 'zeus'] %}
{{ foo }} <br />
{% endfor %}
<hr />
{% for foo in var02 if foo == 'mother' %}
{{ foo }} <br />
{% else %}
{% endfor %}
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import render_template bp_controller = Blueprint('controller', __name__) @bp_controller.route('/controller/')
def control():
content = {
'var01': 199,
'var02': ['good', 'boy']
resp = render_template('controller.html', **content)
return resp;
from flask import Flask
from flask import render_template
from jinja2 import tests # from testor import bp_test
from controller import bp_controller app = Flask(__name__) # app.register_blueprint(bp_test)
app.register_blueprint(bp_controller) # @app.route('/')
# def hello_world():
# resp = render_template('index.html', info='warrior')
# return resp print(app.url_map) if __name__ == '__main__':
2.2.1 FOR循环的补充
{# {{ loop.length }} 循环总次数#}
{# {{ loop.index }} 当前次数,下标从1开始#}
{# {{ loop.index0 }} 当前次数,下标从0开始#}
{# {{ loop.reindex }} 当前次数反向#}
{# {{ loop.cycle('a','b','c') }} 循环自动返回元素 #}
{# {{ loop.first }} 首次迭代时返回true#}
{# {{ loop.last }} 首次迭代是返回false#}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
{% for foo in range(10) %}
{# <li>当前次数(从1开始):{{ loop.index }} --> 内容:{{ foo }}</li>#}
<li>当前次数(从0开始):{{ loop.index0 }} --> 内容:{{ foo }}</li>
{# <h2>{{ loop.length }}</h2>#}
{# {{ loop.first }} #}
{# {{ loop.last }}#}
{% endfor %} </body>
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import render_template bp_test = Blueprint('test', __name__, url_prefix='/test') @bp_test.route('/test/')
def test():
return render_template('test.html')
from flask import Flask
from flask import url_for # from bp_include import bp_test
# from bp_extends import bp_extends
from bp_test import bp_test app = Flask(__name__) # app.register_blueprint(bp_test)
# app.register_blueprint(bp_extends)
app.register_blueprint(bp_test) @app.route('/')
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!' print(app.url_map) if __name__ == '__main__':
3 赋值
3.1 变量赋值
{% set 变量名 = 值 %}
{% set student = 'warrior' %}
学生姓名:{{ student }}
<hr />
{% set students = ['fury','zeus','warrior'] %}
{% for student in students %}
{{ student }} <br />
{% endfor %} </p>
3.2 块赋值
{% set xxx %}
<li>Hello Boy</li>
<li>Hello World</li>
{% endset %}
{{ xxx }}
4 作用域
IF语句没有作用域,FOR语句有作用域;其它的{% %}通常产生作用域
4.1 测试IF语句没有作用域
4.2 设置IF语句的作用域
4.3 测试FOR语句有作用域
5 块级作用域
{% with %}
{% endwith %}
5.1 不要在with上这样写
5.2 解决办法
测试器(一个函数) from jinja2 import tests
is 后面跟的必须是个测试器 for
和else搭配 不是表示正常迭代完
而是表示 0次迭代,或全部被 if 过滤 {% for i in xxx if ... %} 赋值:
块赋值 好处:
2.方便测试 作用域:
for 产生作用域
其他的{% %}通常产生作用域 构造局部作用域
不要在 with 写这种 : {% with name=[1,2], xx=name[1] %} 应该要
{% with name=[1,2]
{% set xx=name[1] %}
{% endwith %} 好处: 防止变量污染 注意! 所有的语句标签,都必须要 {% xx %} {% endxx %} 小练习:
1. 把所有的测试器,都测试一遍
2. 把上次的按个导航条,改进以下,如果render_template('xx.html', user=user)
如果没有user,或者user是个None就 显示登陆注册
logo左浮动 右边写 login-group,右浮动
3. 传一个老列表,在模板里面用for迭代渲染li标签
6 模拟登录
要求:如果用户名和密码都正确就显示 欢迎 XXX,否则就显示 登录和注册
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
#head {
background-color: skyblue;
border: 1px solid red;
li {
list-style-type: none;
.group-item {
float: left;
padding:0 10px;
.login-item {
float: right;
padding:0 10px;
.clear {
clear: both;
a {
text-decoration: none;
li:hover {
background-color: blue
a:hover {
color: yellow;
<div id="head">
<li class="group-item"><a href="#">首页</a></li>
<li class="group-item"><a href="#">python</a></li>
<li class="group-item"><a href="#">java</a></li>
<li class="group-item"><a href="#">angular</a></li>
{% if (name is equalto "warrior") and (pwd is equalto "123321") %}
<li class="login-item"><span>欢迎 {{ name }}</span></li>
{% else %}
<li class="login-item"><a href="#">登录</a></li>
<li class="login-item"><a href="#">注册</a></li>
{% endif %}
<div class="clear"></div>
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import render_template bp_login = Blueprint("login", __name__) @bp_login.route('/login/')
def toLogin():
content = {
'name': 'warrior',
'pwd': '123321'
resp = render_template('login.html', **content)
return resp
from flask import Flask
from flask import render_template
from jinja2 import tests # from testor import bp_test
# from controller import bp_controller
from login import bp_login app = Flask(__name__) # app.register_blueprint(bp_test)
# app.register_blueprint(bp_controller)
app.register_blueprint(bp_login) # @app.route('/')
# def hello_world():
# resp = render_template('index.html', info='warrior')
# return resp print(app.url_map) if __name__ == '__main__':
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