


-z 获取压缩文件的类型(不能是用tar打包过的),比如gzip、zip等压缩过的

-L 获取软链所指向的文件的类型

-f 指定文件列表参数,获取该列表里面的所有文件的类型


file FileName

 1: [root@master lianxi]# file test 
 2: test: ASCII text
 1: [root@master lianxi]# > 1
 2: [root@master lianxi]# file 1
 3: 1: empty


file *.lua (以.lua结尾的文件)

 1: [root@master lianxi]# file *.lua
 2: 2.lua: ASCII text
 3: 3.lua: ASCII text
 4: 4.lua: ASCII text


 1: [root@master lianxi]# file /var/log/lastlog 
 2: /var/log/lastlog: data


 1: [root@master lianxi]# file print.py 
 2: print.py: a /bin/python  script text executable

-z 参数,可以获取用gzip、zip压缩过的文件的类型

 1: [root@master lianxi]# gzip print.py 
 2: [root@master lianxi]# ls print.py.gz 
 3: print.py.gz
 4: [root@master lianxi]# zip -r print.py.zip print.py.gz 
 5: adding: print.py.gz (stored 0%)
 6: [root@master lianxi]# ls print.py.zip 
 7: print.py.zip
 8: [root@master lianxi]# file print.py.*
 9: print.py.gz:  gzip compressed data, was "print.py", from Unix, last modified: Fri Jun 14 20:48:14 2013
 10: print.py.zip: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract

-L 获取软链指向的文件的类型。默认是返回软链本身类型

 1: [root@master lianxi]# ln -s test test.soft
 2: [root@master lianxi]# ls -l test*
 3: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25 Jun 14 20:09 test
 4: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  4 Jun 14 20:51 test.soft -> test
 5: [root@master lianxi]# file test.soft 
 6: test.soft: symbolic link to `test'
 7: [root@master lianxi]# file -L test.soft 
 8: test.soft: ASCII text
 9: [root@master lianxi]# 

-f 获取一个文件名列表的所有文件的类型。1)注意路径是否正确 2)每行一个文件名

 1: [root@master dir]# ls
 2: 1  2  3
 3: [root@master dir]# ls > a
 4: [root@master dir]# cat a
 5: 1
 6: 2
 7: 3
 8: a
 9: [root@master dir]# file -f a
 10: 1: ASCII text
 11: 2: ASCII text
 12: 3: empty
 13: a: ASCII text



2)file 是通过读取文件头部内容,来获取文件类型,比如BASH脚本文件以#!/bin/bash 或Python脚本以#!/bin/python等,file读取其头部信息判断类型。





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