Programming abstractions in C阅读笔记p111-p113: boilerplate
《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第47天,p111-p113,总结如下:
* File: random.h
* Version: 1.0
* Last modified on Fri Jul 22 16:44:36 1994 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This interface provides several functions for generating
* pseudo-random numbers.
#ifndef _random_h
#define _random_h
#include "genlib.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
* Constant: RAND_MAX
* ------------------
* Unfortunately, several libraries that supposedly conform to
* the ANSI standard do not define RAND_MAX in <stdlib.h>. To
* reduce portability problems, this interface defines RAND_MAX
* to be the largest positive integer if it is undefined.
#ifndef RAND_MAX
# define RAND_MAX ((int) ((unsigned) ~0 >> 1))
* Function: Randomize
* Usage: Randomize();
* -------------------
* This function sets the random seed so that the random sequence
* is unpredictable. During the debugging phase, it is best not
* to call this function, so that program behavior is repeatable.
void Randomize(void);
* Function: RandomInteger
* Usage: n = RandomInteger(low, high);
* ------------------------------------
* This function returns a random integer in the range low to high,
* inclusive.
int RandomInteger(int low, int high);
* Function: RandomReal
* Usage: d = RandomReal(low, high);
* ---------------------------------
* This function returns a random real number in the half-open
* interval [low .. high), meaning that the result is always
* greater than or equal to low but strictly less than high.
double RandomReal(double low, double high);
* Function: RandomChance
* Usage: if (RandomChance(p)) . . .
* ---------------------------------
* The RandomChance function returns TRUE with the probability
* indicated by p, which should be a floating-point number between
* 0 (meaning never) and 1 (meaning always). For example, calling
* RandomChance(.30) returns TRUE 30 percent of the time.
bool RandomChance(double p);
p113,These three lines are often referred to as interface boilerplate。boilerplate这个词会在计算机相关的教材中会经常看到,英文的意思是:“text that can be copied and used in computer program,with only small changes.”(模板),之所以叫模板,是因为在每个头文件中都有这三句。这个单词不难理解,关键是通过此次的教材对这个单词有一个具体的、形象的记录,当提到这个单词,就知道具体指的是什么。
1.roll a die一句里面的die是什么意思?
答:die: n.a small cube with a different number of spots on each side.(骰子),所以roll a die的就是"掷骰子"。
2.along with语法
答:along with在表示伴随、以及或连同等意思时,两者之间无先后顺序,可能在前也可能在后。这点与follow不同。示例:For each of these functions, the interface contains one-line prototype along with a comment that describe the purpose of the function from the perspective of clients.
3.up to 语法
答:原文:The line:
#ifndef _random_h
cause the compiler to skip any text up to the #endif line if the the symbol _random_h has been previously defined。
up to短语主要有两种用法:
(1)adv. used to say that sth is less than or equal to but not more than a stated value。
(2)adv. until。
1)Eric S.Roberts,《Programming Abstractions in C》:
1)Etymology Dictionary:
2)Cambridage Dictionary:
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