I have added following jars in my projects build path:

  1. java-client-2.0.0 from http://appium.io/downloads.html >> Appium Client libraries >> Java
  2. selenium-java-2.43.1
  3. selenium-java-2.43.1-srcs
  4. selenium-server-standalone-2.43.1


Cannot instantiate the type AppiumDriver的更多相关文章

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  2. Cannot instantiate the type AppiumDriver,AppiumDriver升级引发的问题

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  3. Cannot instantiate the type HttpClient问题

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  4. Cannot instantiate the type List<Integer>

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  5. Cannot instantiate the type Map

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  7. Cannot instantiate the type ......的解决

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  8. 问题一:使用AndroidDriver而非原来的AppiumDriver的原因

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