一个自己编写的简单AC自动机代码-----AC automata get √
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> #define CHAR_EXTERN 26 //trie的next指针的最大数目,全字符时应设置为256然后和0xff进行&运算 typedef struct ac_node ac_node;
typedef struct ac_node* ac_node_p; #define QUEUE_TYPE ac_node_p //进行此宏定义,就可以把queue封装成接口使用
#define FREE_QUEUE_VALUE //queue->value为动态申请内存需要做此操作 int queue_node_num = ; //定义队列结构用于计算失效指针
typedef struct queue_node
struct queue_node *next;
}queue_node; typedef struct queue
queue_node *head;
queue_node *tail;
}queue; /*
* queue创建结点
queue_node *queue_build_node(QUEUE_TYPE value)
queue_node *node = (queue_node *)malloc(sizeof(queue_node)); if(node == NULL)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("queue node bulid error memory is full !!\n\n");
return NULL;
} node->value = value; node->next = NULL; return node;
} /*
* queue初始化
* return -1 失败 else 成功
queue *queue_init()
queue *ac_queue = (queue *)malloc(sizeof(queue)); if(ac_queue == NULL)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("queue build failed memory is full\n\n");
return NULL;
} ac_queue->head = ac_queue->tail = queue_build_node(NULL); if(ac_queue->head == NULL)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("queue build head error memory is full\n\n");
return NULL;
} //ac_queue->head->next = ac_queue->tail; return ac_queue;
} /*
*queue 为空判断
*return 1 为空 0 不为空
int queue_is_empty(queue *ac_queue)
if(ac_queue->head == ac_queue->tail)
return ;
} return ;
} /*
* queue 向队尾添加结点
void queue_insert(queue *ac_queue,queue_node *node)
ac_queue->tail->next = node;
ac_queue->tail = node;
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("after insert the queue node num is %d :\n",queue_node_num);
} /*
*queue 提取队首结点value值
QUEUE_TYPE queue_first(queue *ac_queue)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("the queue is empty can not return head!!\n");
return NULL;
} return ac_queue->head->next->value; //队首不存值,从队首的下一个结点开始取值
} /*
*queue 队首结点出队列
void queue_delete(queue *ac_queue)
{ if(queue_is_empty(ac_queue))
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("the queue is empty we can not delete head\n\n");
} queue_node *head = ac_queue->head->next; //队首不存值,从队首的下一个结点开始出队列 ac_queue->head->next = head->next; if(head == ac_queue->tail)
ac_queue->tail = ac_queue->head;
} free(head); //释放队首结点内存 #ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("after delete the queue node num is %d :\n",queue_node_num);
} /*
*queue 释放queue内存
void queue_destroy(queue *ac_queue)
queue_node *p = NULL;
p = ac_queue->head; while(p != NULL)
if(p->value != NULL)
free(p->value); //value为动态申请内存的情况下做此操作
queue_node *tmp = p->next; if(p != NULL)
free(p); p = tmp;
} //ac状态节点
struct ac_node
int final; //是否为一个模式串结尾的表示
int model; //标识该模式串为哪个模式串(如果考虑后缀子模式,此处应该改为整型链表)
ac_node *fail; //该状态节点的失效指针 struct ac_node *next[CHAR_EXTERN];
}; /*
* 创建状态节点
ac_node *ac_node_build()
int i;
ac_node *node = (ac_node *)malloc(sizeof(ac_node)); if(node == NULL)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("bulid node error the memory is full !! \n\n");
return NULL;
} node->final = ;
node->model = -;
node->fail = NULL; for(i = ; i < CHAR_EXTERN; i++)
node->next[i] = NULL;
} return node;
} /*
* 创建trie树
* return -1 失败 else 成功
int ac_trie_build(ac_node *root,char *str,int len,int model)
int i;
ac_node *tmp = root; if(tmp == NULL)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("root has not been init!!! \n\n");
return -;
} for(i = ; i < len; i++)
{ /*
ac_node *next_node = tmp->next[str[i] - 'a'];
*/ int index = str[i] - 'a'; // if CHAR_EXTERN=256 index = str[i]&0xff
if(tmp->next[index] == NULL)
tmp->next[index] = ac_node_build(); if(tmp->next[index] == NULL)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("build node error in ac_trie_build !!\n");
return -;
} } tmp = tmp->next[index];
} tmp->final = ;
tmp->model = model; return ;
} /*
* 创建失效指针函数
*/ void ac_build_fail(ac_node *root,queue *ac_queue)
if(root == NULL || ac_queue == NULL)
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("build ac fail pointer error -- input\n");
return ;
} int i;
queue_node *q_node = NULL;
ac_node *tmp_node = NULL;
ac_node *fail_node = NULL; q_node = queue_build_node(root);
queue_insert(ac_queue,q_node); while(!queue_is_empty(ac_queue))
tmp_node = queue_first(ac_queue);
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("out the queue the ac node pointer is %p \n",tmp_node);
queue_delete(ac_queue);//队首元素出队列 for(i = ; i < CHAR_EXTERN; i++)
{//通过队列采用BFS(广度优先)的遍历顺序来计算当前状态每个字符的失效函数 if(tmp_node->next[i] != NULL) // if CHART_EXTERN=255 tmpnode->next[i&0xff]
if(tmp_node == root)
tmp_node->next[i]->fail = root; //第一层节点的失效指针指向根结点
fail_node = tmp_node->fail; //父结点的失效指针 while(fail_node != NULL)
if(fail_node->next[i] != NULL)
tmp_node->next[i]->fail = fail_node->next[i];
} fail_node = fail_node->fail; //继续递归
} if(fail_node == NULL)
tmp_node->next[i]->fail = root;
} } q_node = queue_build_node(tmp_node->next[i]);
queue_insert(ac_queue,q_node); //将当前层的结点插入队列继续进行广度优先遍历
#ifdef AC_DEBUG
printf("insert into a ac node into queue the state is : %c \n\n", i + 'a');
printf("insert the ac node pointer is %p\n",tmp_node->next[i]);
} /*
*return -1 未匹配到任何模式 else 匹配到的当前的模式串的值
int ac_query(ac_node *root,char *str,int len)
if(root == NULL || str == NULL)
return -;
} int i,match_num = ;
int index = ; ac_node *tmp_node = NULL;
ac_node *p = root; for(i = ; i < len; i++)
index = str[i] - 'a'; // if CHAR_EXTERN=256 index = str[i]&0xff while(p->next[index] == NULL && p != root)
p = p->fail;
} p = p->next[index]; //将状态进行下移 if(p == NULL)
p = root;
} tmp_node = p; //计算当前状态下的匹配情况(在局部定义指针型变量经常出现内存指向问题) while(tmp_node != root)
if(tmp_node->final == )
match_num++; //tmp_node = tmp_node->fail; //匹配子模式串 return tmp_node->model; //此处不进行return 可以计算多个模式串
} tmp_node = tmp_node->fail; //匹配子模式串
} } return -;
} /*
void ac_trie_print(ac_node *root)
ac_node *ac_queue[];
int i,head,tail;
head = tail = ; memset(ac_queue,,sizeof(ac_queue)); ac_node *tmp = root; ac_queue[tail++] = tmp;
while(head != tail)
tmp = ac_queue[head++]; //出队列
for(i = ; i < CHAR_EXTERN; i++)
if(tmp->next[i] != NULL)
printf("%c ",i+'a');
ac_queue[tail++] = tmp->next[i]; //将当前层的所有节点入队列
} printf("\n"); }
} #define LIB_MODEL_NUM 10 int main()
#if 1
char *lib_model_str[] = {"wwwgooglecom",\
"say"}; #endif #if 0 char *lib_model_str[LIB_MODEL_NUM] = {
#endif int i;
char str[];
queue *ac_queue = NULL;
ac_node *root = NULL; ac_queue = queue_init();
root = ac_node_build(); for(i = ; i < LIB_MODEL_NUM; i++)
} ac_trie_print(root); ac_build_fail(root,ac_queue); while()
printf("input the match string:\n\n"); scanf("%s",str); if(strcmp(str,"quit") == )
return -;
} int model = ac_query(root,str,strlen(str)); if(model == -)
printf("not match!!\n\n");
printf("match the model '%d' and the model string is %s \n\n",model,lib_model_str[model]);
} return ;
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