yes, my workaround is to create a WebSocket directly. Something like:

  1. final socket = await WebSocket
  2. .connect(url.toString())
  3. .timeout(_webSocketConnectionTimeout);
  4. return IOWebSocketChannel(socket);

Then I wrap this in a try-catch, so I can catch SocketException and TimeoutException and handle these in a way that makes sense for my app.

the following way works for me:

  1. stream =;
  2. streamSubscription = stream.listen(
  3. onData,
  4. onError: (error) {
  5. // method calls and what not here
  6. },
  7. cancelOnError: true);
  8. }

I don't know if it is working because I have a StreamSubscription or whether it simply is an additional step.

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