Linux多线程实例练习 - pthread_cancel

1、代码 xx_pthread_cancel.c

  1. #include <pthread.h>
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #include <unistd.h>
  5. #define debug_Msg(fmt, arg...)\
  6. do{\
  7. printf("%s %d : ", __FILE__, __LINE__);\
  8. printf(fmt, ##arg);\
  9. }while()
  11. #define ENABLE_X
  12. char * pe = "enable return";
  13. void * state_Enable(void *arg)
  14. {
  15. int i = ;
  16. int iExit = ;
  17. while(i < && iExit == )
  18. {
  19. debug_Msg("state Enable : [%d]\n", i);
  20. i++;
  21. sleep();
  22. }
  23. char * p = pe;
  24. return p;
  25. }
  27. #define DISABLE_X
  28. char * pd = "disable return";
  29. void * state_Disable(void * arg)
  30. {
  31. pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
  32. int i = ;
  33. int iExit = ;
  34. while(i < && iExit == )
  35. {
  36. debug_Msg("state Disable : [%d]\n", i);
  37. i++;
  38. sleep();
  39. }
  40. char * p = pd;
  41. return p;
  42. }
  44. int main()
  45. {
  46. #ifdef ENABLE_X
  47. pthread_t pid;
  48. pthread_create(&pid, NULL, state_Enable, NULL);
  49. sleep();
  50. pthread_cancel(pid);
  51. void * p = NULL;
  52. printf("init with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p);
  53. pthread_join(pid, &p);
  54. printf("pe addr : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)pe);
  55. printf("over with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p);
  56. #endif
  58. #ifdef DISABLE_X
  59. pthread_t pDis;
  60. pthread_create(&pDis, NULL, state_Disable, NULL);
  61. sleep();
  62. pthread_cancel(pDis);
  63. p = NULL;
  64. printf("init with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p);
  65. pthread_join(pDis, &p);
  66. printf("pd addr : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)pd);
  67. printf("over with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p);
  68. #endif
  69. }

2、CentOS 编译通过

  1. g++ -g -c -o xx_pthread_cancel.o xx_pthread_cancel.c
  2. g++ -g -o xx_pthread_cancel xx_pthread_cancel.o -lpthread


  1. $ ./xx_pthread_cancel
  2. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Enable : []
  3. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Enable : []
  4. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Enable : []
  5. init with : []
  6. pe addr : []
  7. over with : [FFFFFFFF]
  8. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  9. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  10. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  11. init with : []
  12. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  13. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  14. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  15. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  16. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  17. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  18. xx_pthread_cancel.c : state Disable : []
  19. pd addr : []
  20. over with : []

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