「SDOI 2018」战略游戏
$n,m,\sum s$均为$1e5$级别。
- #include "bits/stdc++.h"
- using namespace std;
- inline int read() {
- int s=0,k=1;char ch=getchar();
- while (ch<'0'|ch>'9') ch=='-'?k=-1:0,ch=getchar();
- while (ch>47&ch<='9') s=s*10+(ch^48),ch=getchar();
- return s*k;
- }
- const int N=2e5+10;
- struct edges {
- int v;edges *last;
- };
- int n,m;
- int low[N],dfn[N],stk[N],bcc_cnt,top,idx,rt,son,cut[N],bel[N],pos[N];
- vector<int> bcc[N];
- int ga[N],fat[N],rid[N],size[N],heavy[N],tid[N],dfx,ncut[N],deep[N];
- struct Group{
- inline void Clear(){ecnt=edge;memset(head,0,sizeof head);}
- edges edge[N<<2],*head[N],*ecnt;
- inline void push(int u,int v){
- *ecnt=(edges){v,head[u]},head[u]=ecnt++;
- *ecnt=(edges){u,head[v]},head[v]=ecnt++;
- }
- inline void tarjan(int x,int fa) {
- low[x]=dfn[x]=++idx;
- for (edges *i=head[x];i;i=i->last) if ((fa^1)!=i-edge){
- if (!dfn[i->v]) {
- if (x==rt) ++son;
- stk[++top] = i-edge;
- tarjan(i->v,i-edge);
- if (low[i->v]>=dfn[x]) {
- int t=0;bcc_cnt++;
- bcc[bcc_cnt].clear();
- do {
- t=stk[top--];
- bcc[bcc_cnt].push_back(edge[t].v);
- }while (t!=i-edge);
- bcc[bcc_cnt].push_back(x);
- cut[x]=true;
- } else low[x]=min(low[i->v],low[x]);
- } else if (dfn[i->v]<low[x]){
- low[x] = dfn[i->v];
- }
- }
- }
- inline void tarjan(){
- rt=1;son=0;
- tarjan(1,-1);
- if (son>1) cut[1]=true;
- else cut[1]=false;
- }
- inline void dfs(int x,int fa) {
- size[x]=1;
- for (edges *i=head[x];i;i=i->last) if (i->v!=fa) {
- deep[i->v]=deep[x]+1;
- dfs(i->v,x);
- fat[i->v]=x;
- size[x]+=size[i->v];
- if (size[i->v]>size[heavy[x]])
- heavy[x]=i->v;
- }
- }
- inline void dfs(int x,int fa,int grand) {
- ga[x]=grand;
- tid[x]=++dfx;
- rid[dfx]=x;
- if (heavy[x]) {
- dfs(heavy[x],x,grand);
- for (edges *i=head[x];i;i=i->last) if (i->v!=fa&&i->v!=heavy[x])
- dfs(i->v,x,i->v);
- }
- }
- inline void dfs() {
- dfs(1,0);
- dfs(1,0,1);
- }
- }g[2];
- struct node {
- node (){lc=rc=NULL,val=0;}
- node *lc,*rc;
- int val;
- }tree[N*40],*tcnt=tree,*fina,*root;
- inline void update(node *u) {
- u->val=u->lc->val+u->rc->val;
- }
- inline void build (node *&u,int l,int r) {
- u=tcnt++;
- *u=node();
- if (l==r) {
- u->val=ncut[rid[l]];
- return ;
- }
- int mid=l+r>>1;
- build(u->lc,l,mid);
- build(u->rc,mid+1,r);
- update(u);
- }
- inline void update(node *&u,int l,int r,int x,int y) {
- if (u<fina) {
- node *t=tcnt++;
- *t=*u;
- u=t;
- }
- if (x<=l&&r<=y) {u->val=0;return ;}
- int mid=l+r>>1;
- if (y>mid) update(u->rc,mid+1,r,x,y);
- if (x<=mid) update(u->lc,l,mid,x,y);
- update(u);
- }
- inline int query(node *u,int l,int r,int x,int y) {
- if (!u->val) return 0;
- if (x<=l&&r<=y) return u->val;
- int mid=l+r>>1,ret=0;
- if (y>mid) ret+=query(u->rc,mid+1,r,x,y);
- if (x<=mid) ret+=query(u->lc,l,mid,x,y);
- return ret;
- }
- inline int cmp(int x,int y) {
- return tid[x]<tid[y];
- }
- inline int lca(int x,int y) {
- while (ga[x]!=ga[y]) {
- if (deep[ga[x]]<deep[ga[y]])
- swap(x,y);
- x=fat[ga[x]];
- }
- if (deep[x]<deep[y]) return x;
- return y;
- }
- inline int query(int x,int y) {
- int ret=0;
- while (ga[x]!=ga[y]) {
- if (deep[ga[x]]<deep[ga[y]])
- swap(x,y);
- ret+=query(root,1,m,tid[ga[x]],tid[x]);
- update(root,1,m,tid[ga[x]],tid[x]);
- x=fat[ga[x]];
- }
- if (deep[x]>deep[y]) swap(x,y);
- if (tid[x]<=tid[y])
- ret+=query(root,1,m,tid[x],tid[y]),
- update(root,1,m,tid[x],tid[y]);
- return ret;
- }
- int main (int argc, char const* argv[]){
- int T=read();
- while (T--){
- memset(g,0,sizeof g);
- g[0].Clear();
- g[1].Clear();
- memset(cut,0,sizeof cut);
- memset(ncut,0,sizeof ncut);
- memset(dfn,0,sizeof dfn);
- memset(heavy,0,sizeof heavy);
- tcnt=tree;
- bcc_cnt=0;
- dfx=0,idx=0;
- n=read(),m=read();
- register int i,j;
- for (i=1;i<=m;++i) {
- int x=read(),y=read();
- g[0].push(x,y);
- }
- g[0].tarjan();
- int s=bcc_cnt;
- for (i=1;i<=n;++i)
- if (cut[i])
- ++s,cut[i]=s,ncut[cut[i]]=1;
- for (i=1;i<=bcc_cnt;++i) {
- for (j=0;j<bcc[i].size();++j)
- if (cut[bcc[i][j]])
- g[1].push(i,cut[bcc[i][j]]);
- else bel[bcc[i][j]]=i;
- }
- g[1].dfs();
- build(root,1,s);
- m=s;
- fina=tcnt;
- int Q=read(),tmp;
- int ans=0;
- while (Q--) {
- root=tree;
- tcnt=fina;
- s=read();
- for (i=1;i<=s;++i) {
- pos[i]=read();
- if (cut[pos[i]]) pos[i]=cut[pos[i]],update(root,1,m,tid[pos[i]],tid[pos[i]]);
- else pos[i]=bel[pos[i]];
- }
- sort(pos+1,pos+s+1,cmp);
- tmp=pos[1];
- ans=0;
- for (i=2;i<=s;++i) {
- ans+=query(tmp,pos[i]);
- }
- printf("%d\n",ans);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
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