Given a time represented in the format "HH:MM", form the next closest time by reusing the current digits. There is no limit on how many times a digit can be reused.

You may assume the given input string is always valid. For example, "01:34", "12:09" are all valid. "1:34", "12:9" are all invalid.

Example 1:

Input: "19:34"
Output: "19:39"
Explanation: The next closest time choosing from digits 1, 9, 3, 4, is 19:39, which occurs 5 minutes later. It is not 19:33, because this occurs 23 hours and 59 minutes later.

Example 2:

Input: "23:59"
Output: "22:22"
Explanation: The next closest time choosing from digits 2, 3, 5, 9, is 22:22. It may be assumed that the returned time is next day's time since it is smaller than the input time numerically.



class Solution {
string nextClosestTime(string time) {
string res = time;
set<int> s{time[], time[], time[], time[]};
string str(s.begin(), s.end());
for (int i = res.size() - ; i >= ; --i) {
if (res[i] == ':') continue;
int pos = str.find(res[i]);
if (pos == str.size() - ) {
res[i] = str[];
} else {
char next = str[pos + ];
if (i == ) {
res[i] = next;
return res;
} else if (i == && next <= '') {
res[i] = next;
return res;
} else if (i == && (res[] != '' || (res[] == '' && next <= ''))) {
res[i] = next;
return res;
} else if (i == && next <= '') {
res[i] = next;
return res;
res[i] = str[];
return res;



class Solution {
string nextClosestTime(string time) {
string res = "";
vector<int> v{, , , };
int found = time.find(":");
int cur = stoi(time.substr(, found)) * + stoi(time.substr(found + ));
for (int i = , d = ; i <= ; ++i) {
int next = (cur + i) % ;
for (d = ; d < ; ++d) {
res[d] = '' + next / v[d];
next %= v[d];
if (time.find(res[d]) == string::npos) break;
if (d >= ) break;
return res.substr(, ) + ":" + res.substr();



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