git submodule 使用过程中遇到的问题


  • 原.gitmodules文件的内容如下:

      [submodule "Submodules/FFmpegWrapper"]
    path = Submodules/FFmpegWrapper
    url =
    [submodule "Submodules/CocoaHTTPServer"]
    path = Submodules/CocoaHTTPServer
    url =
    [submodule "Submodules/OWS3Client"]
    path = Submodules/OWS3Client
    url =
    [submodule "Submodules/SSKeychain"]
    path = Submodules/SSKeychain
    url =
    [submodule "Submodules/CocoaLumberjack"]
    path = Submodules/CocoaLumberjack
    url =
    [submodule "Submodules/AFNetworking"]
    path = Submodules/AFNetworking
    url =
    [submodule "Submodules/AFOAuth2Client"]
    path = Submodules/AFOAuth2Client
    url =


  • 1、首先我们clone一下目标工程,然后进入工程目录

    git submodule init

      Submodule 'Submodules/AFNetworking' ( registered for path 'Submodules/AFNetworking'
    Submodule 'Submodules/AFOAuth2Client' ( registered for path 'Submodules/AFOAuth2Client'
    Submodule 'Submodules/CocoaHTTPServer' ( registered for path 'Submodules/CocoaHTTPServer'
    Submodule 'Submodules/CocoaLumberjack' ( registered for path 'Submodules/CocoaLumberjack'
    Submodule 'Submodules/FFmpegWrapper' ( registered for path 'Submodules/FFmpegWrapper'
    Submodule 'Submodules/OWS3Client' ( registered for path 'Submodules/OWS3Client'
    Submodule 'Submodules/SSKeychain' ( registered for path 'Submodules/SSKeychain'
  • 2、接下来我们尝试更新子模块

    git submodule update --init --recursive

      $ git submodule update --init --recursive
    Cloning into '/Users/macmini_35/Downloads/FFmpeg-iOS-Encoder/Submodules/AFNetworking'...
    Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
    fatal: clone of '' into submodule path 'filepath/FFmpeg-iOS-Encoder/Submodules/AFNetworking' failed
    • 1、问题出现了无法更新(提示:没有权限,不能读取远程库)

      • 这个错误原因按照提示的原因,应该是SSH的问题,解决办法,这里我就不说怎么做了,怎么操作请自行Google


  • 3、删除子模块,重新添加子模块

    • 1、由于平常用到的git命令很少,于是乎我去查了一下命令(不截图了)

        Fails with error: 'fatal: Please, stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed'
        This appears to be rather outdated. The current correct procedure:
        git submodule deinit <name>
      git rm --cached <name>
      rm -rf .git/modules/<name>


        There was no Porcelain way to say "I no longer am interested in this submodule",once you express your interest in a submodule with "submodule init".
      "submodule deinit" is the way to do so.
      The deletion process also uses git rm (since git1.8.5 October 2013). Summary The all removal process would then be: mv asubmodule asubmodule_tmp
      git submodule deinit asubmodule
      git rm asubmodule

# Note: asubmodule (no trailing slash)

# or, if you want to leave it in your working tree

		git rm --cached asubmodule
mv asubmodule_tmp asubmodule
But you seem to still need a: rm -rf .git/modules/asubmodule


		*$ git submodule deinit Submodules/AFNetworking
Submodule 'Submodules/AFNetworking' ( unregistered for path 'Submodules/AFNetworking'
*$ git rm Submodules/AFNetworking
rm 'Submodules/AFNetworking'
*$ git rm --cached Submodules/AFNetworking
fatal: pathspec 'Submodules/AFNetworking' did not match any files
*$ git submodule add Submodules/AFNetworking
Cloning into '/Users/macmini_35/Downloads/FFmpeg-iOS-Encoder/Submodules/AFNetworking'...
remote: Counting objects: 14512, done.
remote: Total 14512 (delta 7), reused 7 (delta 7), pack-reused 14504
Receiving objects: 100% (14512/14512), 5.17 MiB | 1.83 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9552/9552), done.
Checking connectivity... done.



  • git submodule deinit submodulename
  • git rm submodulename
  • git rm --cached submodulename
  • rm -rf ./git/modules/submodulename 这一步是针对已经update之后的子模块删除的

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