[译]Cookies Without Chocolate Chips
Cookies Without Chocolate Chips
In the HTTP sense, a cookie is a name with an associated value. A server sends the name and value to the client, and expects it to get sent back on every subsequent request to the server that matches the particular conditions set. The conditions include that the domain name and path match and that the cookie hasn't become too old.
cookie包括 域名、路径、是否过期。
In real-world cases, servers send new cookies to replace existing ones to update them. Server use cookies to "track" users and to keep "sessions".
Cookies are sent from server to clients with the header Set-Cookie: and they're sent from clients to servers with the Cookie: header.
To just send whatever cookie you want to a server, you can use CURLOPT_COOKIE to set a cookie string like this:
curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "name1=var1; name2=var2;");
In many cases, that is not enough. You might want to dynamically save whatever cookies the remote server passes to you, and make sure those cookies are then used accordingly on later requests.
One way to do this, is to save all headers you receive in a plain file and when you make a request, you tell libcurl to read the previous headers to figure out which cookies to use. Set the header file to read cookies from with CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE.
The CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE option also automatically enables the cookie parser in libcurl. Until the cookie parser is enabled, libcurl will not parse or understand incoming cookies and they will just be ignored. However, when the parser is enabled the cookies will be understood and the cookies will be kept in memory and used properly in subsequent requests when the same handle is used. Many times this is enough, and you may not have to save the cookies to disk at all. Note that the file you specify to ICURLOPT_COOKIEFILE(3) doesn't have to exist to enable the parser, so a common way to just enable the parser and not read any cookies is to use the name of a file you know doesn't exist.
If you would rather use existing cookies that you've previously received with your Netscape or Mozilla browsers, you can make libcurl use that cookie file as input. The CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE is used for that too, as libcurl will automatically find out what kind of file it is and act accordingly.
Perhaps the most advanced cookie operation libcurl offers, is saving the entire internal cookie state back into a Netscape/Mozilla formatted cookie file. We call that the cookie-jar. When you set a file name with CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, that file name will be created and all received cookies will be stored in it when curl_easy_cleanup is called. This enables cookies to get passed on properly between multiple handles without any information getting lost.
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