Today, I had spent 3 hours to fix one problem, The old program has a bug, originally, when a user profile  don’t now allow  Multi Logon,  It will update the other login records of [LoginAudit] table of this user,

But the code has a problem, it may not get his final login record correctly,  and will update all his login record including the final one.

Interestingly, I find out a method which Laravel provide, but never used before, Mass Update in One line of code. can you image how easy it is .

$audit = \App\LoginAudit::where('TrainerUserID', $username)



                Session::put('id_login', $audit->id_num);


//kick out other login session of same user

                if($user->MultiLogonAllowed == 'N')


                    $audit= \App\LoginAudit::where('TrainerUserID', $username)

                                            ->where('id_num', '<>', session('id_login'))

                                            ->whereRaw(' LogoutDateTime IS NULL')->update(['LogoutDateTime'=>Carbon::now()]);




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