
Dynamic Type

  • Specifies fonts semantically
  • Supports user text sizing
  • Optimized for legibility
  • Supports accessibility sizes and enhancements

Text Styles

Headline 1 UIFontTextStyleHeadline1
Headline 2 UIFontTextStyleHeadline2
Subheadline 1 UIFontTextStyleSubheadline1
Subheadline 2 UIFontTextStyleSubheadline2
Body UIFontTextStyleBody
Footnote UIFontTextStyleFootnote
Caption 1 UIFontTextStyleCaption1
Caption 2 UIFontTextStyleCaption2
+[UIFont preferredFontForTextStyle:]


NSAttributedString *letterpressString = [[NSAttributedString alloc]
initWithString: @"Letterpress"
attributes: @{NSTextEffectsAttributeName : NSTextEffectsLetterpressStyle}];

Text Kit

Relate Session

  • Introducing Text Kit
  • Advanced Text Layouts and Effects with Text Kit
  • Using Fonts with Text Kit

Full Screen Content

-[UIViewController extendedEdgesForLayout]
-[UIViewController topLayoutGuide]
-[UIViewController bottomLayoutGuide]

Status Bar Style

  • Default
  • LightContent
@interface UIViewController
- (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle;
- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden;

Enabled via Info.plist key:

// UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance
- [UINavigationController interactivePopGestureRecognizer]
- [UICollectionViewController useLayoutToLayoutNavigationTransitions]

Relate Session

  • Custom Transitions Using View Controllers

Table View

-[UITableViewCell separatorInset]




  • UIButtonTypeSystem
  • UIBarButtonItemStylePlain


@interface UISegmentedControl
@property UISegmentedControlStyle segmentedControlStyle

Picker views

  • Avoid using as a UIInputView
  • Present inline instead

Search fields

@interface UISearchDisplayController
@property BOOL displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar;
@property UINavigationItem *navigationItem;


Relate Session

  • What’s New with Multitasking
  • UIKit Dynamic
  • Relate Session
  • Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics
  • Advanced Techniques with UIKit Dynamics
  • Exploring Scroll Views on iOS 7

Motion Effect

Relate Session

  • Implementing Engaging UI on iOS

    -[UIView drawHierarchyInRect:]

Relate Session

  • Implementing Engaging UI on iOS

Adapting Your App for iOS 7

At a high level

  • Focus on core functionality
  • Exalt it
  • Breathe new life
  • Consider Retina’s possibilities

On an API level

  • Adopt new text APIs
  • Ensure view controllers are full screen
  • Incorporate adaptive multitasking
  • Create fluid view controller and collection view transitions • Consider dynamics and motion effects

Supporting both iOS 6 and iOS 7

  • Use the iOS 7 UI Transition Guide
  • Autolayout will help
  • Consider backporting a new design

Related Sessions

  • What’s New in Cocoa Touch
  • What’s New with Multitasking
  • Introducing Text Kit
  • Customizing Your App’s Appearance for iOS 7
  • Custom Transitions Using View Controllers
  • Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics

Related Labs

  • Cocoa Touch Lab
  • Adapting Your Apps for iOS 7 Lab
  • UIKit Dynamic Lab
  • Text Kit and Core Text Lab
  • Appearance Customization for iOS Lab
  • Cocoa Touch Animation Lab

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