ansible plugins简介
- actionable - shows only items that need attention
- context_demo - demo callback that adds play/task context
- debug - formated stdout/stderr display
- default - default Ansible screen output
- dense - minimal stdout output
- foreman - Sends events to Foreman
- full_skip - suppresses tasks if all hosts skipped
- hipchat - post task events to hipchat
- jabber - post task events to a jabber server
- json - Ansible screen output as JSON
- junit - write playbook output to a JUnit file.
- log_plays - write playbook output to log file
- logentries - Sends events to Logentries
- logstash - Sends events to Logstash
- mail - Sends failure events via email
- minimal - minimal Ansible screen output
- null - Don’t display stuff to screen
- oneline - oneline Ansible screen output
- osx_say - oneline Ansible screen output
- profile_roles - adds timing information to roles
- profile_tasks - adds time information to tasks
- selective - only print certain tasks
- skippy - Ansible screen output that ignores skipped status
- slack - Sends play events to a Slack channel
- stderr - Splits output, sending failed tasks to stderr
- syslog_json - sends JSON events to syslog
- timer - Adds time to play stats
- tree - Save host events to files
- unixy - condensed Ansible output
- yaml - yaml-ized Ansible screen output
- advanced_host_list - Parses a ‘host list’ with ranges
- auto - Loads and executes an inventory plugin specified in a YAML config
- aws_ec2 - ec2 inventory source
- constructed - Uses Jinja2 to construct vars and groups based on existing inventory.
- host_list - Parses a ‘host list’ string
- ini - Uses an Ansible INI file as inventory source.
- k8s - Kubernetes (K8s) inventory source
- openshift - OpenShift inventory source
- openstack - OpenStack inventory source
- script - Executes an inventory script that returns JSON
- virtualbox - virtualbox inventory source
- yaml - Uses a specifically YAML file as inventory source.
- aws_account_attribute - Look up AWS account attributes.
- aws_service_ip_ranges - Look up the IP ranges for services provided in AWS such as EC2 and S3.
- aws_ssm - Get the value for a SSM parameter or all parameters under a path.
- cartesian - returns the cartesian product of lists
- chef_databag - fetches data from a Chef Databag
- config - Lookup current Ansilbe configuration values
- conjur_variable - Fetch credentials from CyberArk Conjur.
- consul_kv - Fetch metadata from a Consul key value store.
- credstash - retrieve secrets from Credstash on AWS
- csvfile - read data from a TSV or CSV file
- cyberarkpassword - get secrets from CyberArk AIM
- dict - returns key/value pair items from dictionaries
- dig - query DNS using the dnspython library
- dnstxt - query a domain(s)’s DNS txt fields
- env - read the value of environment variables
- etcd - get info from etcd server
- file - read file contents
- fileglob - list files matching a pattern
- filetree - recursively match all files in a directory tree
- first_found - return first file found from list
- flattened - return single list completely flattened
- hashi_vault - retrieve secrets from HasihCorp’s vault
- hiera - get info from hiera data
- indexed_items - rewrites lists to return ‘indexed items’
- ini - read data from a ini file
- inventory_hostnames - list of inventory hosts matching a host pattern
- items - list of items
- k8s - Query the K8s API
- keyring - grab secrets from the OS keyring
- lastpass - fetch data from lastpass
- lines - read lines from command
- list - simply returns what it is given.
- mongodb - lookup info from MongoDB
- nested - composes a list with nested elements of other lists
- nios - Query Infoblox NIOS objects
- nios_next_ip - Return the next available IP address for a network
- openshift - Query the OpenShift API
- password - retrieve or generate a random password, stored in a file
- passwordstore - manage passwords with’s pass utility
- pipe - read output from a command
- random_choice - return random element from list
- redis - fetch data from Redis
- redis_kv - fetch data from Redis
- sequence - generate a list based on a number sequence
- shelvefile - read keys from Python shelve file
- subelements - traverse nested key from a list of dictionaries
- template - retrieve contents of file after templating with Jinja2
- together - merges lists into syncronized list
- url - return contents from URL
- vars - Lookup templated value of variables
filter_version: '1.0'
# Deprecated
- docker
# We only allow pip, not easy_install
- easy_install
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