@(BZOJ)[DFS序, Splay]
















(1)"Q di"表示小C要开始一次实验,收集器的初始位置在星球di.

(2)"C xi yi"表示星球xi的依赖星球变为了星球yi.

(3)"F pi qi"表示星球pi能量激发,常数为qi.



Sample Input

4 5 7
Q 2
F 1 3
Q 2
C 2 3
Q 2

Sample Output



\(n≤100000,m≤300000,1<di,xi≤n,wi,qi≤100000\). 保证操作合法.


splay tree维护DFN序.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring> const int N = 1 << 17, M = 1 << 19;
int L[N], R[N]; namespace Zeonfai
inline int getInt()
int a = 0, sgn = 1;
char c; while(! isdigit(c = getchar()))
if(c == '-')
sgn *= -1; while(isdigit(c))
a = a * 10 + c - '0', c = getchar(); return a * sgn;
} inline char getChar()
char c; while(! isgraph(c = getchar())); return c;
} struct tree
int head[N], top; struct edge
int v, nxt;
}edg[M]; inline void init()
memset(head, -1, sizeof(head));
top = 0;
} inline void addEdge(int u, int v)
edg[top].v = v, edg[top].nxt = head[u];
head[u] = top ++;
} int clk; void DFS(int u)
L[u] = clk ++; for(int i = head[u]; ~ i; i = edg[i].nxt)
DFS(edg[i].v); R[u] = clk ++;
}org; struct splayTree
struct node
int suc[2], pre;
long long w, sgn, sum, tag, sz; inline node()
sz = w = sgn = sum = tag = 0;
pre = suc[0] = suc[1] = -1;
}nd[N << 1]; inline void update(int u)
nd[u].sum = nd[u].w * nd[u].sgn;
nd[u].sz = nd[u].sgn; if(~ nd[u].suc[0])
nd[u].sum += nd[nd[u].suc[0]].sum, nd[u].sz += nd[nd[u].suc[0]].sz; if(~ nd[u].suc[1])
nd[u].sum += nd[nd[u].suc[1]].sum, nd[u].sz += nd[nd[u].suc[1]].sz;
} int root; int build(int L, int R, int pre)
if(L > R)
return -1; int mid = L + R >> 1;
nd[mid].pre = pre;
nd[mid].suc[0] = build(L, mid - 1, mid);
nd[mid].suc[1] = build(mid + 1, R, mid);
return mid;
} inline void pushdown(int u)
if(nd[u].pre != -1)
pushdown(nd[u].pre); if(~ nd[u].suc[0])
nd[nd[u].suc[0]].tag += nd[u].tag, nd[nd[u].suc[0]].w += nd[u].tag, nd[nd[u].suc[0]].sum += nd[u].tag * nd[nd[u].suc[0]].sz; if(~ nd[u].suc[1])
nd[nd[u].suc[1]].tag += nd[u].tag, nd[nd[u].suc[1]].w += nd[u].tag, nd[nd[u].suc[1]].sum += nd[u].tag * nd[nd[u].suc[1]].sz; nd[u].tag = 0;
} inline int getRelation(int u)
if(nd[u].pre == -1)
return -1; return u == nd[nd[u].pre].suc[1];
} inline void rotate(int u)
int pre = nd[u].pre, prepre = nd[pre].pre, k = getRelation(u); if(~ nd[u].suc[k ^ 1])
nd[nd[u].suc[k ^ 1]].pre = pre; nd[pre].suc[k] = nd[u].suc[k ^ 1];
nd[u].suc[k ^ 1] = pre;
nd[u].pre = prepre; if(~ prepre)
nd[prepre].suc[getRelation(pre)] = u; nd[pre].pre = u;
update(pre), update(u);
} inline void splay(int u, int bnd)
pushdown(u); while(nd[u].pre != bnd)
int pre = nd[u].pre; if(nd[pre].pre != bnd)
rotate(getRelation(u) == getRelation(pre) ? pre : u); rotate(u);
} inline int getLast(int u)
splay(u, -1);
u = nd[u].suc[0]; while(~ nd[u].suc[1])
u = nd[u].suc[1]; return u;
} inline int getNext(int u)
splay(u, -1);
u = nd[u].suc[1]; while(~ nd[u].suc[0])
u = nd[u].suc[0]; return u;
}seq; int main()
freopen("BZOJ3786.in", "r", stdin);
freopen("BZOJ3786.out", "w", stdout);
#endif using namespace Zeonfai;
int n = getInt();
org.init(); for(int i = 2; i <= n; ++ i)
int pre = getInt();
org.addEdge(pre, i);
} org.clk = 1;
org.DFS(1); for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i)
int w = getInt();
seq.nd[L[i]].w = seq.nd[R[i]].w = w;
seq.nd[L[i]].sgn = 1, seq.nd[R[i]].sgn = -1;
} seq.root = seq.build(0, org.clk, -1);
int m = getInt(); for(int i = 0; i < m; ++ i)
char opt = getChar(); if(opt == 'Q')
int u = getInt();
seq.splay(L[u], -1);
printf("%lld\n", seq.nd[seq.nd[L[u]].suc[0]].sum + seq.nd[L[u]].w);
else if(opt == 'C')
int u = getInt(), v = getInt();
int lst = seq.getLast(L[u]), nxt = seq.getNext(R[u]);
seq.splay(lst, -1);
seq.splay(nxt, lst);
int tmp = seq.nd[nxt].suc[0];
seq.nd[nxt].suc[0] = -1;
lst = L[v];
nxt = seq.getNext(L[v]);
seq.splay(lst, -1);
seq.splay(nxt, lst);
seq.nd[tmp].pre = nxt;
seq.nd[nxt].suc[0] = tmp;
else if(opt == 'F')
int u = getInt(), inc = getInt();
int lst = seq.getLast(L[u]), nxt = seq.getNext(R[u]);
seq.splay(lst, -1);
seq.splay(nxt, lst);
seq.nd[seq.nd[nxt].suc[0]].tag += inc;
seq.nd[seq.nd[nxt].suc[0]].sum += seq.nd[seq.nd[nxt].suc[0]].sz * inc;
seq.nd[seq.nd[nxt].suc[0]].w += inc;

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