Unable to find a team with the given Team ID或者Failed to code sign的问题解决
Unable to find a team with the given Team ID或者Failed to code sign的问题解决
Failed to code sign "XXXXX".
No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) matching “Developer ID Application: XXXXXX” were found.
Xcode can attempt to fix this issue
修改target -> General -> Identity -> Team,将其值修改为自己的apple Id的不是None;(如下图)
在Target的Build Settings中的Code Signing Identity都改为iOS Developer(这里不能选择自己的或者Mac Developer(测试发现选择Developer ID:*也是可以的),Provisioning Profile改为Automatic
此时Clean之后再运行,就可以出现Fix Issue的对话框,选择Fix Issue即可。
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