Why Choose Jetty?
Why Choose Jetty?
The leading open source app server available!
When you need the strongest possible combination of power, performance, solutions, and support, you need Eclipse Jetty.
Jetty is an open source HTTP Server and Servlet Container. Since it’s creation Jetty has prided itself on size, speed and scalability. Jetty was originally developed in 1994 and in the 20+ years since has seen significant growth and development as technology has advanced and web servers have become more sophisticated. Jetty has been a leader or been among the first movers on many significant innovations: HTTP/1.1, asynchronous servlets, Comet, WebSocket, SPDY, and now HTTP/2.0. This dedication to innovation allows teams to rapidly react to the ever-changing web landscape to retain and increase market share for their applcations.
Unlike other web server packages, Jetty has a remarkably small footprint. While Jetty is available as a standard distribution, it can also be implemented inside existing Java code giving developers the ability to implement only the portions of Jetty they need. This allows both developers and administrators to deploy Jetty in their environments without worrying about unwanted overhead or memory usage. A small memory footprint also allows you to run more instances of the server on virtual hardware, which is often memory constrained, making Jetty very cloud friendly.
Jetty has been designed for scalable performance under realistic loads of many simultaneous connections. Jetty can achieve excellent results with many tens of thousands of HTTP connections and hundreds of thousands of simultaneous WebSocket connections. These benchmarks have been developed using real applications under realistic load and have been validated by real users achieving the same results in production environments.
The team behind Jetty also understands the need for stability. When new protocols or features are introduced they are initially done so as optional features in the current release versions; they are then made part of the core fucntionality in the next major release. For example, when browser support was rolled out for WebSocket and SPDY through 2011 and 2012, Jetty 7 and Jetty 8 included support for these as optional extras. As a response, we simultaneously re-architected Jetty 9 to build these important technologies built into the core server, not just as adjuncts. This approach allows your development team to experiment and innovate with new features without subjecting your application to a major version upgrade.
To help organizations speed their development and deployment of Jetty, Webtide offers premium services. These services range from training and custom development to developer support and production services. The Jetty Experts at Webtide have helped countless organizations to be successful with Eclipse Jetty.
Interested? Contact us, and let’s talk.
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