September 09th 2017 Week 36th Saturday
Don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.
Don't wait to be left far behind to know the value of endeavors.
Maybe what I am currently doing is just useless.
Stop to read the datasheet and set up the environments for developing my own applications.
Don't wait to lose, to know the value of it.
It is always true for everything in our life.
Sometimes we don't know how valuable what we have until it is gone, such as love, honor, and opportunities.
Once we lose them, we might never retrive them.
The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.
From The Wonderful Wizard of OZ.
The best way to get rid of the fear is to overcome it, and sometimes the only way.
Because if we can't overcome those difficulties and obstacles that stand in our path, we may have no way to move forward.
The way may be not as easy and smooth as we have wished, but if we can hold on the situation and keep moving, we are sure to get something in return.
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