Popping is a collection of animation examples for iOS apps. Almost all of them were created using the Facebook pop animation engine. It should inspire you to create some great looking UIs to delight people who use your app.

Poping是一个动画效果的集合,几乎所有的动画效果都是用的 Facebook 的pop引擎实现的.你可以将这些好看的效果运用到你的应用当中来增强UI效果.

Watch this video to see all animations in action. In addition, here is the video of the folding animation that was added later.


Get your hands dirty

Clone or download the repository, build and run and start playing with the animations.


Are you interested in some Classes?

Great! Just let me know what classes you'd like to use and I will create a library and release it as a CocoaPod.



I would love to get some feedback, ideas for improvements or new animations that should be included in this project.

I would also greatly appreciate if you follow me on twitter.



André Schneider, @_schneiderandre

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