Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective Second Edition

Well-written computer programs tend to exhibit good
. That is, they tend
to reference data items that are near other recently referenced data items, or
that were recently referenced themselves. This tendency, known as the
of locality
, is an enduring concept that has enormous impact on the design and
performance of hardware and software systems.
Section 6.2 Locality

Locality is typically described as having two distinct forms:
temporal locality
spatial locality
. In a program with good temporal locality, a memory location
that is referenced once is likely to be referenced again multiple times in the near
future. In a program with good spatial locality, if a memory location is referenced
once, then the program is likely to reference a nearby memory location in the near
Programmers should understand the principle of locality because, in general,

programs with good locality run faster than programs with poor locality
. All levels
of modern computer systems, from the hardware, to the operating system, to
application programs, are designed to exploit locality. At the hardware level, the
principle of locality allows computer designers to speed up main memory accesses
by introducing small fast memories known as
cache memories
that hold blocks of
the most recently referenced instructions and data items. At the operating system
level, the principle of locality allows the system to use the main memory as a cache
of the most recently referenced chunks of the virtual address space. Similarly, the
operating system uses main memory to cache the most recently used disk blocks in
the disk file system. The principle of locality also plays a crucial role in the design
of application programs. For example, Web browsers exploit temporal locality by
caching recently referenced documents on a local disk. High-volume Web servers
hold recently requested documents in front-end disk caches that satisfy requests
for these documents without requiring any intervention from the serve.


  1. [Algorithm] 局部敏感哈希算法(Locality Sensitive Hashing)

    局部敏感哈希(Locality Sensitive Hashing,LSH)算法是我在前一段时间找工作时接触到的一种衡量文本相似度的算法.局部敏感哈希是近似最近邻搜索算法中最流行的一种,它有坚实的理论 ...

  2. Locality Sensitive Hash 局部敏感哈希

    Locality Sensitive Hash是一种常见的用于处理高维向量的索引办法.与其它基于Tree的数据结构,诸如KD-Tree.SR-Tree相比,它较好地克服了Curse of Dimens ...

  3. 局部敏感哈希-Locality Sensitive Hashing

    局部敏感哈希 转载请注明 在检索技术中,索引一直须要研究的核心技术.当下,索引技术主要分 ...

  4. LSH(Locality Sensitive Hashing)原理与实现

    原文地址: LSH(Locality Sensitive Hashing)翻译成中 ...

  5. spark - Locality Level

    这几个值在图中代表 task 的计算节点和 task 的输入数据的节点位置关系 PROCESS_LOCAL: 数据在同一个 JVM 中,即同一个 executor 上.这是最佳数据 locality. ...

  6. Locality Sensitive Hashing,LSH

    1. 基本思想 局部敏感(Locality Senstitive):即空间中距离较近的点映射后发生冲突的概率高,空间中距离较远的点映射后发生冲突的概率低. 局部敏感哈希的基本思想类似于一种空间域转换思 ...

  7. Spark笔记之数据本地性(data locality)

    一.什么是数据本地性(data locality) 大数据中有一个很有名的概念就是"移动数据不如移动计算",之所以有数据本地性就是因为数据在网络中传输会有不小的I/O消耗,如果能够 ...

  8. HBase基于region数目和data locality来balance regions

    1.  在Hbase的运维过程中,我们经常需要做如下操作: 移动 regionserver 到其他的 regionserver group中 下线一台机器 增加一台机器 移动 table 到其他 re ...

  9. 局部敏感哈希-Locality Sensitivity Hashing

    一. 近邻搜索 从这里开始我将会对LSH进行一番长篇大论.因为这只是一篇博文,并不是论文.我觉得一篇好的博文是尽可能让人看懂,它对语言的要求并没有像论文那么严格,因此它可以有更强的表现力. 局部敏感哈 ...


  1. oracle插入数据

    插入数据 insert into comm_error_code_def (ID, ERR_MESSAGE, ERR_CODE, ERR_DESC, NAME, MISC_DESC, STATUS, ...

  2. 以app形式启动chrome——关于chrome命令行

    转自: 转自: 转自:http:/ ...

  3. 关于服务器响应,浏览器请求的理解以及javaWeb项目的编码问题

    1.服务器(Server)响应,浏览器(Brower)请求: 对于B/S的软件,数据的传递体现在,用户利用浏览器请求,以获得服务器响应.在JavaWeb项目中,大致包含.java文件的数据处理模块,和 ...

  4. Effective C++笔记:实现

    条款26:尽可能延后变量定义式的出现时间 博客地址: 转载请注明出处! 有些对象,你可能过早的定义它,而在代码执行的过程中发生了导常,造成了开 ...

  5. Xamarin Android项目运行失败

    Xamarin Android项目运行失败 错误信息:Build Failed: MonoDroid does not support running the previous version.  P ...

  6. c# 使用正则表达式 提取章节小说正文全本篇

    这一节主要内容是使用正则表达式提取网站的正文,主要面向于小说章节网站.其中涉及到一些其他知识点,比如异步读取.异步流写入等,代码中都会有详细的注解.现在流行的网络文学都是每日一更或几更,没有一个统一的 ...

  7. Maven中多模块的编译顺序

    在多模块的工程中,如果模块之间存在依赖关系,那模块的编译必须要有顺序的要求.例如:P(parent)中包含A模块和B模块,且A模块依赖于B模块,那么在P中的pom,xml中需申明为: <modu ...

  8. 状态压缩 + 暴力 HDOJ 4770 Lights Against Dudely

    题目传送门 题意:有n*m的房间,'.'表示可以被点亮,'#'表示不能被点亮,每点亮一个房间会使旁边的房间也点亮,有意盏特别的灯可以选择周围不同方向的房间点亮.问最少需要多少灯使得所有房间点亮 分析: ...

  9. c++ namespace的使用

    ** namespace:命名空间就是为解决C++中的变量.函数的命名冲突而服务的. ** namespace定义的格式基本格式是: namespace identifier {    entitie ...

  10. dpi 、 dip 、分辨率、屏幕尺寸、px、density 关系以及换算(终结版)

    首先,说下概念(网上很多帖子几个地方都搞混了,理一下):   dip : device independent pixels ,设备无关像素. 我看很多帖子写的五花八门的,关于d的,什么display ...