题意: 正方形的房子,给一些墙,墙在区域内是封闭的,给你人的坐标,每穿过一道墙需要一把钥匙,问走出正方形需要多少把钥匙。

解法: 因为墙是封闭的,所以绕路也不会减少通过的墙的个数,还不如不绕路走直线,所以枚举角度,得出直线,求出与正方形内的所有墙交点最少的值,最后加1(正方形边界)。


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <cstdio>
  3. #include <cstring>
  4. #include <cstdlib>
  5. #include <cmath>
  6. #include <algorithm>
  7. #define Mod 1000000007
  8. #define pi acos(-1.0)
  9. #define eps 1e-8
  10. using namespace std;
  11. #define N 100017
  13. struct Point{
  14. double x,y;
  15. Point(double x=, double y=):x(x),y(y) {}
  16. void input() { scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y); }
  17. };
  18. typedef Point Vector;
  19. struct Circle{
  20. Point c;
  21. double r;
  22. Circle(){}
  23. Circle(Point c,double r):c(c),r(r) {}
  24. Point point(double a) { return Point(c.x + cos(a)*r, c.y + sin(a)*r); }
  25. void input() { scanf("%lf%lf%lf",&c.x,&c.y,&r); }
  26. };
  27. struct Line{
  28. Point p;
  29. Vector v;
  30. double ang;
  31. Line(){}
  32. Line(Point p, Vector v):p(p),v(v) { ang = atan2(v.y,v.x); }
  33. Point point(double t) { return Point(p.x + t*v.x, p.y + t*v.y); }
  34. bool operator < (const Line &L)const { return ang < L.ang; }
  35. };
  36. int dcmp(double x) {
  37. if(x < -eps) return -;
  38. if(x > eps) return ;
  39. return ;
  40. }
  41. template <class T> T sqr(T x) { return x * x;}
  42. Vector operator + (Vector A, Vector B) { return Vector(A.x + B.x, A.y + B.y); }
  43. Vector operator - (Vector A, Vector B) { return Vector(A.x - B.x, A.y - B.y); }
  44. Vector operator * (Vector A, double p) { return Vector(A.x*p, A.y*p); }
  45. Vector operator / (Vector A, double p) { return Vector(A.x/p, A.y/p); }
  46. bool operator < (const Point& a, const Point& b) { return a.x < b.x || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y); }
  47. bool operator >= (const Point& a, const Point& b) { return a.x >= b.x && a.y >= b.y; }
  48. bool operator <= (const Point& a, const Point& b) { return a.x <= b.x && a.y <= b.y; }
  49. bool operator == (const Point& a, const Point& b) { return dcmp(a.x-b.x) == && dcmp(a.y-b.y) == ; }
  50. double Dot(Vector A, Vector B) { return A.x*B.x + A.y*B.y; }
  51. double Length(Vector A) { return sqrt(Dot(A, A)); }
  52. double Angle(Vector A, Vector B) { return acos(Dot(A, B) / Length(A) / Length(B)); }
  53. double Cross(Vector A, Vector B) { return A.x*B.y - A.y*B.x; }
  54. Vector VectorUnit(Vector x){ return x / Length(x);}
  55. Vector Normal(Vector x) { return Point(-x.y, x.x) / Length(x);}
  56. double angle(Vector v) { return atan2(v.y, v.x); }
  58. bool SegmentIntersection(Point A,Point B,Point C,Point D) {
  59. if(dcmp(Cross(C-A,B-A)*Cross(D-A,B-A)) <= && dcmp(Cross(A-C,D-C)*Cross(B-C,D-C)) <= ) return true;
  60. return false;
  61. }
  62. //data segment
  63. struct Seg{
  64. Point P[];
  65. }seg[];
  66. //data ends
  68. int main()
  69. {
  70. int n,m,i,j;
  71. scanf("%d",&n);
  72. for(i=;i<=n;i++)
  73. seg[i].P[].input(), seg[i].P[].input();
  74. Point C,D;
  75. C.input();
  76. int Mini = Mod;
  77. double delta = *pi*0.001;
  78. for(i=;i<=;i++)
  79. {
  80. double ang = delta*i;
  81. D.x = 10000.0*cos(ang) + C.x;
  82. D.y = 10000.0*sin(ang) + C.y;
  83. int cnt = ;
  84. for(j=;j<=n;j++)
  85. if(SegmentIntersection(seg[j].P[],seg[j].P[],C,D))
  86. cnt++;
  87. Mini = min(Mini,cnt);
  88. }
  89. printf("Number of doors = %d\n",Mini+);
  90. return ;
  91. }

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